Display db data in edit page - codeigniter

I am working with a registered_member_data_edit page?
My controller function is
function edit_profile()
$data['title']= 'Edit Profile';
$member_id = $this->session->userdata('member_id');
$data['row'] = $this->user_model->edit_user($member_id)->result();
$this->load->view('edit_profile.php', $this->data);
My model function is
public function edit_user($member_id)
return $this->db->get_where('user', array('member_id'=> $member_id));
My view page is like
<p><label>User Name</label>
<input type="text" class="input-short" value="" /></p>
What should I put in the value to show the db data in edit page?

public function edit_user($member_id)
return $this->db->get_where('user', array('member_id'=> $member_id));
this will return the object, which you have in $data['row'] and that variable you are sending to view file.
So in view file, you can access the all data of the object using $row.
So from here you have 2 options
Even that function returning only 1 row, you have to access using foreach($row->result() as $_data) and after that you can access each and every column as $_data->fullname like that.
You can convert that object to array using $row = $row->result_array() and you can access the database column using $row[0]['fullname'] like that.
Best luck.


Livewire - updated hook without render of complex data

I'm using Livewire for data table with a complex database query with pagination. In table are also checkboxes and after check/uncheck is quite annoying to wait for render method with fetching all necessary data witch are required only for first component load.
I know I can use defer flag for checkboxes but I need also do some action when is any checkbox checked/unchecked so I cannot use that flag. So my question is if I can use updated hook method for checkbox without loading data in render.
Here is my example code:
class LivewireComponent extends Component
public $arrayOfCheckboxes = [];
public function render(SomeService $service)
$data = $service->fetchComplexData->paginate();
return view('livewire.some-component', ['data' => $data]);
public function updatedArrayOfCheckboxes($value)
// if value is true/false then do some action
// do I really need to call render and fetch complex data again?
// livewire.some-component.blade.php
#foreach($data as $row)
<input type="checkbox" wire:model="arrayOfCheckboxes" value="{{ $row->someValue }}">

How to send the values of checked items in a dynamic list from a database displayed in a view to controller?

How to send the values of checked items in a dynamic list from a database displayed in a view to controller ?
A concrete solution depends on your data, but if you are talking about a list of checkboxes, you can give them a common name in array notation:
<form type="post" action="...">
#foreach($elements as $elem)
<input type="checkbox" name="my_input[{{ $elem->id }}]" value="1">
On the server-side, you can then query the data like this:
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class MyController
public function postData(Request $request)
$myInput = (array) $request->get('my_input', []);
// ... remaining logic
The line $myInput = (array) $request->get('my_input', []); will read the POST variable my_input as array and, if no such post variable is given, an empty array will be returned. In other words, $myInput will always be an array, where the key is $elem->id and the value '1' as defined by value="1".

Save and retrieve checkbox values asp.net mvc3

I am a newbie to MVC3 technology and trying to workout my way get through a small problem.
I simply need to get checked checkbox values to be saved in database and on Edit view check them back.
<input type="checkbox" value="Photo" name="DocSub" /> Photograph<br />
<input type="checkbox" value="BirthCertificate" name="DocSub" /> Copy Of Birth Certificate<br />
<input type="checkbox" value="School Leaving Certificate" name="DocSub" /> School Leaving Certificate<br />
When the Submit button is clicked, the [HTTPPOST] Action method of the desired controller is called. There I receive the selected values in this form :
var selectedCheckBoxValues = Request.Form["DocSub"];
I am getting the all the checked checkbox values in comma separated form and able to store them to the database, but wondering if this is the right approach to go by.
Also I need to know to retrieve checkbox values from database on Edit view in already checked form.
the typical apporoach to these problems is to use a view with a model
ie, suppose this is view Documents.cshtml
#model DocumentViewModel
#Html.LabelFor(m => m.Photo)
#Html.CheckBoxFor( m => m.Photo )
#Html.LabelFor(m => m.BirthCertificate)
#Html.CheckBoxFor( m => m.BirthCertificate )
#Html.LabelFor(m => m.SchoolLeavingCertificate)
#Html.CheckBoxFor( m => m.SchoolLeavingCertificate )
and use a viewmodel to pass data to the view
the viewmodel is a class where you have the data your going to send to the view, ie.
public class DocumentViewModel{
public bool Photo {get;set;}
public bool BirthCertificate { get; set; }
public bool SchoolLeavingCertificate {get;set;}
and you'd have a controller that populates the viewmodel and calls the view
public ActionResult Documents()
var modelData = new DocumentViewModel();
//or retrieve from database at this point
// ie. modelData.Photo = some database value
return View(modelData);
public ActionResult Documents(DocumentViewModel documentsVM)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
//update the database record, save to database... (do stuff with documentsVM and the database)
return RedirectToAction("NextAction");
//else, if model is not valid redirect back to the view
return View(documentsVM);
look for tutorials out there on mvc basics. read code.

MVC3/Razor to Controller Ajax call

I have a Razor view with a couple of dropdown lists. If the value of one of the dropdown's is changed I want to clear the values in the other drop down and put new ones in. What values I put in depends on the values in the model that the view uses and that is why I need to send the model back from the view to the controller. The controller will then also need to be able to modify the dropdown by sending back data to the view. Note, that I am not saying that I want to go back to the controller from a form submit using Ajax. I am going back to the controller using a form submit, but not using Ajax.
Please can someone give me some simple code or some pointers to show how this might be done.
I personally use ViewBag & ViewData to solve this condition.
public ActionResult Index()
ViewBag.dd1value = default_value;
ViewBag.dd1 = DropDownlist1();
ViewBag.dd2 = DropDownlist2(dd1value);
Return View();
In the first dropdownlist add an onchange javascript.
<select onchange="javascript:this.form.submit();">
#foreach (var item in ViewBag.dd1) {
if (ViewBag.dd1value = item.dd1value)
<option selected value="#item.dd1value">#item.dd1text</option>
<option value="#item.dd1value">#item.dd1text</option>
Then, on submit button give it a name.
<input type="submit" name="Genereate" value="Generate" />
In the controller, create 2 ActionResult to receive data.
For dropdownlist:
public ActionResult Index(int dd1value)
ViewBag.dd1value = dd1value;
ViewBag.dd1 = DropDownlist1();
ViewBag.dd2 = DropDownlist2(dd1value);
Return View();
For submit button:
public ActionResult Index(int dd1value, int dd2value, FormCollection collection)
ViewBag.dd1value = dd1value;
ViewBag.dd2value = dd2value;
ViewBag.dd1 = DropDownlist1();
ViewBag.dd2 = DropDownlist2(dd1value);
ViewBag.result = Result(dd1value, dd2value);
Return View();
If you don't need button:
public ActionResult Index(int dd1value, int dd2value)
ViewBag.dd1value = dd1value;
ViewBag.dd2value = dd2value;
ViewBag.dd1 = DropDownlist1();
ViewBag.dd2 = DropDownlist2(dd1value);
ViewBag.result = Result(dd1value, dd2value);
Return View();
Please note that if you use ViewBag / ViewData, all the help you get from the compiler is disabled and runtime errors/bugs will occur more likely than if the property has been on a "normal" object and typos would be catched by the compiler.
I would implement a different solution from DragonZelda.
I would create a ViewModel object containing the data that you need on the page, that the View binds to.
Then, I would create controls that bind to that Model, like:
#Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.SomeDDLSelected, ......)
x.SomeDDLSelected would be a property in your ViewModel object that would automatically get the selected value in the dropdownlist when the automatic model binder gets in action.
Then, to finalize it, the Controller action would receive your ViewModel object as a parameter:
public ActionResult MyAction(MyViewModelObject obj)
And you get all your data nice and tidy, all strong typing.

how can i transfer information of one view to another?

i have designed a view in asp .net mvc3 off course registration form. This is very simple form having name ,father name , qualification and a submit button , after pressing submit button i want to display information by using another view. please suggest me how can i send information from one view to another view.
my controller class is :
namespace RegistrationForm.Controllers
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
// ViewBag.Message = "Welcome to ASP.NET MVC!";
//return View();
return RedirectToAction("registrationView");
public ActionResult About()
return View();
public ActionResult registrationView()
return View();
my view is :
Layout = null;
Enter Name
Enter Father Name
<input type="text" name="fname" id="fname" />
Enter Qualification
<input type="text" name="qly" id="qly" />
<input type="submit" value="submit" />
well, we faced this problem before, and the best way to get this to work was to define a model that this page will work with, then use this model object when posting back, or redirecting to another view.
for your case, you can simply define this model in your Models folder
ex: RegistrationModel.cs file, and define your required properties inside.
after doing so, you will need to do 2 more steps:
1- in your GET action method, create a new RegistrationModel object, and provide it to your view, so instead of:
return View();
you will need something like:
var registrationModel = new registrationModel();
return View(registrationModel);
2- Use this model as a parameter in your POST Action method, something like
public ActionResult registrationView(RegistrationModel model)
// your code goes here
but don't forget to modify the current view to make use of the provided model. a time-saver way would be to create a new dummy View, and use the pre-defined template "Create" to generate your View, MVC will generate the properties with everything hooked up. then copy the generated code into your desired view, and omit any unneeded code.
this is a Pseudo reply. if you need more code, let me know
<% using Html.Form("<ActionName>") { %>
// utilize this HtmlHelper action to redirect this form to a different Action other than controller that called it.
<% } %>
use ViewData to store the value.
just remember that it will only last per one trip so if you try to call it again, the value would have been cleared.
namespace RegistrationForm.Controllers { public class HomeController : Controller { public ActionResult Index() { // ViewBag.Message = "Welcome to ASP.NET MVC!";
ViewData["myData"] = "hello world";
//return View();
return RedirectToAction("registrationView");
public ActionResult About()
return View();
public ActionResult registrationView()
// get back my data
string data = ViewData["myData"] != null ? ViewData["myData"].ToString() : "";
return View();
And you can actually usethe ViewData value on the html/aspx/ascx after redirect to the registrationView.
For example on the registrationView.aspx:
<div id="myDiv">
my data was: <%= ViewData["myData"] %>
You could simply in you method parameter list declare the parameters with the name of the controls. For example:
The control here has an id "qly"
<input type="text" name="qly" id="qly" />
Define your method parameter list as following:
public ActionResult YourMethod(string qly)
//simply pass your qly to another view using ViewData, TempData, or ViewBag, and use it in the desired view
You should use TempData which was made exactly for it, to persist values between actions.
This example is from MSDN (link above):
public ActionResult InsertCustomer(string firstName, string lastName)
// Check for input errors.
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(firstName) ||
InsertError error = new InsertError();
error.ErrorMessage = "Both names are required.";
error.OriginalFirstName = firstName;
error.OriginalLastName = lastName;
TempData["error"] = error; // sending data to the other action
return RedirectToAction("NewCustomer");
// No errors
// ...
return View();
And to send data to the view you can use the model or the ViewBag.
