How to pass parameter to getFooAttribute() megic method from view on Laravel 5.8 - laravel

I'm newbie in Laravel. I would like to pass parameter from view side to getFooAttribute method. Below is my needed method.
class Patient extends Model
public function getFooAttribute($paramfromview){
return SomeModel::find($paramfromview);
This is code from view side.
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" name="some" value="{{$somepatient->foo($someparameter)}}" class="form-control" >
I'm not sure is it possible to do that. Any advise or guidance would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.


livewire alpine flatpickr getting null

I can't get this to give me the dd() of the date. It keeps coming back as null. i've implemented flatpickr correctly and all works accept when i try to get the actual date. However, when i add an additional button to submit the date with wire directive it works. But i want it to fire when a date is clicked. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
in my livewire file.
public $date;
public function secondStepSubmit()
{ dd('date');
in my view
<input x-data x-init="flatpickr($refs.input, null);" wire:change="secondStepSubmit" x-ref="input" type="text" />
flatpickr has its own change event listener.
you can use that to get the value of the date of the input as follows.
<input x-data x-init="flatpickr($refs.input, {
onChange: function(dateObj, dateStr) {'secondStepSubmit', dateStr)
});" x-ref="input" type="text" />
I have used #this blade directive from livewire, we also can use $wire from alpine too.
in the Livewire component,
public function secondStepSubmit($date)

Laravel Calling Multiple Controllers from Form Submit

I want to submit a form, and once that submit button is pressed, I run a bit of code.
During this 'bit of code', part of its job will be to create a student, and also create a lunch order. (information pulled from the form).
From what I've been reading, I should be aiming to use CRUD, which would mean I should have a Student Controller and a LunchOrderController.
I want to call the #store method in each controller.
If I was doing it the 'bad' way, the form would have [action="/students" method=POST]. And in that route, it would then call /lunchorder/ POST, and then return to a page (redirect('students')).
However, as above, I don't want to call a controller from a controller. Therefore, the initial [action="/students" method=POST] should be something else instead, and this new entity will then call the StudentController, then call the LunchOrderController, then redirect('students').
But, I don't know what this new entity is, or should be, or how to link to it.
It is just a new route to a new controller which is ok to call other controllers from?
Or is there some other place I should be sending the form data to (maybe models?), to them call the controller? Or am I way off base and need to take some steps back?
I'm fairly new to Laravel but am wanting to use best practice as much as possible. All my reading of other posts don't seem to explain it enough to get my head around how its meant to work.
Edit: Some code to give an idea of what I'm getting at.
<form action="/student" method="POST">
{{ csrf_field() }}
<label>First Name</label><input name="firstname" value="">
<label>Last Name</label><input name="lastname" value="">
<label>Lunch Order</label>
<select name="lunch_value" id="">
<option value="1" >Meat Pie</option>
<option value="2" >Sandwich</option>
<option value="3" >Salad</option>
<option value="4" >Pizza</option>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg">
Route::resource('/students', 'StudentController');
Route::resource('/lunchorder', 'LunchOrderController');
public function store(Request $request)
Student::create(request(['firstname', 'lastname']));
LunchOrderController::store($request, $student_id); //<- This isn't the correct syntax
return redirect('/students');
public function store(Request $request, $student_id)
LunchOrder::create(array_merge(request(['lunch_value']), ['student_id' => $student_id]));
return null;
Personally I would create a 'Logic' Directory as: app/Logic. Some people prefer Repositories etc, but this is my preference.
For your specific requirement I'd create the following file:
namespace App\Logic\StudentLogic;
use App\Student;
use App\LunchOrder;
class StudentLogic
public function handleStudentLunch(Request $request): bool
$student = Student::create(request(['firstname', 'lastname']));
if(is_null($student)) {
return false;
LunchOrder::create(array_merge(request(['lunch_value']), ['student_id' => $student->id]));
return true;
public function store(Request $request)
$logic = new StudentLogic();
$valid = $logic->handleStudentLunch($request);
if($valid) {
return redirect('/students');
abort(404, 'Student Not Found');
Student is stored under App/Student & LunchOrder is stored under App\LunchOrder
You will also need to use App\Logic\StudentLogic in StudentController
The reason I'd split this out into a Logic file is because I do not like 'heavy' controllers. Also, I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to acomplish here, but creating a student on the same request you create a LunchOrder seems like you're asking for trouble

How to resolve issue from laravel 5

I am receiving this error when I try to get the value from database to edit bus type form text box.
Property [name] does not exist on this collection instance. (View: E:\fyp\resources\views\buses\editbustype.blade.php)
Here is the code for edit section of controller:
public function edit(addbustype $id)
$bustype = addbustype::find($id);
return view('buses.editbustype', compact('bustype','id'));
When I changed $id to any number (1) it gives me the perfect result for that id, but only for a single one. The code for edit bus type section is here:
<div class="form-group col-md-6">
<label for="name">Company Name</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="name" placeholder="Company Name" value="{{$bustype->name}}">
Note That You Are Using Route Model Binding
Than You Are Trying To Get The addbustype With $id Watch is $id Now Become An Instance Of addbustype Model So It Well Give You An Error Because
$bustype Well Now Become A Collection Of addbustype Model
So You Have To Decide Eather Use Route Model Binding Or Simply Find Function
In Your Web.php Route
The Parameter Name Must Matches With Parameter Both On Route And Edit Function
public function edit(addbustype $addbustype)
return view('buses.editbustype', compact('bustype'));
Or Simply Use Find Method
public function edit($id)
$bustype = addbustype::find($id);
return view('buses.editbustype', compact('bustype','id'));
You Can Revel To Route Model Binding For More

How to create AJAX edit form in scala lift for one to many relationship?

I'm trying to create form to edit one to many relationship. I've created two classes:
class StudentGroup extends LongKeyedMapper[StudentGroup] with IdPK with OneToMany[Long, StudentGroup] {
object groupName extends MappedString(this, 20)
object students extends MappedOneToMany(Student,Student.studentGroup)
class Student extends LongKeyedMapper[Student] with IdPK {
object firstName extends MappedString(this,35)
object lastName extends MappedString(this,35)
object studentGroup extends MappedLongForeignKey(this, StudentGroup)
Then I created a snippet to display a group with following code:
val addStudentContent: NodeSeq = <div>
<input type="text" placeholder="First Name"></input>
<input type="text" placeholder="Last Name"></input>
def addStudent = AppendHtml("studentlist", addStudentContent)
def render =
"#addstudent" #> SHtml.ajaxButton("Add student", () => addStudent)
Now after clicking 'Add student' button two new fields appeared and I can put first and last name there. Problem is - how to store those data in database? Any hint?
There are several ways you can begin to solve this problem. I never use Mapper myself, so there may be a much better way than what I am suggesting. However, something like the Ajax example in Simply Lift should get you started. Applying it to your code, we would get something like the following.
object StudentSnippets {
val addStudentContent: NodeSeq = <form data-lift="form.ajax">
<div data-lift="StudentSnippets.ajaxSubmit"> // Calls ajaxSubmit below
<input name="first" type="text" placeholder="First Name"></input>
<input name="last" type="text" placeholder="Last Name"></input>
<input type="submit" value="Submit"></input>
def addStudent = AppendHtml("studentlist", addStudentContent)
def render =
"#addstudent" #> SHtml.ajaxButton("Add student", () => addStudent)
private object first extends RequestVar("")
private object last extends RequestVar("")
def ajaxSumbit = {
"name=first" #> SHtml.text(, first(_), "id" -> "the_name") &
"name=last" #> (SHtml.text(, last(_)) ++
SHtml.hidden(ajaxProcess)) // Calls ajaxProcess below
def ajaxProcess = {
println("First is "
println("Last is "
Noop // This is the JS that will run after submit.
You can view another approach here on the wiki.
For more help with Lift, I strongly recommend posting your questions to the Lift Google Group. You will find that you get swarmed with Lift help more so than other forums such as SO.

Spring relationships between tables in view

Well, I started a new project using Spring MVC (I'm beginner in technology) and soon I had a basic question which I am unable to find on the internet, maybe the reason that I'm doing wrong or implementing the wrong question.
I have a form in which the data will be persisted are in two different tables.
What better way to do this?
I created two related tables, one called "Agency" and another called "Login". An "Agency" may contain one or more "Login" (# OneToMany), but the problem takes the view creation time, because data from both tables will compose a single form. With some research I noticed that I can not have two modelAttribute in my form.
I apologize for the mistakes in English.
Best regards!
if the mapping is correct and Agency contain one or many login, what you have to do is render the Agency in the model and view and in your form iterate the logins
<form:form id="foo"
<form:input type="hidden" path="id"/>
<c:forEach var="login" items="${agency.logins}"
<form:input type="hidden" path="" />
thanks for the reply.
But is not it :(
I have a form in which the data will be persisted are in two different tables.
<form class="form-signin" method="post" action="addAgency">
<div class="input-group">
<span class="input-group-addon entypo-user"></span>
//Table Agency
<spring:bind path="tenant.firstName"/>
<input class="form-control" placeholder="Nome"/>
//Table Login
<spring:bind path=""/>
<input class="form-control" placeholder="Nome"/>
//Rest of my form...
In my view I have the annotation "bind" Spring, searching in the internet I found this way to make the connection between the controller and the view for persist two tables.
#RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String home(#ModelAttribute("tenant") Agency tenant, #ModelAttribute("login") Login login, ModelMap map) {
Agency agency = dashboardFacade.getAgency();
map.addAttribute("agency", agency);
if (tenantResolver.isMasterTenant()) {
//Here is the problem!!
// Add an attribute in my view of type login and agency, but i don't kwon if it is correct.
map.addAttribute("tenant", tenant);
map.addAttribute("login", login);
return "landing/index";
} else {
return "dashboard/home";
The method below to save an agency and login.
// Add a new agency
#RequestMapping(value = "/addAgency", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String addAgency(#ModelAttribute("tenant") Agency agency, #ModelAttribute("login") Login login, Model model, final RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes) {
agency = dashboardFacade.addAgency(agency);
login = dashboardFacade.addLogin(login);
return "redirect:" + getAgencyFullUrl(agency);
What better way to do this?
Thank you
