Jersey: Error occurred when processing a response created from an already mapped exception - jersey

I am trying to add a custom exception mapper, but am getting the following error:
Error occurred when processing a response created from an already mapped exception.
I am using Dropwizard, Jersey, and Kotlin.

The issue is that there are multiple ExceptionMappers for the same exception registered with your application. To fix the issue, make sure that there is only one ExceptionMapper per Exception class.
Note that this does not prevent registering exception mappers for sub classes. For example, an application can register a catch-all mapper for Exception or RuntimeException.
OK: ExceptionMappers for subclasses
class UnhandledExceptionMapper : ExceptionMapper<Exception> { ... }
And also register more specific mappers.
class InvalidSearchExceptionMapper : ExceptionMapper<InvalidSearchException> { ... }
NOT OK: Multiple ExceptionMappers for the same class
class UnhandledExceptionMapper : ExceptionMapper<Exception> { ... }
This will cause the error described in the question.
class OtherUnhandledExceptionMapper : ExceptionMapper<Exception> { ... }


Stop hibernate from throwing sensitive data when an exception is thrown

I am new to hibernate and Im using JPA +Hibernate + Spring Boot for my applications. The logging is being handled using log4j2 . When my application is correctly throwing an exception (in my case DataIntegrityViolationException or EntityExistsException) Hibernate is logging the exception with stackTrace. Which is great as it helps debug. However it also logs application sensitive data which I do not want to be present in the logs. Is there a setting in the properties file that can be set or modified to prevent this from happening. I don’t want to create an appender for hibernate in my log4j2.xml and mask specific words in the final log.
You can add global exception in spring boot and you can log the exception message only follow this tutorial -
Or you can do some try catch for each call and throw exception with your customized message as below.
Try {
} catch (Exception ex){
throws CustomizedRunTimeException(“yourMessage”)
The class look like below
public class CustomizedRunTimeException extends RunTimeException {
public CustomizedRunTimeException(String errorMessage) {

Quarkus hibernate validations exceptions not showing on the console

I have a simple project using Quarkus 1.4.2. When I use the #Valid annotation, and the validations fail with a status 500, the exception is not show on the console. Only in the Swagger UI. What should I do to print it out on the console?
public class ProductService {
public void validateProduct(#Valid Product product) {
The exception that is occurring is:
javax.validation.UnexpectedTypeException: HV000030: No validator could be found for constraint
The error is correct. It is just not shown on the console.
I would expect the error to be logged as it's definitely a usability issue. And I would expect it to be logged on startup when we collect the Hibernate Validator metadata, not for every call.
You could create a reproducer and open a GitHub issue in the Quarkus tracker here.
I'll check it out and see if something needs fixing.
If I understand correctly, you need to use the Validator object in order to catch possible Exceptions:
Validator validator;
public void validateProduct(Product product) {
// Should throw an error
Set<ConstraintViolation<Product>> violations = validator.validate(product);
if(violations.isEmpty()) {
for (ConstraintViolation<Product> violation : violations) { // or log whole set as json
System.out.println(violation.toString()); //TODO prettify
throw new ValidationException(JsonbBuilder.create().toJson(violations));
If you get a 500 error, you can now catch it and log.
Or just catch UnexpectedTypeException where you call your service. This might be better.

Spring 2.5 to 4.2 upgrade issue - BeanWrapperImpl

I am upgrading Spring 2.5 to 4.2.
The issue is with one bean which has property type The resource value is defined in xml as p:location="classpath:/<the resource path>"
This worked perfect and bean property was populated with the resource. But in 4.2 the value is not getting set.
So I debugged the code and found that the class org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperImpl was manipulating the value and removing classpath: string from actual value in Spring 2.5.
However the same is not true in 4.2 and class org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperImpl isn't modifying the value which results in spring not finding the resource.
Anyone faced similar situation? What solution did you apply?
EDIT 1: code sample
spring config file
<bean class="com.test.sample.TestBean" id="testBean"
p:schemaLocation="classpath:/com/test/sample/Excalibur_combined.xsd" />
public class TestBean {
private ClassPathResource schemaLocation;
public ClassPathResource getSchemaLocation() {
return schemaLocation;
public void setSchemaLocation(ClassPathResource schemaLocation) {
this.schemaLocation = schemaLocation;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationContext ap = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath:/com/test/sample/spring-config.xml");
TestBean tb = (TestBean) ap.getBean("testBean");
try {
URL url = tb.getSchemaLocation().getURL();
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Error Message
INFO: Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource
class path resource
[classpath:/com/test/sample/Excalibur_combined.xsd] cannot be resolved
to URL because it does not exist at> at com.test.sample.App.main(
However if I remove the classpath: from bean definition it works.
So is classpth: necessary in bean definition xml file?? And why it was working fine in Spring 2.5??
The main issue is that you aren't programming to interfaces. Instead of the concrete use When doing to the will kick in and convert the String into a Resource instance. The location you are providing classpath:/<the resource path> will be passed to the ResourceLoader which will get the resource or throw an error if it doesn't exist.
If, however, you are using the concrete type ClassPathResouce directly this mechanism doesn't kick in and the location is set to what you provide classpath:/<the resource path>. However this is actually not a valid location for the URL class and that will eventually fail with the message you see.
It worked in earlier versions due to a hack/workaround/patch in the BeanWrapperImpl to strip the prefix.
Basically it now fails because you where doing things you shouldn't have been doing in the first place.

Dropwizard intercept bad json and return custom error message

I want to intercept a bad JSON input and return custom error messages using Dropwizard application. I followed the approach of defining a custom exception mapper as mentioned here : . But it did not work for me. This same question has been asked here!topic/dropwizard-user/r76Ny-pCveA but unanswered.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
My code below and I am registering it in dropwizard as environment.jersey().register(RuntimeExceptionMapper.class);
public class RuntimeExceptionMapper implements ExceptionMapper<RuntimeException> {
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RuntimeExceptionMapper.class);
public Response toResponse(RuntimeException runtime) {
logger.error("API invocation failed. Runtime : {}, Message : {}", runtime, runtime.getMessage());
return Response.serverError().type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).entity(new Error()).build();
Problem 1:
The exception being thrown by Jackson doesn't extends RuntimeException, but it does extend Exception. This doesn't matter though. (See Problem 2)
Problem 2:
DropwizardResourceConfig, registers it's own JsonProcessingExceptionMapper. So you should already see results similar to
"message":"Unrecognized field \"field\" (class d.s.h.c.MyClass),..."
Now if you want to override this, then you should create a more specific exception mapper. When working with exception mappers the most specific one will be chosen. JsonProcessingException is subclassed by JsonMappingException and JsonProcessingException, so you will want to create an exception mapper for each of these. Then register them. I am not sure how to unregister the Dropwizard JsonProcessingExceptionMapper, otherwise we could just create a mapper for JsonProcessingException, which will save us the hassle of create both.
So you can remove the Dropwizard mapper, if you want, with the following
Set<Object> providers = environment.jersey().getResourceConfig().getSingletons();
Iterator it = providers.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Object val =;
if (val instanceof JsonProcessingExceptionMapper) {
Then you are free to use your own mapper, JsonProcessingException

Handling exceptions in Spring MVC along with Rest API

I am using #ControllerAdvice annotation for defining exceptions at application level. Now the problem is I am having two #ControllerAdvice classes, one for REST and one for the normal web app. When I define #ExceptionHandler for Exception.class in both, only the first one is considered. How do I separate both? Or how can I catch an Exception and determine from where it has occured? Is there a way or else do I need to use controller-specific exception handlers?
I resolved this issue by creating a custom exceptions for my application and giving one exception handler method for each of them with #exception handler.
I also used aspects to make sure that every exception is converted to any of the custom exceptions.
public class ExceptionInterceptor {
#AfterThrowing(pointcut = "within(x.y.package..*)", throwing = "t")
public void toRuntimeException(Throwable t)
throws ApplicationException1, ApplicationException2,ApplicationException3 {
if (t instanceof ApplicationException1) {
throw (ApplicationException1) t;
} else if (t instanceof ApplicationException2) {
throw (ApplicationException2) t;
} else
throw (ApplicationException3) t;
These will transfer control to #controlleradvice.
I noticed this have been left for a month or so, so it might be old. But this article may help
The section 3.5 is probably what you are looking for, a custom Exception Resolver.
