Best approach to send updates to other micro services which are running(multiple instances) in different data centers - microservices

I have 3 different micro services(ex: A,B,C. these are REST, and springboot based). These 3 different services generally runs on 3 different data centers locations, so i.e different instances for each service.
The problem trying to solve:
I need to send updates(its kind of polling, checking if there are any updated records) in service A, then send updated information to services B and C, through REST call. Based on these updates service B and C does it's own processing. Once after deployment(mostly into cloud). How does A knows which B, C instances are up and running. SO that it can send updates to running instances.
Do we need to keep track of running instances into some DB table and lookup for active instances before sending updates from A?. (OR) just create some indicator or sequence number based approach to find out there are some updates at A, So we need to send out.But in this does it A knows what all are active instances running? Or else, we just need to send updates from A, so that some router or load balancer or some other thing will takes care of sending to available active instances running regardless of storing and looking up for active instances
I am not much familiar with network and prod systems behavior and its communication in cloud systems.

Trying to implement cross service update through REST based synchronization is a bad idea because it is not scalable in a sense that if you add more microservices that needs to be aware of updates made on service A. You would have to modify the existing microservice that emits the change. This in fact introduces risk and additional maintenance cost.
However, you can try to use messaging queues to emit events that indicates changes made on a service. This approach eliminates the need to modify any existing microservice (Thanks to pub/sub pattern) and just plug new consumers to your existing update emitting services in your ecosystem


Difficulty Understanding Event Sourcing Microservice Event Receiving/Communication

I've been aware of event sourcing, CQRS, DDD and micro services for a little while and I'm now at that point where I want to try and start implementing stuff and giving something a go.
I've been looking into the technical side of CQRS and I understand the DDD concepts in there. How both the write side handles commands from the UI and publishes events from it, and how the read side handles events and creates projections on them.
The difficulty I'm having is the communication & a handling events from service-to-service (both from a write to read service and between micro services).
So I want to focus on eventstore (this one: to be less ambiguous). This is what I want to use as I understand it is a perfect for event sourcing and the simple nature of storing the events means I can use this for a message bus as well.
So my issue falls into two questions:
Between the write and the read, in order for the read side to receive/fetch the events created from the write side, am i right in thinking something like a catch up subscription can be used to subscribe to a stream to receive any events written to it or do i use something like polling to fetch events from a given point?
Between micro services, I am having an even harder time... So when looking at CQRS tutorials/talks etc... they always seem to talk with an example of an isolated service which receives commands from the UI/API. This is fine. I understand the write side will have an API attached to it so the user can interact with it to perform commands. E.g. create a customer. However... say if I have two micro services, e.g. a order micro service and an shipping micro service, how does the shipping micro service get the events published from the order micro service. Specifically, how does those customer events, translate to commands for the shipping service.
So let's take a simple example of: - Command created from the order's API to place an order. - A OrderPlacedEvent is published to the event store. How does the shipping service listen and react to this is it need to then DispatchOrder and create ain turn an OrderDispatchedEvent.
Does the write side of the shipping microservice then need to poll or also have a catch up subscription to the order stream? If so how does an event get translated to an command using DDD approach?
something like a catch up subscription can be used to subscribe to a stream to receive any events written to it
Yes, using catch-up subscriptions is the right way of doing it. You need to keep the stream position of your subscription persisted somewhere as well.
Here you can find some sample code that works. I am not posting the whole snippet since it is too long.
The projection service startup flow is:
Load the checkpoint (first time ever it would be the stream start)
Subscribe to the stream from that checkpoint
The runtime flow will then be:
The subscription will then call the function you provide when it receives an event. There's some plumbing there to do, like if you subscribe to $all, you need to filter out system events (it will be easier in the next version of Event Store)
Project the event
Store the new checkpoint
If you make your projections idempotent, you can store the checkpoint from time to time and save some IO.
how does the shipping micro service get the events published from the order micro service
When you build a brand new system and you have a small team working on all the components, you can make a shortcut and subscribe to domain events from another service, as you'd do with projections. Within the integration context (between the boxes), ordering should not be important so you can use persistent subscriptions so you won't need to think about checkpoints. Event Store will do it for you.
Be aware that it introduces tight coupling on the domain event schema of the originating service. Your contexts will have the Partnership relationship or the downstream service will be a Conformist.
When you move forward with your system, you might decide to decouple those contexts properly. So, you introduce a stable event API for the service that publishes events for others to consume. The same subscription that you used for integration can now instead take care of translating domain (internal) events to integration (external) events. The consuming context would then use the stable API and the domain model of the upstream service will be free in iterating on their domain model, as soon as they keep the conversion up-to-date.
It won't be necessary to use Event Store for the downstream context, they could just as well use a message broker. Integration events usually don't need to be persisted due to their transient nature.
We are running a webinar series about Event Sourcing at Event Store, check our web site to get on-demand access to previous webinars and you might find interesting to join future ones.
The difficulty I'm having is the communication & a handling events from service-to-service (both from a write to read service and between micro services).
The difficulty is not your fault - the DDD literature is really weak when it comes to discussing the plumbing.
Greg Young discusses some of the issues of subscription in the latter part of his Polygot Data talk.
Eventide Project has documentation that does a decent job of explaining the principles behind how the plumbing fits things together.
Between micro services, I am having an even harder time...
The basic idea: your message store is fundamentally a database; when the host of your microservice wakes up, it queries the message store for messages after some checkpoint, and then feeds them to your domain logic (updating its own local copy of the checkpoint as needed).
So the host pulls a document with events in it from the store, and transforms that document into a stream of handle(Event) commands that ultimately get passed to your domain component.
Put another way, you build a host that polls the database for information, parses the response, and then passes the parsed data to the domain model, and writes its own checkpoints.

Microservice State Synchronization

We are working on an application that has a WebSocket connection to every client. For high availability and load balancing purposes, we would like to scale the receiving micro service. As the WebSocket connection is used to propagate the state of a client to every other client it is important to synchronize the current state of a client with all other instances of the receiving micro service. It is also important that the state has to be reset when a client disconnects.
To give you some specs:
We are using docker swarm
Its a NodeJS Backend and an Angular 9 Frontend
We have looked into multiple ideas, for example:
Redis Cache (The state would not be deleted if the instance fails.)
Queues/Topics (This would mean every instance has to keep track of the current state of all clients.)
WebSockets between instances (This looks promising but is not really scalable.)
What is the best practice to sync the state of a micro service between multiple instances while making sure that there are no inconsistencies? How are you solving this issue? Are we missing something obvious? Any tips and tricks?
We appreciate any suggestions.
This might not be 100% what you want to hear, but generally people advise that all microservices should be stateless.
An overall application, of course, has state, and databases, persistent event streams or key-value caches (e.g. Redis) are excellent ways of persisting this. Ideally this is bounded per service though, otherwise you risk end up writing a distributed monolith.
Hard to say in your particular case, but perhaps rethink how state is stored conceptually, and make that more explicit - determining what is cache (for performance) and what is genuine state that should be persisted externally (e.g. to Redis & a database), that allows many service instances to use instantly, thus making sure they can are truly disposable processes.

Scaling a microservice with frontend and backend instances

I am developing a series of microservices using Spring Boot and plan to deploy them on Kubernetes.
Some of the microservices are composed of an API which writes messages to a kafka queue and a listener which listens to the queue and performs the relevant actions (e.g. write to DB etc, construct messsages for onward processing).
These services work fine locally but I am planning to run multiple instances of the microservice on Kubernetes. I'm thinking of the following options:
Run multiple instances as is (i.e. each microservice serves as an API and a listener).
Introduce a FRONTEND, BACKEND environment variable. If the FRONTEND variable is true, do not configure the listener process. If the BACKEND variable is true, configure the listener process.
This way I can start scale how may frontend / backend services I need and also have the benefit of shutting down the backend services without losing requests.
Any pointers, best practice or any other options would be much appreciated.
You can do as you describe, with environment variables, or you may also be interested in building your app with different profiles/bean configuration and make two different images.
In both cases, you should use two different Kubernetes Deployments so you can scale and configure them independently.
You may also be interested in a Leader Election pattern where you want only one active replica if it only make sense if one single replica processes the events from a queue. This can also be solved by only using a single replica depending on your availability requirements.

Subscription queries in a multi-node environment

Our axon backed service runs on several nodes. Our event processors are tracking (1 segment, thus active on one node). If I subscribe to a query on node A and the event that should trigger the update is handled on node B, node A will miss this.
Is this by design or should this work and am I misconfiguring the application?
In case of the former, what could we do to implement a likewise functionality in the most axon idiomatic manner?
(currently we poll the data source / projection directly for x seconds)
The QueryBus you are using is a SimpleQueryBus which stays within a single JVM, always.
If you need a distributed version of the QueryBus, you should turn towards using Axon Server as the centralized means to route queries between your nodes.
Note that although you could create this yourself, people have tried to do so (as shown in this Pull Request on the framework) and decided against it in favor of the optimizations made in Axon Server.
So, in short, I am assuming you are currently excluding the Axon Server connector.
Thus the framework gives you the SimpleQueryBus, which is indeed designed to not span several nodes.
And lastly, the quickest way to achieve distributed routing of queries is to use Axon Server.

Data replication in Micro Services: restoring database backup

I am currently working with a legacy system that consists of several services which (among others) communicate through some kind of Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) to synchronize data.
I would like to gradually work this system towards the direction of micro services architecture. I am planning to reduce the dependency on ESB and use more of message broker like RabbitMQ or Kafka. Due to some resource/existing technology limitation, I don't think I will be able to completely avoid data replication between services even though I should be able to clearly define a single service as the data owner.
What I am wondering now, how can I safely do a database backup restore for a single service when necessary? Doing so will cause the service to be out of sync with other services that hold the replicated data. Any experience/suggestion regarding this?
Have your primary database publish events every time a database mutation occurs, and let the replicated services subscribe to this event and apply the same mutation on their replicated data.
You already use a message broker, so you can leverage your existing stack for broadcasting the events. By having replication done through events, a restore being applied to the primary database will be propagated to all other services.
Depending on the scale of the backup, there will be a short period where the data on the other services will be stale. This might or might not be acceptable for your use case. Think of the staleness as some sort of eventual consistency model.
