Microservice State Synchronization - microservices

We are working on an application that has a WebSocket connection to every client. For high availability and load balancing purposes, we would like to scale the receiving micro service. As the WebSocket connection is used to propagate the state of a client to every other client it is important to synchronize the current state of a client with all other instances of the receiving micro service. It is also important that the state has to be reset when a client disconnects.
To give you some specs:
We are using docker swarm
Its a NodeJS Backend and an Angular 9 Frontend
We have looked into multiple ideas, for example:
Redis Cache (The state would not be deleted if the instance fails.)
Queues/Topics (This would mean every instance has to keep track of the current state of all clients.)
WebSockets between instances (This looks promising but is not really scalable.)
What is the best practice to sync the state of a micro service between multiple instances while making sure that there are no inconsistencies? How are you solving this issue? Are we missing something obvious? Any tips and tricks?
We appreciate any suggestions.

This might not be 100% what you want to hear, but generally people advise that all microservices should be stateless.
An overall application, of course, has state, and databases, persistent event streams or key-value caches (e.g. Redis) are excellent ways of persisting this. Ideally this is bounded per service though, otherwise you risk end up writing a distributed monolith.
Hard to say in your particular case, but perhaps rethink how state is stored conceptually, and make that more explicit - determining what is cache (for performance) and what is genuine state that should be persisted externally (e.g. to Redis & a database), that allows many service instances to use instantly, thus making sure they can are truly disposable processes.


Microservice failure Scenario

I am working on Microservice architecture. One of my service is exposed to source system which is used to post the data. This microservice published the data to redis. I am using redis pub/sub. Which is further consumed by couple of microservices.
Now if the other microservice is down and not able to process the data from redis pub/sub than I have to retry with the published data when microservice comes up. Source can not push the data again. As source can not repush the data and manual intervention is not possible so I tohught of 3 approaches.
Additionally Using redis data for storing and retrieving.
Using database for storing before publishing. I have many source and target microservices which use redis pub/sub. Now If I use this approach everytime i have to insert the request in DB first than its response status. Now I have to use shared database, this approach itself adding couple of more exception handling cases and doesnt look very efficient to me.
Use kafka inplace if redis pub/sub. As traffic is low so I used Redis pub/sub and not feasible to change.
In both of the above cases, I have to use scheduler and I have a duration before which I have to retry else subsequent request will fail.
Is there any other way to handle above cases.
For the point 2,
- Store the data in DB.
- Create a daemon process which will process the data from the table.
- This Daemon process can be configured well as per our needs.
- Daemon process will poll the DB and publish the data, if any. Also, it will delete the data once published.
Not in micro service architecture, But I have seen this approach working efficiently while communicating 3rd party services.
At the very outset, as you mentioned, we do indeed seem to have only three possibilities
This is one of those situations where you want to get a handshake from the service after pushing and after processing. In order to accomplish the same, using a middleware queuing system would be a right shot.
Although a bit more complex to accomplish, what you can do is use Kafka for streaming this. Configuring producer and consumer groups properly can help you do the job smoothly.
Using a DB to store would be a overkill, considering the situation where you "this data is to be processed and to be persisted"
BUT, alternatively, storing data to Redis and reading it in a cron-job/scheduled job would make your job much simpler. Once the job is run successfully, you may remove the data from cache and thus save Redis Memory.
If you can comment further more on the architecture and the implementation, I can go ahead and update my answer accordingly. :)

Data replication in Micro Services: restoring database backup

I am currently working with a legacy system that consists of several services which (among others) communicate through some kind of Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) to synchronize data.
I would like to gradually work this system towards the direction of micro services architecture. I am planning to reduce the dependency on ESB and use more of message broker like RabbitMQ or Kafka. Due to some resource/existing technology limitation, I don't think I will be able to completely avoid data replication between services even though I should be able to clearly define a single service as the data owner.
What I am wondering now, how can I safely do a database backup restore for a single service when necessary? Doing so will cause the service to be out of sync with other services that hold the replicated data. Any experience/suggestion regarding this?
Have your primary database publish events every time a database mutation occurs, and let the replicated services subscribe to this event and apply the same mutation on their replicated data.
You already use a message broker, so you can leverage your existing stack for broadcasting the events. By having replication done through events, a restore being applied to the primary database will be propagated to all other services.
Depending on the scale of the backup, there will be a short period where the data on the other services will be stale. This might or might not be acceptable for your use case. Think of the staleness as some sort of eventual consistency model.

Vert.X Event Bus Scalability

One question on vert.x event bus scalability. I am planning to use vert.x in smart device (small form facor) application and a remote management application. Initial estimate is that there will be close to 100K smart devices and 3/4 servers hosting management application. In this case, can you please advise using event bus between the smart device and web application (in cluster mode). My primary requirement of using event bus is to send dynamic notifications originated from device to the management servers and take corrective steps in case of system failure.
I posted another query recently and one of the users pointed me that internally vert.x uses the netsockets for event bus backed by hazelcast for cluster mode discovery. If that is the case, my assumption is that the scalability will be limited by the number of sockets that can be handled by the management server. Is this right ?
Also appreciate if anyone can point me to any benchmark test done on the vert.x eventbus in terms of msg processing performance.
My primary requirement of using event bus is to send dynamic notifications originated from device to the management servers and take corrective steps in case of system failure.
No, use regular HTTP requests for this. EventBus, and indeed every concurrent two-way networking model, is fundamentally unsuitable for this use case. Absolutely do not use Hazelcast on the clients; using a SockJS EventBus bridge is possible but so error-prone that you will certainly waste more time doing that correctly than writing a simple HTTP endpoint for this heartbeat behaviour.
my assumption is that the scalability will be limited by the number of sockets that can be handled by the management server. Is this right ?
No. Your scalability will be limited by however you'll be persisting the data you receive from the device. Hazelcast's maps are fine for this (accessed via vertx.sharedData()), but it really depends if you 100% understand what you want.

Web server and ZeroMQ patterns

I am running an Apache server that receives HTTP requests and connects to a daemon script over ZeroMQ. The script implements the Multithreaded Server pattern (http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all#header-73), it successfully receives the request and dispatches it to one of its worker threads, performs the action, responds back to the server, and the server responds back to the client. Everything is done synchronously as the client needs to receive a success or failure response to its request.
As the number of users is growing into a few thousands, I am looking into potentially improving this. The first thing I looked at is the different patterns of ZeroMQ, and whether what I am using is optimal for my scenario. I've read the guide but I find it challenging understanding all the details and differences across patterns. I was looking for example at the Load Balancing Message Broker pattern (http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all#header-73). It seems quite a bit more complicated to implement than what I am currently using, and if I understand things correctly, its advantages are:
Actual load balancing vs the round-robin task distribution that I currently have
Asynchronous requests/replies
Is that everything? Am I missing something? Given the description of my problem, and the synchronous requirement of it, what would you say is the best pattern to use? Lastly, how would the answer change, if I want to make my setup distributed (i.e. having the Apache server load balance the requests across different machines). I was thinking of doing that by simply creating yet another layer, based on the Multithreaded Server pattern, and have that layer bridge the communication between the web server and my workers.
Some thoughts about the subject...
Keep it simple
I would try to keep things simple and "plain" ZeroMQ as long as possible. To increase performance, I would simply to change your backend script to send request out from dealer socket and move the request handling code to own program. Then you could just run multiple worker servers in different machines to get more requests handled.
I assume this was the approach you took:
I was thinking of doing that by simply creating yet another layer, based on the Multithreaded Server pattern, and have that layer bridge the communication between the web server and my workers.
Only problem here is that there is no request retry in the backend. If worker fails to handle given task it is forever lost. However one could write worker servers so that they handle all the request they got before shutting down. With this kind of setup it is possible to update backend workers without clients to notice any shortages. This will not save requests that get lost if the server crashes.
I have the feeling that in common scenarios this kind of approach would be more than enough.
Mongrel2 seems to handle quite many things you have already implemented. It might be worth while to check it out. It probably does not completely solve your problems, but it provides tested infrastructure to distribute the workload. This could be used to deliver the request to be handled to multithreaded servers running on different machines.
One solution to increase the robustness of the setup is a broker. In this scenario brokers main role would be to provide robustness by implementing queue for the requests. I understood that all the requests the worker handle are basically the same type. If requests would have different types then broker could also do lookups to find correct server for the requests.
Using the queue provides a way to ensure that every request is being handled by some broker even if worker servers crashed. This does not come without price. The broker is by itself a single point of failure. If it crashes or is restarted all messages could be lost.
These problems can be avoided, but it requires quite much work: the requests could be persisted to the disk, servers could be clustered. Need has to be weighted against the payoffs. Does one want to use time to write a message broker or the actual system?
If message broker seems a good idea the time which is required to implement one can be reduced by using already implemented product (like RabbitMQ). Negative side effect is that there could be a lot of unwanted features and adding new things is not so straight forward as to self made broker.
Writing own broker could covert toward inventing the wheel again. Many brokers provide similar things: security, logging, management interface and so on. It seems likely that these are eventually needed in home made solution also. But if not then single home made broker which does single thing and does it well can be good choice.
Even if broker product is chosen I think it is a good idea to hide the broker behind ZeroMQ proxy, a dedicated code that sends/receives messages from the broker. Then no other part of the system has to know anything about the broker and it can be easily replaced.
Using broker is somewhat developer time heavy. You either need time to implement the broker or time to get use to some product. I would avoid this route until it is clearly needed.
Some links
Comparison between broker and brokerless

Are singleton network event processors okay?

Suppose you have a system on the other side of a network that sends events and data that needs to be cached to some intermediate broker.
Instead of giving every component of your application that needs to be informed of such events a new subscription to the broker, I decide for performance and simplicity (the third party library that handles broker subscriptions isnt pretty) I should have only one Event Processor that subscribes to the broker and programatically fires events as it receives them to subscribed listeners provided by the components. The cached data can also be shared from this singleton. This will greatly reduce network connections.
However according to most discussions about singletons, they are always evil PERIOD unless for concurrency reasons or hardware reasons you need only one access point. This is not my situation since every component could have their own subscription and their own personal cache of data since all the data can be requested over the broker. However this could easily add 200 more network connections.
Because singletons are evil does that mean 200 more connections to a broker with 200 copies of data is better than using singleton I don't need to use? After all this slows things down quite a bit but its not game breaking, the application is still usable.
There's nothing inherently wrong with your broker client object servicing multiple clients within your process.
All the talk about singletons being evil is really about global variables being evil. A singleton becomes evil because it provides a static access point to mutable state, not because there is only one instance of it.
In that light, you might want to use dependency injection to hook it up rather than calling Broker.getInstance(). This avoids client code making the assumption that it is in fact a singleton.
