How to I create a loop that uses the last column in an array as the starting point for the next loop? In matlab - matlab-guide

I have output = A(:,Nout) Nout = points along the array..... : = all points in column
So, it is saying the values in the last column.
How do I use output as A at the first column for the next iteration?

Your question is not clear. You may mean a variety of things.
If you want to loop through values in the first column in some order specified by your last column you can:
Asort = A ( A (:, end), :);
and then loop through Asort.
You may also mean to loop N times for each row where N is defined by last column of A.
You can do it using a nested loop:
for Arow = A(:, end)
for ii = 1:Arow
% your code here
You may also mean several other things, but instead me guessing you could try clarifing a bit. :)
(it should be a comment but I can't add comments yet, sorry)


Lua - Create a nested table using for loop

I'm a very new to lua so am happy to read material if it will help with tables.
I've decoded a json object and would like to build a table properly using its data, rather than writing 64 lines of the below:
a = {}
a[decode.var1[1].aId] = {decode.var2[1].bId, decode.var3[1].cId}
a[decode.var1[2].aId] = {decode.var2[2].bId, decode.var3[2].cId}
a[decode.var1[3].aId] = {decode.var2[3].bId, decode.var3[3].cId}
Because the numbers are consecutive 1-64, i presume i should be able to build it using a for loop.
Unfortunately despite going through table building ideas I cannot seem to find a way to do it, or find anything on creating nested tables using a loop.
Any help or direction would be appreciated.
Lua for-loops are, at least in my opinion, pretty easy to understand:
for i = 1, 10 do
This loop inclusively prints the positive integers 1 through 10.
Lua for-loops also take an optional third argument--which defaults to 1--that indicates the step of the loop:
for i = 1, 10, 2 do
This loop prints the numbers 1 through 10 but skips every other number, that is, it has a step of 2; therefore, it will print 1 3 5 7 9.
In the case of your example, if I understand it correctly, it seems that you know the minimum and maximum bounds of your for loops, which are 1 and 64, respectively. You could write a loop to decode the values and put them in a table like so:
local a = {}
for i = 1, 64 do
a[decodevar.var1[i].aId] = {decode.var2[i].bId, decode.var3[i].cId}
What you can do is generating a new table with all the contents from the decoded JSON with a for loop.
For example,
function jsonParse(jsonObj)
local tbl = {}
for i = 1, 64 do
a[decodevar.var1[i].aId] = {decode.var2[i].bId, decode.var3[i].cId}
return tbl
To deal with nested cases, you can recursively call that method as follows
function jsonParse(jsonObj)
local tbl = {}
for i = 1, 64 do
a[decodevar.var1[i].aId] = {decode.var2[i].bId, decode.var3[i].cId}
if type(decode.var2[i].bId) == "table" then
a[decodevar.var1[i].aid[0] = jsonParse(decode.var2[i].bId)
By the way, I can't understand why are you trying to create a table using a table that have done the job you want already. I assume they are just random and you may have to edit the code with the structure of the decodevar variable you have

AddField function does not work as expected

I have the following block of code that iterates through the fields of each table and adds the fields of the current table respectively in order to create a number of tableboxes.
'iterate through every table
For i=1 To arrTCount
'the arrFF array holds the names of the fields of each table
arrFF = Split(arrFields(i), ", ")
arrFFCount = UBound(arrFF)
'create a tablebox
Set TB = ActiveDocument.Sheets("Main").CreateTableBox
'iterate through the fields of the array
For j=0 to (arrFFCount - 1)
'add the field to the tablebox
TB.AddField arrFF(j)
Set tboxprop = TB.GetProperties
tboxprop.Layout.Frame.ObjectId = "TB" + CStr(i)
TB.SetProperties tboxprop
The above code creates the tableboxes, but with one field less every time (the last one is missing). If I change the For loop from For j=0 To (arrFFCount - 1) to For j=0 To (arrFFCount) it creates empty tableboxes and seems to execute forever. Regarding this change, I tested the field names with the Msgbox(arrFF(j)) command and it shows me the correct field names as I want them to be in the tableboxes in the UI of QlikView.
Does anybody have an idea of what seems to be the problem here? Can I do this in a different way?
To clarify the situation here and what I have tested so far, I have 11 tables to make tableboxes of and I have tried with just one of them or some of them. The result I am seeing with the code is on the left and what I am expecting to see is on the right of the following image. Please note that the number of fields vary for each table and the image has just one of them as an example.

Stack multiple columns into one

I want to do a simple task but somehow I'm unable to do it. Assume that I have one column like:
How can I create a new column with the same value twice with the following result:
I've already tried to double my column and do something like :
but it creates:
I get inspired by this answer so far.
Try this:
Here we use:
{} to combine data
Accounting your comment, then you may use this formula:
=QUERY(SORT(ArrayFormula({row(A1:A5),A1:A5;row(A1:A5),A1:A5})),"select Col2")
The idea is to use additional column of data with number of row, then sort by row, then query to get only values.
And join→split method will do the same:
Here we use range only two times, so this is easier to use. Also see Concat + ArrayFormula sample.
Few hundreds rows is nothing :)
I created index from 1 to n, then pasted it twice and sorted by index. But it's obviously fancier to do it with a formula :)
Assuming Your list is in column A and (for now) the times of repeat are in C1 (can be changed to a number in the formula), then something simple like this will do (starting in B1):
Simply copy down as you need it (will give just 0 after the last item). No sorting. No array. No sheets/excel problems. No heavy calculations.

Excel Mac VBA Loop Through Cells and reset some values

I currently have a worksheet that I have multiple people filling out every day. There are 4 columns that the users fill out: C, E, H, & J (all numerical values, one row per day of the month.)
The users fill in C, E, & H every day no matter what, but a lot of days there is no value to put in column J. I need the value in J to be set to 0 if the user doesn't enter anything. Of course it would be easier to just have the users enter 0, but I'm working with a complicated group of people here.
Anyway, I want to use a macro that runs automatically when the user clicks the save button (before it actually saves, of course), and have it do the following: (I am more familiar with php, so I'm just typing this out how I'm familiar - I'm sure my syntax is incorrect)
Foreach Row
If "column A" != "" {
If "column J" != "" {
//Everything is good, continue on...
} else {
CurrentRow.ColumnJ.value == 0
}//Value has been set - continue loop
//column A is blank, this day hasn't come yet - quit looping here
End Foreach
If anyone could help me out with this I'd appreciate it. With some research, this is what I've come up with so far, and now I'm stuck…
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim curCell As Range
'Labor Flow Sheet'.Select
For Each curCell in Range( ???? )
If curCell.Value = "" Then
End If
Next curCell
End Sub
Thanks in advance!
See this link about finding the right range, and as for the question marks inside the If statement, you would want to put
curCell.Value = 0
For the question marks in your statement
For Each curCell in Range( ???? )
Solution 1:
To find the full range you're working with, you'll need to use a column that is filled out each day. You mentioned columns C, E, and H were filled out every day. Using one of those columns (let's pick C for the example here), you could find the range by using the .end method. This goes out either up down left or right from a range until it doesn't find any data. So,
Range("J1", Range("C1").End(xlDown)).Select
will select all cells from J1 (or whatever column is the last in your sheet) to the bottom-most cell containing data in column C, automatically.
Solution 2:
Manually put in the range. For example, to choose A1 to J300:
Range("A1", "J300").Select

simple method to keep last n elements in a queue for vb6?

I am trying to keep the last n elements from a changing list of x elements (where x >> n)
I found out about the deque method, with a fixed length, in other programming languages. I was wondering if there is something similar for VB6
Create a Class that extends an encapsulated Collection.
Add at the end (anonymous), retrieve & remove from the beginning (index 1). As part of adding check your MaxDepth property setting (or hard code it if you like) and if Collection.Count exceeds it remove the extra item.
Or just hard code it all inline if a Class is a stumper for you.
This is pretty routine.
The only thing I can think of is possibly looping through the last 5 values of the dynamic array using something like:
For UBound(Array) - 5 To UBound(Array)
'Code to store or do the desired with these values
Sorry I don't have a definite answer, but hopefully that might help.
Here's my simplest solution to this:
For i = n - 1 To 1 Step -1
arrayX(i) = arrayX(i - 1)
Next i
arrayX(0) = latestX
arrayX = array of values
n = # of array elements
latestX = latest value of interest (assumes entire code block is also
within another loop)
