Include view from another module inside my current view - codeigniter

The structure is as follows:
Now, I don't like the school form anymore, so I want to include university form inside the school view. How do I do that?
$this->load->view('../univ/form'); // does not work

I'm assuming you use HMVC by wiredesignz
in this case you've 2 possibilites
direct call
or via modules::run
create in your univ/form a function where you load this view - e.g.
class Form extends MX_Controller
public funciton view()
and in your School Class you simply call
class School extends MX_Controller
public funciton view()
echo modules::run('univ/form/view');


How can I avoid to repeat myself in Laravel (4) Controllers?

I feel I repeat myself in Laravel (4) controllers. For example, I need some $variables for every view. I get them from cache or database. Because geting and processing them take some lines of codes (between 5-100 lines), I repeat them in every controller function. This is especially a problem when updating functions (They increase complexity).
How can I avoid this without any negative effect?
Note: $variables are mostly not global variables.
There are many ways to go about this, but it sounds like the variables are more specific to your View's than your controllers.
You can easily share variables across your views in the boot method of your AppServiceProvider.
view()->share('variables', function(){
//you can share whatever you want here and it will be availble in all views.
You can create a static helper class (all static functions)
class VarHelper {
public static function getVars() {
return [];
You can create your own basecontroller you extend in every other controller
class MyController extends Controller {
public function getVars() {
return [];
class BlaController extends MyController {
public function doBla() {
$vars = $this->getVars();
creating the function inside the controller and call it in the other functions
use a Trait
And probably more solutions
Create a trait with a method to set all of the necessary variables.
use View;
trait SharedControllerVariables {
public function loadUsersSubscription() {
View::make('user_subscription_variable_1', []);
View::make('user_subscription_variable_2', []);
Then call it in your controller constructor:
class MyController extends Controller {
use SharedControllerVariables;
public function __construct() {

How to call controller function in view page in Laravel 5

public function getPendingOrder($id)
$pendingOrder = DB::table('erp_purchase_order_details')->where('product_category_id','=',$id)->where('received','=','0')->count();
return $pendingOrder;
To access controller methods in your laravel project we can create the object for that controller then we can call method of controller using created object
Suppose i have a controller Product and one method getPendingOrders() method inside it:
class Product extends BaseController
public static function getPendingOrders($id)
$pendingOrder = DB::table('erp_purchase_order_details')- >where('product_category_id','=',$id)->where('received','=','0')->count();
return $pendingOrder;
So in your view you can call this method using ::
For example
{{ Product::getPendingOrders(10); }}
Another method is to create object of that class and then call the method if it is not static.
if you want to extra functionally to your laravel project use laravel widget package its work like wordpress shortcodes and you can call them as laravel blade tags
Please read the document carefully

Access an object of one class in other codeigniter

I have two controller classes in my codeigniter application, say class A and B.I just want to create an object of class A and access the functions declared in class A from class B.Something like:-
class A extends someclass
public function function1(){
class B extends someclass2
protected $object;
public function __construct()
$this->objectA = new A();
I want to access the function function1 from class B using the object objectA. How can i do this?
Please help.
well actually this is not the proper way in codeigniter. Actually when you have common functions in and you want to use them in 2 or more controllers. The best way is to create base controller in core folder with name of MY_Contoller and extend it from CI_Contoller. Write your common function in MY_Contoller. Now you have to extend all your controllers from MY_Contoller instead of CI_Contoller. You can do the same with Model.
Cross-controller access goes against CI best practice.
Either inherit both controllers from a controller that holds this common functionality (don't forget to prefix the function with '_' so it's inaccessible via url routing) or create a library that contains your re-usable functionality. A helper can also work.

Call a controller from a method

Can we call a controller and parsing any values or data to the controller from a method?
let's say that i have this method,
function loader(){
//some operations to call another controller
and from that method i want to call a controller named welcome.php wich is located in /application/controller
i'v tried this but it doesn't work
function loader(){
$open = new Welcome();
it says that Class Welcome not found
Sorry for my bad english
At first You have to include the file
Then, create the object.
function loader(){
$open = new welcome();
//if you want to call a method in an object
Makesure that your loader controller was extended to welcome controller.
Suppose controller welcome,my_controller are two controller and loader function in B then
class Welcome extends CI_Controller {
function my_fun() {}
then you can call my_fun() when you are entended from my_controller like
class My_Controller extends Welcome {
$open = $this->my_fun();

Codeigniter : calling a method of one controller from other

I have two controllers a and b.
I would like to call a method of controller a from a method of controller b.
Could anyone help explain how I can achieve this?
This is not supported behavior of the MVC System. If you want to execute an action of another controller you just redirect the user to the page you want (i.e. the controller function that consumes the url).
If you want common functionality, you should build a library to be used in the two different controllers.
I can only assume you want to build up your site a bit modular. (I.e. re-use the output of one controller method in other controller methods.) There's some plugins / extensions for CI that help you build like that. However, the simplest way is to use a library to build up common "controls" (i.e. load the model, render the view into a string). Then you can return that string and pass it along to the other controller's view.
You can load into a string by adding true at the end of the view call:
$string_view = $this->load->view('someview', array('data'=>'stuff'), true);
test.php Controller File :
Class Test {
function demo() {
echo "Hello";
test1.php Controller File :
Class Test1 {
function demo2() {
$test = new Test();
Very simple way in codeigniter to call a method of one controller to other controller
1. Controller A
class A extends CI_Controller {
public function __construct()
function custom_a()
2. Controller B
class B extends CI_Controller {
public function __construct()
function custom_b()
require_once(APPPATH.'controllers/a.php'); //include controller
$aObj = new a(); //create object
$aObj->custom_a(); //call function
I agree that the way to do is to redirect to the new controller in usual cases.
I came across a use case where I needed to display the same page to 2 different kind of users (backend user previewing the page of a frontend user) so in my opinion what I needed was genuinely to call the frontend controller from the backend controller.
I solved the problem by making the frontend method static and wrapping it in another method.
Hope it helps!
// Frontend
function profile()
//Access check
//Get profile id
$id = get_user_id();
return self::_profile($id);
static function _profile($id)
$CI = &get_instance();
//Prepare page
//Load view
// Backend
function preview_profile($id)
$this->load->file('controllers/frontend.php', false);
I posted a somewhat similar question a while back, but regarding a model on CI.
Returning two separate query results within a model function
Although your question is not exactly the same, I believe the solution follows the same principle: if you're proposing to do what you mention in your question, there may be something wrong in the way you're coding and some refactoring could be in order.
The take home message is that what you're asking is not the way to go when working with MVC.
The best practice is to either use a Model to place reusable functions and call them in a controller that outputs the data through a view -- or even better use helpers or libraries (for functions that may be needed repeatedly).
You can do like
$result= file_get_contents(site_url('[ADDRESS TO CONTROLLER FUNCTION]'));
Replace [ADDRESS TO CONTROLLER FUNCTION] by the way we use in site_url();
You need to echo output in controller function instead of return.
You can use the redirect() function.
Like this
class ControllerA extends CI_Controller{
public function MethodA(){
Controller to be extended
require_once(PHYSICAL_BASE_URL . 'system/application/controllers/abc.php');
$report= new onlineAssessmentReport();
echo ($report->detailView());
You can use the redirect URL to controller:
Class Ctrlr1 extends CI_Controller{
public void my_fct1(){
redirect('Ctrlr2 /my_fct2', 'refresh');
Class Ctrlr2 extends CI_Controller{
public void my_fct2(){
very simple
in first controllr call
place file MyController.php to /model patch
MyController.php should be contain
class MyController extends CI_Model {
function __construct() {
function test()
echo 'OK';
