Magento 1 - Add image to dropdown menu - magento

I'm working with a website in Magento 1. I'm new to this kind of project, and therefore I need your help. I have the theme, themevast applied(So I think? I've taken over this project from a partner) to the site and I'm using mega menu. In my menu I have ha dropdown menu for a specific category. In this dropdown I want to be able to have a picture in the bottom of the dropdown, like in this picture.
In my manage categories tab I have these options, and everywhere where I'm able to upload images it doesn't show in my dropdown.
How do I fix this?


Magento navigation menu but not added as Category

I am very new in Magento.Actually we have a client who has purchased a Magento theme and top navigation of theme is displaying some menu links like delivery,Contact Us and these are not added as Categories.May be hard coded in the theme.Can anyone tell from which file these links are appearing so that i can edit them.
Use template path hints to find out where they are.

Dropdown menu in Joomla

Iam have some problems with a drop down menu. I have asigned a drop down menu to the menu item "test 1". But when iam on the default page it wont show the drop down menu, when i hover the item. It only works when click on the menu item "test 1".
I need the dropdown menu to be showed, no matter witch page you are watching.
Can some one help me? I guess it is a simple styling, but cant seem to figure it out.
You can see the website here
What module are you using for the menu system?
You may try using a different menu extension that the one being used currently.
It may be a CSS issue.

Rename Menus in Magento 1.7

Have a Magento 1.7 template with three left side vertical menus, Accordion, CSS and Mega and all menus are respectively named instead of Categories. I can rename CSS menu easily via its phtml file, but the other two seem to be impossible to rename. Their phtml look nothing like the CSS menu and appear to have hash data, my guess from the template developer. I have done a search on my entire site and database and I can't figure out where it is pulling the name from (I have spent an embarrassing amount of time on this). I have asked the developer, but they refuse to answer a “Magento” question. The Accordion menu is also the only menu I can get to work where the products show on the home page and when you click on a category the page displays correctly. If I use CSS menu it will display products on the home page, but when you click on the category it doesn’t appear to be pulling the CSS formatting.
Any help would be appreciated.
Enter as: "Accordion Menu","Categories"

Jomsocial content/article pages

I want to create About us, Privacy policy and terms of service page using the joomla's abck-end and i created articles for the same and crate new menu items in the jomsocial menu toolbar for the same. The menu items appears fine in the front end. Everything fine till now.
The problem is when i click on the menu item for article/content page, it moves out of com_community folder and moves to com_content page and it leaves the current design of site. My site navigation for jomsocial disappears. Content appears in default joomla's template not in jomsocial's template.
Any ideas ?? Thanks in advance.....
You need to go back double check everything.
You need to ensure you have the proper menus associated with the proper templates.
Check that joomsocail template is legitimately setup on all pages. And there is nothing over ruling or over riding it

Changing Layout of Product Options in Magento

I'm currently customizing the bluescale theme for Magento. I have moved the position of the "product options" box for configurable products from lower on the page to just under the title.
I am now trying to remove the 3 links below the add to cart button (add to wishlist, compare, and ask a question), but cannot figure out where to do so. Where can I find the template for the actual "product options" box? You can see the webpage here:
P.S. I can't simply delete the template file for the links, as they still appear elsewhere.
You can debug your template locations by enabling Template Path Hints like this:
Open the admin control panel
Open the system tab and select configuration
Select Developer on the left sidebar
Select Main Website From the Current Configuration Scope Drop Down (upper left)
Open the debug dropdown
Set Template Path Hints To Yes
