Magento navigation menu but not added as Category - magento

I am very new in Magento.Actually we have a client who has purchased a Magento theme and top navigation of theme is displaying some menu links like delivery,Contact Us and these are not added as Categories.May be hard coded in the theme.Can anyone tell from which file these links are appearing so that i can edit them.

Use template path hints to find out where they are.


Magento layered navigation position

i bought one theme and i want to fix my layared navigation to work well.
I need help from which file i have to edit to fix my layered navigation to show after my menu.
First you should find correct template file,then override the template within your theme, then finally rearrange the code so that it displays beneath the vertical navigation. The following may (possibly) work for you. But I don't know what type of theme you are using.
go to your magento backend url, then go to system->configuration->developer then open the debug panel.
Change the current configuration scope to 'Main Website'. Upper left corner of config page.
This should add some items to the debug panel. Set template path hints to 'yes'.
go back to the website and find the phtml file that controls your nav.
copy the file into the theme your using using the same folder structure.
edit that code.
PS another solution may be available to alter the layout files of your site. they get overridden in a similar fashion to phtml files.

Magento- how to replace menu text with menu image

In magento how to add a icon in menu like home icon contact us
i need to replace the text with an image am not good in magento please help me to find a solution
This is unfortunately not built into Magento but depends entirely on the theme that you are using. Some themes do offer icons in the menu.
You can do it in the code however but that needs some html and css skills

Magento 1.7 CE, Admin layout messed up when editing a product

I am currently using magento 1.7 for my website
This is my first post after searching all posts for this issue. I have modified the frontend including style.css in my skin (display:none for Vertical nav in sidebar) & product List style to remove Compare & Wishlist.
Other than this, I didn't touch anything on admin folder. Is there any reason why I got like the attached when I select a product to edit?
The main editing area now got inside the sidebar navigation for admin.
Much appreciate. I am fraid I have to completely reinstall.
I cannot post images so I put the link here to help explain the situation.

Why wouldn't a category menu be displaying on a magento theme?

I'm trying to set up a dynamic menu in a Magento store (v1.7 community edition with the hellowired theme) and can't figure it out why on earth is not being displayed on my home page.
I don't know if there's a mistake in the call on the .phtml files of the theme or if I'm missing some configuration. I have already configured it as described in the theme's documentation and set several products and I'm still not seeing the menu displayed.
If I hard code the category call, it works fine, but it's just a workaround since I need it to be dynamic.
Turns Out for the theme I was using (The Hellowired one, but it appears to apply to several) it was required to set-up all categories under the Default Category. This question was answered to me by an admin of the theme site.
Make sure that the flag Is Active and Include in Navigation Menu set to "YES" from admin panel under General Information Tab in Catalog->Manage Categories.

Rename Menus in Magento 1.7

Have a Magento 1.7 template with three left side vertical menus, Accordion, CSS and Mega and all menus are respectively named instead of Categories. I can rename CSS menu easily via its phtml file, but the other two seem to be impossible to rename. Their phtml look nothing like the CSS menu and appear to have hash data, my guess from the template developer. I have done a search on my entire site and database and I can't figure out where it is pulling the name from (I have spent an embarrassing amount of time on this). I have asked the developer, but they refuse to answer a “Magento” question. The Accordion menu is also the only menu I can get to work where the products show on the home page and when you click on a category the page displays correctly. If I use CSS menu it will display products on the home page, but when you click on the category it doesn’t appear to be pulling the CSS formatting.
Any help would be appreciated.
Enter as: "Accordion Menu","Categories"
