sed squeeze multiple occurrence of word - bash

I have text file with lines like below:
this is the code ;rfc1234;rfc1234
this is the code ;rfc1234;rfc1234;rfc1234;rfc1234
How can I squeeze the the repeating words in file to single word like below:
this is the code ;rfc1234
this is the code ;rfc1234
I tried 'tr' command but it's limited to squeezing characters only

with sed for arbitrary repeated strings prefixed with ;
$ sed -E 's/(;[^;]+)(\1)+/\1/g' file
or, if you want to delete everything after the first token without checking whether they match the preceding one or not
$ sed -E 's/(\S);.*/\1/' file
(;[^;]+) is to capture a string starting with semicolon
(\1)+ followed by the same captured string one or more times
/\1/g replace the whole chain with one instance, and repeat

Following awk may help here. It will look for all items in last column of you Input_file and will keep only unique values in it.
awk '{num=split($NF,array,";");for(i=1;i<=num;i++){if(!array1[array[i]]++){val=val?val ";" array[i]:array[i]}};NF--;print $0";"val;val="";delete array;delete array1}' Input_file
Adding a non-one liner form of solution too now.
awk '
val=val?val ";" array[i]:array[i]}
print $0";"val;
delete array;
delete array1
}' Input_file
awk '
num=split($NF,array,";"); ##Creating a variable named num whose value is length of array named array, which is created on last field of line with ; as a delimiter.
for(i=1;i<=num;i++){ ##Starting a for loop from i=1 to till value of num each time increment i as 1.
if(!array1[array[i]]++){ ##Chrcking here a condition if array named array1 index is value of array[i] is NOT coming more than 1 value then do following.
val=val?val ";" array[i]:array[i]}##Creating a variable named val here whose value is array[i] value and keep concatenating its own value of it.
NF--; ##Reducing the value of NF(number of fields) in current line to remove the last field from it.
print $0";"val; ##Printing the current line(without last field) ; and then value of val here.
val=""; ##Nullifying variable val here.
delete array; ##Deleting array named array here.
delete array1 ##Deleting array named array1 here.
}' Input_file ##Mentioning Input_file name here.

I started playing around with s/(.+)\1/\1/g. It seemed to work with perl (even found the is_is_) but didn't quite take me there:
$ perl -pe 's/(.+)\1+/\1/g' file
this the code ;rfc1234
this the code ;rfc1234;rfc1234

sed 's/\(;[^;]*\).*/\1/' file

You can use the below command to achieve this:-
echo "this is the code ;rfc1234;rfc1234" | sed 's/rfc1234//2g'
echo "this is the code ;rfc1234;rfc1234;rfc1234;rfc1234" | sed 's/rfc1234//2g'
sed 's/rfc1234//2g' yourfile.txt

This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r ':a;s/(\S+)\1+/\1/g;ta' file
The regex is repeated until only the first pattern remains.


Print part of a comma-separated field using AWK

I have a line containing this string:
$DLOAD , 123 , Loadcase name=SUBCASE_1
I am trying to only print SUBCASE_1. Here is my code, but I get a syntax error.
awk -F, '{n=split($3,a,"="); a[n]} {printf(a[1]}' myfile
How can I fix this?
1st solution: In case you want only to get last field(which contains = in it) then with your shown samples please try following
awk -F',[[:space:]]+|=' '{print $NF}' Input_file
2nd solution: OR in case you want to get specifically 3rd field's value after = then try following awk code please. Simply making comma followed by space(s) as field separator and in main program splitting 3rd field storing values into arr array, then printing 2nd item value of arr array.
awk -F',[[:space:]]+' '{split($3,arr,"=");print arr[2]}' Input_file
Possibly the shortest solution would be:
awk -F= '{print $NF}' file
Where you simply use '=' as the field-separator and then print the last field.
Example Use/Output
Using your sample into in a heredoc with the sigil quoted to prevent expansion of $DLOAD, you would have:
$ awk -F= '{print $NF}' << 'eof'
> $DLOAD , 123 , Loadcase name=SUBCASE_1
> eof
(of course in this case it probably doesn't matter whether $DLOAD was expanded or not, but for completeness, in case $DLOAD included another '=' ...)

How to count a matching pattern in one line?

enter code hereI have a fasta file containing sequences
I wanted to count the number of 'N' and also the number of patterns occurring in each line. No need to include header (>lcl|QCYY01003067.1_cds_ROT65593.1_2 )
line 2=0,0
line 4=15,2
line 6=10,1
How to improve this code:
grep -n '[{N}]' <filename> | cut -d : -f 1 | uniq -c
Another awk:
$ awk 'NR%2==0{printf "line %d=%d,%d\n",NR,gsub(/N/,"N"),gsub(/N+/,"")}' file
line 2=0,0
line 4=15,2
line 6=10,1
$ awk '
NR%2==0 { # process even records
printf "line %d=%d,%d\n",NR,gsub(/N/,"N"),gsub(/N+/,"") # count with gsub
}' file
gsub(/N/,"N") counts the amount of Ns in the record (returns the amount of replacements). gsub(/N+/,"") counts the number of consecutive strings of Ns. Notice, that "" removes those Ns from the record so if you need to later further process the data, use gsub(/N+/,"&") instead.
The version I wrote for your already-deleted next question.
I added an extra line to your data which demonstrates the question I asked in the comments (is ...N\nNN.. one (NNN) or two (N,NN) patterns of your definition):
This one is for GNU awk (for using RT):
$ gawk '
NR>1 {
printf "%s=%d,%d\n",rt,gsub(/N/,"N"),gsub(/N+/,"")
}' file
Output (pay special attention to the seq4):
or if you uncomment the gsub(/\n/,"") to remove the newline separating strings, the output is:
One-liner (with the one gsub uncommented):
$ awk 'BEGIN{RS=">seq[^\n]+"}NR>1{gsub(/\n/,"");printf "%s=%d,%d\n",rt,gsub(/N/,"N"),gsub(/N+/,"")}{rt=RT}' file
Could you please try following.
awk '
printf("%s %d=%d,%d\n","line",FNR,total,count)
' Input_file
Output will be as follows.
line 2=0,0
line 4=15,2
line 6=10,1
Explanation: Adding detailed explanation for above code here.
awk ' ##Starting awk program from here.
!/^>/{ ##Checking condition if a line is NOT starting from > then do following.
while(match($0,/N+/)){ ##Running a while loop which will run till a match found for N characters continuous occurrence.
count++ ##Doing increment to variable count with 1 each time cursor comes here.
total+=length(substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH)) ##Creating total variable which is keep adding its own value along with length of matched regex, where regex is looking for continuous occurrence of N character in current line.
$0=substr($0,RSTART+RLENGTH) ##Resetting value of current line to have only REST of line which starts from very next character of matched regex. So that we can skip previous matched regex and look for others in rest of the line.
} ##Closing BLOCK for above mentioned while loop here.
printf("%s %d=%d,%d\n","line",FNR,total,count) ##Printing values line,FNR,total,count variables here.
count=total="" ##Nullifying variables count and total here, so that previous values should NOT be added to current values of it.
' Input_file ##Mentioning Input_file name here.

Transpose rows to column after nth column in bash

I have a file like below format:
$ cat file_in.csv
How can i transpose as below, starting from second column:
I'm testing my script, but obtain a wrong result
echo "123;23/05/2018;24/05/2018" | awk -F";" 'NR==3{a=$1";";next}{a=a$1";"}END{print a}'
Thanks in advance
1st Solution: Eaisest solution will be, loop through all fields(off course have set field separator as ;) and then print $1 along with all fields in new line. Also note that loop is running from i=2 to till value of NF leaving first field since we need to print in new line from column 2nd onwards.
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=";"} {for(i=2;i<=NF;i++){print $1,$i}}' Input_file
2nd Solution: Using 1 time substitution(sub) and global substitutions(gsub) functionality of awk. Here I am changing very first occurence of ; with ###(assumed that your Input_file will NOT have this characters together, in case it is there choose any unique character(s) which are NOT in one's Input_file on place of ###), then globally subsituting ;(all occurences) with ORS val(a variable which has value of $1) and ; so make values in new column. Now finally remove ### from first field. Why we have done this approch if we DO NOT substitute very first occurence of ; with any other character then it will place a NEW LINE before substituion which we DO NOT want to have. (Also as per Ed sir's comment this solution was tested in 1 Input_file and may have issues while reading multiple Input_files)
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=";"} {val=$1;sub(";","###");gsub(";",ORS val ";");sub("###",";",$1)} 1' Input_file
Another awk
awk -F";" '{ OFS="\n" $1 ";"; $1=$1;$1=""; printf("%s",$0) } ' file

How to remove partial duplicates from text file?

How can I remove partial duplicates in bash using either awk, grep or sort?
Expected Output:
Could you please try following and let me know if this helps you.
awk -F'[",]' '!a[$5]++' Input_file
Output will be as follows.
EDIT: Adding explanation too here.
awk -F'[",]' ' ##Setting field separator as " or , for every line of Input_file.
!a[$5]++ ##creating an array named a whose index is $5(fifth field) and checking condition if 5th field is NOT present in array a, so when any 5th field comes in array a then increasing its count so next time it will not take any duplicates in it. Since awk works on condition and then action, since here no action is mentioned so by default print of current line will happen.
' Input_file ##Mentioning the Input_file here too.

Bash/Shell: How to remove duplicates from csv file by columns?

I have a csv separated with ;. I need to remove lines where content of 2nd and 3rd column is not unique, and deliver the material to the standard output.
Example input:
Desired output
I have found solutions where only first line is printed to the output:
sort -u -t ";" -k2,1 file
but this is not enough.
I have tried to use uniq -u but I can't find a way to check only a few columns.
Using awk:
awk -F';' '!seen[$2,$3]++{data[$2,$3]=$0}
END{for (i in seen) if (seen[i]==1) print data[i]}' file
Explanation: If $2,$3 combination doesn't exist in seen array then a new entry with key of $2,$3 is stored in data array with whole record. Every time $2,$3 entry is found a counter for $2,$3 is incremented. Then in the end those entries with counter==1 are printed.
If order is important and if you can use perl then:
perl -F";" -lane '
$key = #F[1,2];
$uniq{$key}++ or push #rec, [$key, $_]
print $_->[1] for grep { $uniq{$_->[0]} == 1 } #rec' file
We use column2 and column3 to create composite key. We create array of array by pushing the key and the line to array rec for the first occurrence of the line.
In the END block, we check if that occurrence is the only occurrence. If so, we go ahead and print the line.
awk '!a[$0]++' file_input > file_output
This worked for me. It compares whole lines.
