Print part of a comma-separated field using AWK - shell

I have a line containing this string:
$DLOAD , 123 , Loadcase name=SUBCASE_1
I am trying to only print SUBCASE_1. Here is my code, but I get a syntax error.
awk -F, '{n=split($3,a,"="); a[n]} {printf(a[1]}' myfile
How can I fix this?

1st solution: In case you want only to get last field(which contains = in it) then with your shown samples please try following
awk -F',[[:space:]]+|=' '{print $NF}' Input_file
2nd solution: OR in case you want to get specifically 3rd field's value after = then try following awk code please. Simply making comma followed by space(s) as field separator and in main program splitting 3rd field storing values into arr array, then printing 2nd item value of arr array.
awk -F',[[:space:]]+' '{split($3,arr,"=");print arr[2]}' Input_file

Possibly the shortest solution would be:
awk -F= '{print $NF}' file
Where you simply use '=' as the field-separator and then print the last field.
Example Use/Output
Using your sample into in a heredoc with the sigil quoted to prevent expansion of $DLOAD, you would have:
$ awk -F= '{print $NF}' << 'eof'
> $DLOAD , 123 , Loadcase name=SUBCASE_1
> eof
(of course in this case it probably doesn't matter whether $DLOAD was expanded or not, but for completeness, in case $DLOAD included another '=' ...)


Transpose rows to column after nth column in bash

I have a file like below format:
$ cat file_in.csv
How can i transpose as below, starting from second column:
I'm testing my script, but obtain a wrong result
echo "123;23/05/2018;24/05/2018" | awk -F";" 'NR==3{a=$1";";next}{a=a$1";"}END{print a}'
Thanks in advance
1st Solution: Eaisest solution will be, loop through all fields(off course have set field separator as ;) and then print $1 along with all fields in new line. Also note that loop is running from i=2 to till value of NF leaving first field since we need to print in new line from column 2nd onwards.
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=";"} {for(i=2;i<=NF;i++){print $1,$i}}' Input_file
2nd Solution: Using 1 time substitution(sub) and global substitutions(gsub) functionality of awk. Here I am changing very first occurence of ; with ###(assumed that your Input_file will NOT have this characters together, in case it is there choose any unique character(s) which are NOT in one's Input_file on place of ###), then globally subsituting ;(all occurences) with ORS val(a variable which has value of $1) and ; so make values in new column. Now finally remove ### from first field. Why we have done this approch if we DO NOT substitute very first occurence of ; with any other character then it will place a NEW LINE before substituion which we DO NOT want to have. (Also as per Ed sir's comment this solution was tested in 1 Input_file and may have issues while reading multiple Input_files)
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=";"} {val=$1;sub(";","###");gsub(";",ORS val ";");sub("###",";",$1)} 1' Input_file
Another awk
awk -F";" '{ OFS="\n" $1 ";"; $1=$1;$1=""; printf("%s",$0) } ' file

Extract the last three columns from a text file with awk

I have a .txt file like this:
ENST00000000442 64073050 64074640 64073208 64074651 ESRRA
ENST00000000233 127228399 127228552 ARF5
ENST00000003100 91763679 91763844 CYP51A1
I want to get only the last 3 columns of each line.
as you see some times there are some empty lines between 2 lines which must be ignored. here is the output that I want to make:
64073208 64074651 ESRRA
127228399 127228552 ARF5
91763679 91763844 CYP51A1
awk  '/a/ {print $1- "\t" $-2 "\t" $-3}'  file.txt.
it does not return what I want. do you know how to correct the command?
Following awk may help you in same.
awk 'NF{print $(NF-2),$(NF-1),$NF}' OFS="\t" Input_file
Output will be as follows.
64073208 64074651 ESRRA
127228399 127228552 ARF5
91763679 91763844 CYP51A1
EDIT: Adding explanation of command too now.(NOTE this following command is for only explanation purposes one should run above command only to get the results)
awk 'NF ###Checking here condition NF(where NF is a out of the box variable for awk which tells number of fields in a line of a Input_file which is being read).
###So checking here if a line is NOT NULL or having number of fields value, if yes then do following.
print $(NF-2),$(NF-1),$NF###Printing values of $(NF-2) which means 3rd last field from current line then $(NF-1) 2nd last field from line and $NF means last field of current line.
' OFS="\t" Input_file ###Setting OFS(output field separator) as TAB here and mentioning the Input_file here.
You can use sed too
sed -E '/^$/d;s/.*\t(([^\t]*[\t|$]){2})/\1/' infile
With some piping:
$ cat file | tr -s '\n' | rev | cut -f 1-3 | rev
64073208 64074651 ESRRA
127228399 127228552 ARF5
91763679 91763844 CYP51A1
First, cat the file to tr to squeeze out repeted \ns to get rid of empty lines. Then reverse the lines, cut the first three fields and reverse again. You could replace the useless cat with the first rev.

How can I replace a character in a specific column? [duplicate]

I have a text file and I'm trying to replace a specific character (.) in the first column to another character (-). Every field is delimited by comma. Some of the lines have the last 3 columns empty, so they have 3 commas at the end.
Example of text file:
What I tried was using awk to replace '.' in the first column with '-', then print out the contents.
ETA: Tried out sarnold's suggestion and got the output I want.
ETA2: I could have a longer first column. Is there a way to change ONLY the first 3 '.' in the first column to '-', so I get the output
. is regexp notation for "any character". Escape it with \ and it means .:
$ awk -F, '{gsub(/\./,"-",$1); print}' textfile.csv
abc-def-ghi 123.4561.789 ABC DEF GHI
abc-def-ghq 124.4562.789 ABC DEF GHI
abc-def-ghw 125.4563.789 ABC DEF GHI
abc-def-ghe 126.4564.789
abc-def-ghr 127.4565.789
The output field separator is a space, by default. Set OFS = "," to set that:
$ awk -F, 'BEGIN {OFS=","} {gsub(/\./,"-",$1); print}' textfile.csv
This still allows changing multiple fields:
$ awk -F, 'BEGIN {OFS=","} {gsub(/\./,"-",$1); gsub("1", "#",$2); print}' textfile.csv
I don't know what -OFS, does, but it isn't a supported command line option; using it to set the output field separator was a mistake on my part. Setting OFS within the awk program works well.
This might work for you:
awk -F, -vOFS=, '{for(n=1;n<=3;n++)sub(/\./,"-",$1)}1' file

How can I change the awk delimiter for a part of my script?

I have an input string that is formatted like this:
I want to parse this file to get the value of string3 using awk. To do this, I can first delimit by ;, print the second segment, and then delimit by " and print the second segment. Example using pipes:
$ echo 'string1;string2"string3";string4' | awk -F\; '{print $2}' | awk -F\" '{print $2}';
I want to combine this into a single awk command, but I do not know how to change the field separator during my command. Is there syntax I can use in awk to change my separator?
You can use split function inside awk:
awk -F ';' 'split($2, a, /"/){print a[2]}' <<< "$s"
As per the linked doc:
split(string, array [, fieldsep [, seps ] ])
Divide string into pieces separated by fieldsep and store the pieces in array and the separator strings in the seps array.
Could you please try following and let me know how it goes then.
echo 'string1;string2"string3";string4' | awk -F'[;"]' '{print $3}'
So above is creating multiple delimiters by mentioning -F option in awk and then I am setting delimiters as chars(; ") so then string3 will be 3rd field and you could merge your awk like that. I hope this helps you.
EDIT: Apologies MODs/all, I am new to this site, so I am adding another alternative for this question's answer.
Thank you Questionmark, it encourages me. So in case you have only have two occurrences of " in your string and you want to get rid of this delimiter then following could help you:
echo 'string1;string2"string3";string4' | awk '{match($0,/\".*\"/);print substr($0,RSTART+1,RLENGTH-2)}'
In the above code I am matching the regex using the match functionality of awk, so once it matches the specific string then I am printing the specific match(where RSTART and RLENGTH are the built-in variables in awk which will be set only when inside, the regex match is TRUE, so they are printed. I hope this will help too.

Cut and replace bash

I have to process a file with data organized like this
Columns can have different length but lines always have the same number of columns.
I want to be able to cut a specific column of a given line and change it to the value I want.
For example I'd apply my command and change the file to
I know how to select a specific line with sed and then cut the field but I have no idea on how to replace the field with the value I have.
Here's a way to do it with awk:
Going with your example, if you wanted to replace the 3rd field of the 1st line:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=":"} {if (NR==1) {$3 = "XXXX"}; print}' input_file
awk: invoke the awk command
'...': everything enclosed by single-quotes are instructions to awk
BEGIN{FS=OFS=":"}: Use : as delimiters for both input and output. FS stands for Field Separator. OFS stands for Output Field Separator.
if (NR==1) {$3 = "XXXX"};: If Number of Records (NR) read so far is 1, then set the 3rd field ($3) to "XXXX".
print: print the current line
input_file: name of your input file.
If instead what you are trying to accomplish is simply replace all occurrences of CCC with XXXX in your file, simply do:
sed -i 's/CCC/XXXX/g` input_file
Note that this will also replace partial matches, such as ABCCCDD -> ABXXXXDD
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r 's/^(([^:]*:?){2})CCC/\1XXXX/' file
awk -F: -vOFS=: '$3=="CCC"{$3="XXXX"};1' file
