nifi putHDFS writes to local filesystem - hadoop

I currently have two hortonworks clusters, a NIFI cluster and a HDFS cluster, and want to write to HDFS using NIFI.
On the NIFI cluster I use a simple GetFile connected to a PutHDFS.
When pushing a file through this, the PutHDFS terminates in success. However, rather than seeing a file dropped on my HFDS (on the HDFS cluster) I just see a file being dropped onto the local filesystem where I run NIFI.
This confuses me, hence my question:
How to make sure PutHDFS writes to HDFS, rather than to the local filesystem?
Possibly relevant context:
In the PutHDFS I have linked to the hive-site and core-site of the HDFS cluster (I tried updating all server references to the HDFS namenode, but with no effect)
I don't use Kerberos on the HDFS cluster (I do use it on the NIFI cluster)
I did not see anything looking like an error in the NIFI app log (which makes sense as it succesfully writes, just in the wrong place)
Both clusters are newly generated on Amazon AWS with CloudBreak, and opening all nodes to all traffic did not help

Can you make sure that you are able move file from NiFi node to Hadoop using below command:-
hadoop fs -put
If you are able move your file using above command then you must check your Hadoop config file which you are passing in your PutHDFS processor.
Also, check that you don't have anyother flow running to make sure that no other flow is processing that file.


How can i copy files from external Hadoop cluster to Amazon S3 without running any commands on the cluster

I have scenario in which i have to pull data from Hadoop cluster into AWS.
I understand running dist-cp on the hadoop cluster is a way to copy the data into s3, but i have a restriction here, i wont be able to run any commands in the cluster. I should be able to pull the files from hadoop cluster into AWS. The data is available in hive.
I thought of the below options:
1) Sqoop data from Hive ? Is it possible ?
2) S3-distcp (running it on aws), if so what would be the configuration needed ?
Any Suggestions ?
If the hadoop cluster is visible from EC2-land, you could run a distcp command there, or, if it's a specific bit of data, some hive query which uses hdfs:// as input and writes out to s3. You'll need to deal with kerberos auth though: you cannot use distcp in an un-kerberized cluster to read data from a kerberized one, though you can go the other way.
You can also run distcp locally in 1+ machine, though you are limited by the bandwidth of those individual systems. distcp is best when it schedules the uploads on the hosts which actually have the data.
Finally, if it is incremental backup you are interested in, you can use the HDFS audit log as a source of changed files...this is what incremental backup tools tend to use

Loading Batch Offline Data to DWH environment with Kafka as the "Entering door"

Some context to my question.
As you can see here:
There are 2 "doors" to load data into HDFS
Using this topology as an example, what will be the best practice to load batch offline data which is hosted on an FTP server info HDFS?
Let's also assume that no changes are needed to perform on the file, we need to store it in HDFS in the same structure it is stored in the FTP server.
Kafka isn't exactly configured to transfer "file sized" data by default. At least, not entire files in one message. Maybe break the lines apart, but then you need to reorder them and put them back together in HDFS.
In my experience, I've seen a few options from an FTP server.
Vanilla Hadoop, no extra software required
Use an NFS Gateway, WebHDFS or HttpFS to copy files directly to HDFS as if it were another filesystem
Additional Software required
Your own code with an FTP and HDFS client connection
Spark Streaming w/ an FTP Connector and HDFS write output
Kafka & Kafka Connect with an FTP Connector source and HDFS Sink
A Flume agent running on the FTP Server with an HDFS sink
Apache NiFi with a GetFTP and PutHDFS processor
Streamsets Data Collector doing something similar to NiFi (don't know the terms for this one)
we need to store it in HDFS in the same structure it is stored in the FTP server.
If these are small files, you're better off at least compressing the files into a Hadoop supported archive format before uploading to HDFS

Is it possible to write to a remote HDFS?

As title, is it possible to write to a remote HDFS?
E.g. I have installed a HDFS cluster on AWS EC2, and I want to write a file from my local computer to the HDFS cluster.
Two ways you could write to remote HDFS,
Use the WebHDFS api available.It supports the systems running outside
Hadoop clusters to access and manipulate the HDFS contents. It
doesn't require the client systems to have hadoop binaries installed.
Configure the client system as Hadoop edge node to interact with the
Hadoop cluster/HDFS.
Please refer,

how to load text files into hdfs through oozie workflow in a cluster

I am trying to load text/csv files in hive scripts with oozie and schedule it on daily basis. Text files are in local unix file system.
I need to put those text files into hdfs before executing the hive scripts in a oozie workflow.
In a real time cluster we don't know job will run on which will run randomly in any one of the node in cluster.
can any one provide me the solution.
Thanks in advance.
Not sure I understand what you want to do.
The way I see it, it can't work:
Oozie server has access to HDFS files only (same as Hive)
your data is on a local filesystem somewhere
So why don't you load your files into HDFS beforehand? The transfer may be triggered either when the files are available (post-processing action in the upstream job) or at fixed time (using Linux CRON).
You don't even need the Hadoop libraries on the Linux box if the WebHDFS service is active on your NameNode - just use CURL and a HTTP upload.

Writing to local file during map phase in hadoop

Hadoop writes the intermediate results to the local disk and the results of the reducer to the HDFS. what does HDFS mean. What does it physically translate to
HDFS is the Hadoop Distributed File System. Physically, it is a program running on each node of the cluster that provides a file system interface very similar to that of a local file system. However, data written to HDFS is not just stored on the local disk but rather is distributed on disks across the cluster. Data stored in HDFS is typically also replicated, so the same block of data may appear on multiple nodes in the cluster. This provides reliable access so that one node's crashing or being busy will not prevent someone from being able to read any particular block of data from HDFS.
Check out for more information.
As Chase indicated, HDFS is Hadoop Distributed File System.
If I may, I recommend this tutorial and video of how HDFS and the Map/Reduce framework works and will serve you as a guide into the world of Hadoop:
