Writing to local file during map phase in hadoop - hadoop

Hadoop writes the intermediate results to the local disk and the results of the reducer to the HDFS. what does HDFS mean. What does it physically translate to

HDFS is the Hadoop Distributed File System. Physically, it is a program running on each node of the cluster that provides a file system interface very similar to that of a local file system. However, data written to HDFS is not just stored on the local disk but rather is distributed on disks across the cluster. Data stored in HDFS is typically also replicated, so the same block of data may appear on multiple nodes in the cluster. This provides reliable access so that one node's crashing or being busy will not prevent someone from being able to read any particular block of data from HDFS.
Check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hadoop_Distributed_File_System#Hadoop_Distributed_File_System for more information.

As Chase indicated, HDFS is Hadoop Distributed File System.
If I may, I recommend this tutorial and video of how HDFS and the Map/Reduce framework works and will serve you as a guide into the world of Hadoop: http://www.cloudera.com/resource/introduction-to-apache-mapreduce-and-hdfs/


What is the recommended DefaultFS (File system) for Hadoop on ephemeral Dataproc clusters?

What is the recommended DefaultFS (File system) for Hadoop on Dataproc. Are there any benchmarks, considerations available around using GCS vs HDFS as the default file system?
I was also trying to test things out and discovered that when I set the DefaultFS to a gs:// path, the Hive scratch files are getting created - both on HDFS as well as the GCS paths. Is this happening synchronously and adding to latency or does the write to GCS happen after the fact?
Would appreciate any guidance, reference around this.
Thank you
PS: These are ephemeral Dataproc clusters that are going to be using GCS for all persistent data.
HDFS is faster. There should already be public benchmarks for that, or just taken as a fact because GCS is networked storage where HDFS is directly mounted in the Dataproc VMs.
"Recommended" would be persistent storage, though, so GCS, but maybe only after finalizing the data in the applications. For example, you might not want Hive scratch files in GCS since they'll never be used outside of the current query session, but you would want Spark checkpoints if you're running periodic batch jobs that scale down the HDFS cluster in between executions
I would say the default (HDFS) is the recommended. Typically, the input and output data of Dataproc jobs are persisted outside of the cluster in GCS or BigQuery, the cluster is used for compute and intermediate data. These intermediate data are stored on local disks directly or through HDFS which eventually also goes to local disks. After the job is done, you can safely delete the cluster, only pay for the storage of input and output data to save cost.
Also HDFS usually has lower latency for intermediate data, especially for lots of small files and metadata operations, e.g. dir rename. GCS is better at throughput for large files.
But when using HDFS, you need to provision sufficient disk space (at least 1TB each node) and consider using local SSDs. See https://cloud.google.com/dataproc/docs/support/spark-job-tuning#optimize_disk_size for more details.

Hadoop backup and recovery tool and guidance

I am new to hadoop need to learn details about backup and recovery. I have revised oracle backup and recovery will it help in hadoop?From where should I start
There are a few options for backup and recovery. As s.singh points out, data replication is not DR.
HDFS supports snapshotting. This can be used to prevent user errors, recover files, etc. That being said, this isn't DR in the event of a total failure of the Hadoop cluster. (http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-hdfs/HdfsSnapshots.html)
Your best bet is keeping off-site backups. This can be to another Hadoop cluster, S3, etc and can be performed using distcp. (http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/stable1/distcp2.html), (https://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/AmazonS3)
Here is a Slideshare by Cloudera discussing DR (http://www.slideshare.net/cloudera/hadoop-backup-and-disaster-recovery)
Hadoop is designed to work on the big cluster with 1000's of nodes. Data loss is possibly less. You can increase the replication factor to replicate the data into many nodes across the cluster.
Refer Data Replication
For Namenode log backup, Either you can use the secondary namenode or Hadoop High Availability
Secondary Namenode
Secondary namenode will take backup for the namnode logs. If namenode fails then you can recover the namenode logs (which holds the data block information) from the secondary namenode.
High Availability
High Availability is a new feature to run more than one namenode in the cluster. One namenode will be active and the other one will be in standby. Log saves in both namenode. If one namenode fails then the other one becomes active and it will handle the operation.
But also we need to consider for Backup and Disaster Recovery in most cases. Refer #brandon.bell answer.
You can use the HDFS sync application on DataTorrent for DR use cases to backup high volumes of data from one HDFS cluster to another.
It uses Apache Apex as a processing engine.
Start with official documentation website : HdfsUserGuide
Have a look at below SE posts:
Hadoop 2.0 data write operation acknowledgement
Hadoop: HDFS File Writes & Reads
Hadoop 2.0 Name Node, Secondary Node and Checkpoint node for High Availability
How does Hadoop Namenode failover process works?
Documentation page regarding Recovery_Mode:
Typically, you will configure multiple metadata storage locations. Then, if one storage location is corrupt, you can read the metadata from one of the other storage locations.
However, what can you do if the only storage locations available are corrupt? In this case, there is a special NameNode startup mode called Recovery mode that may allow you to recover most of your data.
You can start the NameNode in recovery mode like so: namenode -recover

Effective ways to load data from hdfs to local system?

I'm trying to load terabytes of data from hdfs to local using hadoop fs -get but it takes hours to complete this task. Is there an alternate effective way to get data from hdfs to local?
How fast you copy to a local filesystem is dependent on many factors including:
Are you copying in parallel or in serial.
Is the file splittable (can a mapper potentially deal with a block of data rather than a file, usually a problem if you have certain kinds of compressed files on HDFS)
Network bandwidth of course because you will likely be pulling from many DataNodes
Option 1: DistCp
In any case, since you state your files are on HDFS, we know each hadoop slave node can see the data. You can try to use the DistCp command (distributed copy) which will make your copy operation into a parallel MapReduce job for you WITH ONE MAJOR CAVEAT!.
MAJOR CAVEAT: This will be a distributed copy process so the destination you specify on the command line needs to be a place visible to all nodes. To do this you can mount a network share on all nodes and specify a directory in that network share (NFS, Samba, Other) as the destination for your files. This may take getting a system admin involved, but the result may be a faster file copy operation so the cost-benefit is up to you.
DistCp documentation is here: http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r0.19.0/distcp.html
DistCp example: YourShell> hadoop distcp -i -update /path/on/hdfs/to/directoryOrFileToCopy file:///LocalpathToCopyTo
Option 2: Multi-threaded Java Application with HDFS API
As you found, the hadoop fs -get is a sequential operation. If your java skills are up to the task, you can write your own multithreaded copy program using the hadoop file system API calls.
Option 3: Multi-threaded Program in any language with HDFS REST API
If you know a different language than Java, you can similarly write a multi-threaded program that accesses HDFS through the HDFS REST API or as an NFS mount

data backup and recovery in hadoop 2.2.0

I am new to Hadoop and much interested in Hadoop Administration,so i tried to install Hadoop 2.2.0 in Ubuntu 12.04 as pseudo distributed mode and installed successfully and run some example jar files also ,now i am trying learn further ,trying to learn data back up and recovery part now,can anyone tell ways to take data back back up and recovery it in hadoop 2.2.0 ,and also please suggest any good books for Hadoop Adminstration and steps to learn Hadoop Adminstration.
Thanks in Advance.
There is no classic backup and recovery functionality in Hadoop. There are several reasons for this:
HDFS uses block level replication for data protection via redundancy.
HDFS scales out massively in size, and it is becoming more economic to backup to disk, rather than tape.
The size of "Big Data" doesn't lend itself to being easily backed up.
Instead of backups, Hadoop uses data replication. Internally, it creates multiple copies of each block of data (by default, 3 copies). It also has a function called 'distcp', which allows you to replicate copies of data between clusters. This is what's typically done for "backups" by most Hadoop operators.
Some companies, like Cloudera, are incorporating the distcp tool into creating a 'backup' or 'replication' service for their distribution of Hadoop. It operates against a specific directory in HDFS, and replicates it to another cluster.
If you really wanted to create a backup service for Hadoop, you can create one manually yourself. You would need some mechanism of accessing the data (NFS gateway, webFS, etc), and could then use tape libraries, VTLs, etc. to create backups.

HDFS configuration & what is the user directory for?

I am currently "playing around" with Hadoop in a VM (CDH4.1.3 image from cloudera). What I am wondering about is the following (and the documentation did not really help me in that regard).
Following the tutorial, I would format a NameNode first - OK, that is already done if one uses the cloudera image. Likewise the HDFS file structure is already present. In the hdfs-site.xml the datanode data dir is set to:
which is obviously where the blocks are supposed to be copied to in a real distributed setting. In the cloudera tutorial, one is told to create hdfs "home directories" for each user (/users/<username>), which I do not understand what they are for. Are they just for local test-runs in a single-node setup?
Say I really had petabytes of data on type not fitting into my local storage. This data would have to be distributed straight away, rendering a local "home directory" entirely useless.
Could someone tell me, just to give me an intuition, how a real Hadoop workflow with massive data would look like? What kind of distinct nodes would I have running for a start?
There's the master (JobTracker) with its slave file (where would I put that) allowing the master to resolve all the DataNodes. Then there is my NameNode that keeps track of where the block IDs are stored. The DataNodes are also carry TaskTracker responsibility. In the config files, the NameNode's URI is included -- am I correct so far? Then there is still the ${user.name} variable in the configuration which apparently, if I understood it right, has something to do with WebHDFS, which would also be great if someone could explain to me. In the running examples, the directions tend to be hardcoded to
/var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/cache/1/dfs/data, /var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/cache/2/dfs/data and so on.
So, back to the example: Say, I have my tape and want to import data into my HDFS (and I am required to stream data into the filesystem because I lack the local storage to save it locally on a single machine). Where would I start with the migration process? On an arbitrary DataNode? On the NameNode that distributes the chunks? After all, I cannot assume the data just to "be there", because the name node has to be aware of the block IDs.
It would be great if someone could shortly elaborate on these topics:
What is the home directory really for?
Do I migrate data to the home directory first and to the real distributed system afterwards?
How does WebHDFS work and what role does it play with regards to the user.name variable
How would I migrate "big data" into my HDFS on the fly - or even if it's not big data, how do I populate my file system in a proper way (meaning, that the chunks get randomly distributed across the cluster?
What is the home directory really for?
You have a small confusion here. Just like /home exists for local filesystems on Linux, where users are given their own storage space, /users is a home mount ON the HDFS (Distributed FS). The tutorial needs you to administratively create a home directory for the user you wish to later be running data loads and queries as, such that they get adequate permissions and storage access onto the HDFS. The tutorial is not asking you to create these directories locally.
Do I migrate data to the home directory first and to the real distributed system afterwards?
I believe my above answer should clarify this for you. You should create your home directory on the HDFS, and then load all your data inside of that directory.
How does WebHDFS work and what role does it play with regards to the user.name variable
WebHDFS is one of the various ways to access HDFS. Regular clients to talk to HDFS require use of Java APIs. WebHDFS (and also HttpFs) techniques were added to HDFS to let other languages have their own set of APIs by providing a REST front-end to HDFS. WebHDFS allows user-authentication, to help persist the permission and security models.
How would I migrate "big data" into my HDFS on the fly - or even if it's not big data, how do I populate my file system in a proper way (meaning, that the chunks get randomly distributed across the cluster?
The large part of problem HDFS solves for you is that of managing distribution of data. When loading files or data streams to HDFS (via CLI tools, sinks from Apache Flume, etc.), the blocks are spread in an ideal distribution by HDFS itself, and the chunking is managed by it as well. All you need to do is use the user-side regular FileSystem style APIs and forget about what goes where underneath - its all managed for you.
