Can't load Xamarin solution after Visual Studio 15.7.3 update - visual-studio

After updating Visual Studio 15.7.1 into 15.7.3, I can't load my Xamarin solution that has a Xamarin.IOs project and a Net Standard 2.0 project.
The loading project window appears loading the projects, but it freezes on loading the first project and Visual Studio goes not responding. The only way to close Visual Studio at that point is by terminating it through the Task Manager.
Is there any way can I successfully open my Xamarin solution from Visual Studio 15.7.3?

This issue appears to be happening only when you try to open the solution through Visual Studio 15.7.3 itself. That is if you try to open the solution,
Through the recent link under Recent section of the Start Page in Visual Studio
Through the Open Project / Solution under Open section of the Start Page in Visual Studio
Through File > Open > Project / Solution... in Visual Studio
If you navigate to the directory of the solution, then double click the solution file (.sln file) if .sln files are set to open with Visual Studio OR right click on the solution file and select Open with > Microsoft Visual Studio 2017
Then the solution along with the projects will be successfully opened in Visual Studio 15.7.3!
Note: There's a ticket requesting to fix this issue at,
After restarting windows, then you can reopen projects as before, directly through Visual Studio 😊

Disabled xamarin Extension
Restart VS
Reload droid project
Enabled Xamaring Extension
Restart VS
This worked for me


Missing Cross-platform template on Visual Studio 2017

i'm after install updates on visual studio 2017 and create successful my first app with xamarin.forms and cross platform, when i want to create another app i can't find cross-platform template on new project dialog.
I was having the same problem and managed to do it
The Visual Studio Installer will open
Under the word Visual Studio Community 2017 there is a word called "More" Click on it to enlarge the word "Repair" Click on it to start downloading After it is finished Press Restart the program and open the program

Opening VSTO project in Visual studio 2015

There is one project which is originally created on Visual Studio 2010 and its a VSTO Word Addin project few years back
Now for maintenance i have to work on same project but only Visual Studio 2015 is available on my machine and its showing alert Cannot open this project.
So how can i upgrade this solution so that i can open my project in VS 2015
The error message now i am getting while trying to open the project in Visual Studio 2015 is
It's late, but hopefully solution could help somebody else.
You need to create new project of the same type. Then open the new project file (first unload the project and right click to edit .csproj file).
Next replace section <VisualStudio> in your old project with content from the newly created one. Then reload your old project and everything should work.
You need to download "Microsoft Office Developer Tools" for Visual Studio 2015. I just downloaded them from this link:

Why visual studio 2015 not supporting intellisense support for

recently after build 2016 of Microsoft, I have install xamarin for visual studio 2015.
The key part of vs is its intellisense feature and that is not supported when working with .axml files.
Please suggest
Visual Studio supports Intellisense for Android .axml files, but you must enable this first. For enabling this feature, read How do I enable Intellisense in Android .axml files? - If you didn't find the files in the mentioned directory (see article), you could download these from GitHub:
For Visual Studio 2015.
Download "android-layout-xml.xsd" and "" from:
Put all downloaded files into C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Xml\Schemas
Open .axml file and click XML/Schemas menu in the Visual Studio. Then add correspondent files to the project.
Xamarin for Visual Studio includes out of the box xsd-based intellisense support starting with our cycle 7 builds. (XamarinVS 4.1.0.x).
You can try it right now switching to the Beta channel. In Visual Studio go to:
Tools - Options - Xamarin - Other
Select the Beta channel, and press Check now
Keep in mind that if you're developing for Xamarin.iOS, you will need to switch to the Beta channel your Mac as well. That can be done from Xamarin Studio in the Mac.
This is for Visual Studio, but you need a Xamarin Studio installation to make it work.
To enable Intellisense in Android .axml files:
Download or copy android-layout-xml.xsd into Visual Studio folder\Xml\Schemas
open catalog.xml and add line after last :' />
Save catalog.xml and restart (or start) Visual Studio.
Intellisense in .axml files should work by default. (Maybe you need add a file too.)
Shem's files:

Unable to open project in Visual Studio 2013 Pro - Marmalade Project

I'm unable to open Marmalade MKB Files in Visual Studio 2013 Pro, while my other class mates can with the exact same version of Visual Studio. I've tried multiple projects but unfortunately I'am unable to open any. I've already tried to reinstall Marmalade.
The error message I get is:
Unsupported This version of Visual Studio is unable to open the
following projects. The project types may not be installed or this
version of Visual Studio may not support them.
Sounds like you may have set the mkb to be opened by visual studio as default instead of Marmalade.
So instead of Marmalade taking the mkb and turning it into a visual studio project and then opening it Visual Studio is just trying to open the .mkb file it doesn't understand.
Try right clicking on the mkb and choosing Open in Hub (or similar) from the context menu. You should be able to then open in IDE from there and have it open your project in visual studio. If you still get the same error then it means the problem is probably something else. If it works you'll have to stop visual studio being the default that will hopefully let marmalade take over again
Good Luck

Project Not Loading in Visual Studio 2010

I recently installed the Windows Phone 7 SDK that came bundled with Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone. I downloaded a sample app and tried to open the solution file. When I checked the solution view window, the app project was not loaded. Every time I tried to reload the project, it flash as available for a moment and then go back to being unavailable. I tried all the usual tricks like removing source control from the .csproj and deleting the .user and .suo files. Any ideas?
Ok I figured it out. When I open the solution file, it opens in Visual Studio 2010 Shell. What I needed to do was to go to Visual Studio 2010 for Windows Phone, open existing project, and then browse to the solution file and open it. Sorry for the confusion everyone!
