Project Not Loading in Visual Studio 2010 - windows

I recently installed the Windows Phone 7 SDK that came bundled with Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone. I downloaded a sample app and tried to open the solution file. When I checked the solution view window, the app project was not loaded. Every time I tried to reload the project, it flash as available for a moment and then go back to being unavailable. I tried all the usual tricks like removing source control from the .csproj and deleting the .user and .suo files. Any ideas?

Ok I figured it out. When I open the solution file, it opens in Visual Studio 2010 Shell. What I needed to do was to go to Visual Studio 2010 for Windows Phone, open existing project, and then browse to the solution file and open it. Sorry for the confusion everyone!


Can't load Xamarin solution after Visual Studio 15.7.3 update

After updating Visual Studio 15.7.1 into 15.7.3, I can't load my Xamarin solution that has a Xamarin.IOs project and a Net Standard 2.0 project.
The loading project window appears loading the projects, but it freezes on loading the first project and Visual Studio goes not responding. The only way to close Visual Studio at that point is by terminating it through the Task Manager.
Is there any way can I successfully open my Xamarin solution from Visual Studio 15.7.3?
This issue appears to be happening only when you try to open the solution through Visual Studio 15.7.3 itself. That is if you try to open the solution,
Through the recent link under Recent section of the Start Page in Visual Studio
Through the Open Project / Solution under Open section of the Start Page in Visual Studio
Through File > Open > Project / Solution... in Visual Studio
If you navigate to the directory of the solution, then double click the solution file (.sln file) if .sln files are set to open with Visual Studio OR right click on the solution file and select Open with > Microsoft Visual Studio 2017
Then the solution along with the projects will be successfully opened in Visual Studio 15.7.3!
Note: There's a ticket requesting to fix this issue at,
After restarting windows, then you can reopen projects as before, directly through Visual Studio 😊
Disabled xamarin Extension
Restart VS
Reload droid project
Enabled Xamaring Extension
Restart VS
This worked for me

How to port Visual Studio 2013 solutions to Visual Studio 2015 such that they are under the VS2015 projects folder

So I recently installed VS2015 after having using VS2013 for a bit. I actually only used VS2013 to create one project, so I would like to abandon VS2013 and use VS2015 exclusively and likely uninstall VS2013
While I was able to open and run this single VS2013 project in VS2015 just fine, I would like to move the VS2013 project over to the VS2015 project directory; C:\Users\myname\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\projects
How can I best do this?
OK got it. I simply made a copy of the old project under VS2015. Still it showed as a VS2013 project, so (with the project opened in VS2015) I performed "Save As ..." in the "File"-menu and overwrite the existing solution file. Now I can double click on the .sln file and it opens in VS2015

VS 2010 - How to fix in creating Visual Studio 2010 Project Themes folders inside the solution

Whenever I open a file (ex. aspx, ascx) or a solution using VS, it creates the following 3 folders next to a file or a solution.
Visual Studio 2010
Visual Studio 2010Projects
visual studio 2010Templates
Recently, there has been a problem with Windows User Account in our network; the profile issue has been fixed by Network Admin.
I'm wondering how to fix that VS issue. Thanks in advanced.
Open the Tools/Options/Projects and Solutions/General dialog, and make sure the settings are correct for Projects Location, User Projects Template Location, and User Items Template Location.

can not open VS2005 solution file

I have a visual studio 2005 solution with many projects. Yesterday I was able to open it normally. Today, when I double click on it, I get the following error message:
The selected file is a Visual Studio solution file, but was created by a newer version of Visual Studio and can not be opened.
Please help.
Sounds like you, or someone, opened the file in VS 2008/2010. The solution file has been upgraded. You can create a new solution, add the projects, of course in 2005.
I right clicked on sln file and used Visual studio version selector to open the file and it was successful.

VS Studio Crashes hard with "encountered a user-defined breakpoint" error on any config file

I have a odd problem here I can't figure out.
alt text
This happens each time I open the web.config file in my project. Studio crashes immediately after clicking close. Clicking debug just opens and empty Studio with the debugger attached to nothing.
I even resorted to open studio 2008 naked, without and project or solution, and then manually browsed to the web.config. It still crashes.
Other info:
All *.config files with crash as soon as the file opens.
This occurs in both VS 2005 and 2008.
Any file named .config, whether a .cs file renamed, or an empty text file called bob.config.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Try looking at your packages installed for Visual Studio. They are registered in the registry under:
Visual Studio 2008
Visual Studio 2005
If you have a lot, I say kill them all. And then reinstall your specific addons (such as CodeSmith or VisualSVN).
For reference, this is my fresh new install of Visual Studio 2008 SP1 on Windows 7 RTM. Only 1 plugin, and it's for SQL Server's SSIS:
