added code slows down processing time significantly - performance

I worked this code out stitching elements together. It takes worksheets from a workbook, saves them as individual workbooks in a new folder then emails them to the PMs for their action. I wrote it blindly not knowing how the workbook was structured. Then I found out the workbook (it's a restricted access file), has the first 4 worksheets that I need to ignore. I added another if loop to ignore worksheets that contain the string "IGNORE" in cell A2. It was working so fast before I added this if statement now it seems to take a lot longer. I fear it will be unreasonably slow on the workbook where I am going to implement it on (20 worksheets). I am going to watch it as it process in debug mode I guess, but any help would be greatly appreciated. Here's the code:
Sub SplitWorkbook()
'TMP June 5, 2018 Export and save worksheets as new Workbook in a new folder
Dim FileExtStr As String
Dim FileFormatNum As Long
Dim xWs As Worksheet
Dim xWb As Workbook
Dim FolderName As String
'TMP June 5, 2018 added following dims for auto email generator submodule
Dim oApp As Object
Dim oMail As Object
Dim eAdd As Object
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set xWb = Application.ThisWorkbook
DateString = Format(Now, "yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss")
FolderName = xWb.Path & "\" & xWb.Name & " " & DateString
MkDir FolderName
For Each xWs In xWb.Worksheets
If Val(Application.Version) < 12 Then
FileExtStr = ".xls": FileFormatNum = -4143
Select Case xWb.FileFormat
Case 51:
FileExtStr = ".xlsx": FileFormatNum = 51
Case 52:
If Application.ActiveWorkbook.HasVBProject Then
FileExtStr = ".xlsm": FileFormatNum = 52
FileExtStr = ".xlsx": FileFormatNum = 51
End If
Case 56:
FileExtStr = ".xls": FileFormatNum = 56
Case Else:
FileExtStr = ".xlsb": FileFormatNum = 50
End Select
End If
Set eAdd = ActiveSheet.Range("A2")
If eAdd <> "IGNORE" Then
xFile = FolderName & "\" & Application.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Name & FileExtStr
Application.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs xFile, FileFormat:=FileFormatNum
'TMP June 5,2018 Added submodule to create and show the Outlook mail item
Set oApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set oMail = oApp.CreateItem(0)
Set eAdd = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")
With oMail
'selects the to from A1
.to = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")
'Sets the subject
.Subject = "Your hammer sheet is attached"
'Creates the body of the email
.body = ActiveSheet.Range("A2") & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"Here is your hammer sheet to fill out and send back within 2 days" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Thanks a lot," & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Mounir Samara"
.Attachments.Add xFile
End With
Application.ActiveWorkbook.Close False
End If ''IGNORE' if loop
MsgBox "You can find the files in " & FolderName
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub


Saving email headers as .msg

Dear StackOverflowers.
I know a few programming languages, but unfortunately VBA is not one of them.
I'm trying to make a script that saves the headers from selected mails in Outlook as .msg-files.
I found a script that opens the headers as new messages, but how to I save them as e.g. [senders domain]_[date recieved].msg instead of opening them as new mails?
The script that I have:
Sub ViewInternetHeader()
Dim olItem As Outlook.MailItem, olMsg As Outlook.MailItem
Dim strHeader As String
For Each olItem In Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
strHeader = GetInetHeaders(olItem)
Set olMsg = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With olMsg
.BodyFormat = olFormatPlain
.Body = strHeader
End With
Set olMsg = Nothing
End Sub
Function GetInetHeaders(olkMsg As Outlook.MailItem) As String
' Purpose: Returns the internet headers of a message.'
' Written: 4/28/2009'
' Author: BlueDevilFan'
' //
' Outlook: 2007'
Dim olkPA As Outlook.PropertyAccessor
Set olkPA = olkMsg.PropertyAccessor
GetInetHeaders = olkPA.GetProperty(PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS)
Set olkPA = Nothing
End Function
Use the MailItem.SaveAs method which saves the Microsoft Outlook item to the specified path and in the format of the specified file type. If the file type is not specified, the MSG format (.msg) is used. For example:
Sub SaveAsTXT()
Dim myItem As Outlook.Inspector
Dim objItem As Object
Set myItem = Application.ActiveInspector
If Not TypeName(myItem) = "Nothing" Then
Set objItem = myItem.CurrentItem
strname = objItem.Subject
'Prompt the user for confirmation
Dim strPrompt As String
strPrompt = "Are you sure you want to save the item? " & _
"If a file with the same name already exists, " & _
"it will be overwritten with this copy of the file."
If MsgBox(strPrompt, vbYesNo + vbQuestion) = vbYes Then
objItem.SaveAs Environ("HOMEPATH") & "\My Documents\" & strname & ".txt", olTXT
End If
MsgBox "There is no current active inspector."
End If
End Sub
So you want an MSG file that has no recipients, attachments, subject, etc, only the MIME headers as the body? Why do you want the MSG format then?
You can create an populate a text file using the Scripting.FileSystemObject and use its CreateTextFile method.
Thank you, Eugene.
I managed to put in your code.
But it doesn't give the file a name, it's only called ".msg", and it doesn't work, when I try to select more than one email.
Also, how do I avoid, that it opens a new mail with the header?
I have this script now:
Sub ViewInternetHeader()
Dim olItem As Outlook.MailItem, olMsg As Outlook.MailItem
Dim strHeader As String
For Each olItem In Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
strHeader = GetInetHeaders(olItem)
Set olMsg = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With olMsg
.BodyFormat = olFormatPlain
.Body = strHeader
End With
Set olMsg = Nothing
Dim myItem As Outlook.Inspector
Dim objItem As Object
Set myItem = Application.ActiveInspector
If Not TypeName(myItem) = "Nothing" Then
Set objItem = myItem.CurrentItem
strname = objItem.SenderEmailAddress
'Prompt the user for confirmation
Dim strPrompt As String
strPrompt = "Are you sure you want to save the item? " & _
"If a file with the same name already exists, " & _
"it will be overwritten with this copy of the file."
If MsgBox(strPrompt, vbYesNo + vbQuestion) = vbYes Then
objItem.saveas "C:\temp\" & strname & ".msg", OLTXT
End If
MsgBox "There is no current active inspector."
End If
End Sub
Function GetInetHeaders(olkMsg As Outlook.MailItem) As String
Dim olkPA As Outlook.PropertyAccessor
Set olkPA = olkMsg.PropertyAccessor
GetInetHeaders = olkPA.GetProperty(PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS)
Set olkPA = Nothing
End Function

replacing XML values in For-Each and returning in function

The script I have here is attempting to do recurse through an XML file, storing each RegEx match (stored in a search array) into 2 result arrays; 1 for start date, 1 for end date.
Ubounds of both arrays are checked for equality then the text is passed to a function that uses XMLDOM to find the End_Date node in each parent node, then passes that text to another function, adding 30 days and then passing it back, replacing the previous value. Then it's supposed to write back the contents to the file and save it.
I've got a few problems here. 1. I can't get the +30 day value to be passed back to anything past the first parent node--memory space seems to retain the +30 day value from previous For-Each iteration. 2. I can't write anything back to the file.
I was initially writing for text files, but the format changed to XML as the requirements changed on our project.
I'd love to be able to do this all in XMLDOM in vbscript and just use functions to do specific data changes. But my main concern is my sloppy script not doing the basics.
Can anyone help me by pointing out the flaws in the loops I'm running? I've hit a wall and just can't seem to make any more progress!
Here's the XML file I'm reading(shortened to 2 Ad nodes w/ a ton of child nodes removed):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Here's the script:
'Setting the Regular Expression object and setting occurrences to all in strings searched.
Set objRegEx= CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
objRegEx.Global= True
set Shell= createobject("")
Dim FSO, FLD, FIL, TS, strDate, strEDat, i, d, c
Dim strFolder, strContent, strPath
Const ForReading= 1, ForWriting= 2
strFolder= "C:\Scripts\Run"
Set FSO= CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Get a reference to the folder you want to search
set FLD= FSO.GetFolder(strFolder)
'loop through the folder and get the files
For Each Fil In FLD.Files
'Open the file to read
Set TS= FSO.OpenTextFile(fil.Path, ForReading)
'Read the contents into a variable
strContent= TS.ReadAll
'Close the file
reDim arrMR(1,1)
arrMR(0,0)= "(\s+)(<Start_Date>(.*?)<\/Start_Date>)"
arrMR(1,0)= "(\s+)(<End_Date>(.*?)<\/End_Date>)"
For i= 0 to Ubound(arrMR)
objRegEx.Pattern= arrMR(i,0)
Set objMatches= objRegEx.Execute(strContent)
For Each objMatch in objMatches
If i= 0 Then
If d>0 Then
reDim Preserve arrStart(d)
reDim arrStart(d)
End If
arrStart(d)= objMatches.Item(d).SubMatches(2)
'Wscript.Echo arrStart(d)
ElseIf i<> 0 Then
If d>0 Then
reDim Preserve arrEnd(d)
ReDim Preserve arrMatch1(d)
reDim arrEnd(d)
ReDim arrMatch1(d)
End If
arrEnd(d)= objMatches.Item(d).SubMatches(2)
arrMatch1(d)= objMatches.Item(d).SubMatches(1)
End If
If objRegEx.Pattern<> arrMR(0,0) Then
If (ubound(arrStart)= ubound(arrEnd)) Then
'Wscript.Echo "Ubounds Match"
Parse strContent
strContent= Parse(strContent)
'Wscript.Echo "Start & End Dates do not match"
End If
End If
d= d+ 1 'increment to next match
'Close the file
'Open the file to overwrite the contents
Set TS= FSO.OpenTextFile(fil.Path, ForWriting)
'Write the contents back
TS.Write strContent
'Close the current file
'Clean up
Set TS= Nothing
Set FLD= Nothing
Set FSO= Nothing
Function Parse(ParseContent)
'Dim sFSpec : sFSpec = FSO.GetAbsolutePathName("C:\Users\j.levine\Desktop\XML Feeder Scripts\Test_Files\monvid.txt")
Dim oXML : Set oXML = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0")
Dim strXMLSDat, strXMLarrStartD, XMLEDat
oXML.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
oXML.async = False
If 0 = oXML.parseError Then
Dim sXPath3 : sXPath3 = "//XMLFeederRoot/Ad[End_Date=Start_Date]"
Dim ndlFnd : Set ndlFnd = oXML.selectNodes(sXPath3)
If 0 = ndlFnd.length Then
WScript.Echo sXPath, "not found"
ElseIf 0<> ndlFnd.length Then
'WScript.Echo "found", ndlFnd.length, "nodes for", sXPath
Dim ndCur, oldNode
For Each ndCur In ndlFnd
oldNode = oXML.selectsinglenode("//End_Date").text
oldNode= XMLSplitArray(oldNode) 'Pass current Date into Array and add 30 days & return as node text
Set newNode= oXML.selectSingleNode("//End_Date")
newNode.text= oldNode
WScript.Echo ndCur.xml
'WScript.Echo "We have nothing to replace"
End If
WScript.Echo oXML.parseError.reason
End If
Parse= ParseContent
End Function
Function XMLSplitArray(strval1)
dim XmlSA, XmlSA2, XMLEDat
XmlSA = split(strval1, "-")
XmlSA(2) = Left(XmlSA(2), 2)
strXMLDate = XmlSA(1) & "/" & XmlSA(2) & "/" & XmlSA(0)
strXMLDate30 = DateAdd("d", 30, strXMLDate)
XmlSA2 = split(strXMLDate30, "/")
'Add zero to the left
XmlSA2(0)= Right("0" & XmlSA2(0), 2)
XmlSA2(1)= Right("0" & XmlSA2(1), 2)
XmlSA2(1) = XmlSA2(1) & "T00:00:00"
XMLEDat = XmlSA2(2) & "-" & XmlSA2(0) & "-" & XmlSA2(1)
XMLSplitArray= XMLEDat
End Function
Thomas was right w/ the KISS method. I took a big step back, and started over.
Here's what I've come up with. It does what I need regarding the Date+30 and writing back to a file. I think this method is cleaner and will allow me to run my other text massaging through functions.
My questions about this new script are:
1. can this be done without having to write to a new file? Keeping to 1 file is easier.
2. Can I avoid cloning the node and deleting the original one and directly change the original node's value?
3. I seem to be missing how to get that last node <Status> onto it's own line.
Dim xmlDoc: Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
xmlDoc.Async = False
xmlDoc.load "C:\Scripts\Run\MonVid-SHORT.xml"
Dim xmldoc2: set xmldoc2 = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
Dim strSkeleton : strSkeleton= "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>" & _
"<XMLFeederRoot>" & _
xmldoc2.loadXML(strSkeleton) "C:\Scripts\Copy\New_MonVid-Short.xml"
xmlDoc2.async = False
xmlDoc2.load "C:\Scripts\Copy\New_MonVid-Short.xml"
Dim sXPath : sXPath = "/XMLFeederRoot/Ad[Start_Date=End_Date]"
For Each n In XMLDoc.SelectNodes(sXpath)
set l = n.cloneNode(True)
q= l.selectSingleNode("/End_Date").text
set Stat= l.selectSingleNode("/Status")
set Parent= Stat.parentNode
set EDate= xmlDoc2.createElement("End_Date")
EDate.appendChild xmlDoc2.createTextNode(strSDat)
Parent.insertBefore EDate, Stat
xmldoc2.documentElement.appendChild parent
Next xmldoc2.url
Function SplitArray(strval1)
dim SplitArray1, SplitArray2, strSDat
splitArray1 = split(strval1, "-")
splitArray1(2) = left(splitArray1(2), 2)
strDate1 = SplitArray1(1) & "/" & SplitArray1(2) & "/" & SplitArray1(0)
strDate30 = DateAdd("d", 30, strDate1)
SplitArray2 = split(strDate30, "/")
'Add zero to the left
If Len(SplitArray2(0))<2 Then
SplitArray2(0)= Right("0" & SplitArray2(0), 2)
End If
If Len(SplitArray2(1))<2 Then
SplitArray2(1)= Right("0" & SplitArray2(1), 2)
End If
SplitArray2(1) = splitArray2(1) & "T00:00:00"
strSDat = SplitArray2(2) & "-" & SplitArray2(0) & "-" & SplitArray2(1)
SplitArray= strSDat
End Function
Output File:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Since Text and XML files don't use file locks by default just overwrite the original file using xmlDoc.Save monvidPath.
Sub setAdEndDate(monvidPath)
Const sXPath = "/XMLFeederRoot/Ad/End_Date"
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.Async = "False"
Set colNodes=xmlDoc.selectNodes(sXPath)
For Each n In colNodes
n.Text = SplitArray(n.Text)
xmlDoc.Save monvidPath
End Sub
Function SplitArray(strval1)
Dim SplitArray1, SplitArray2, strSDat
splitArray1 = Split(strval1, "-")
splitArray1(2) = Left(splitArray1(2), 2)
strDate1 = SplitArray1(1) & "/" & SplitArray1(2) & "/" & SplitArray1(0)
strDate30 = DateAdd("d", 30, strDate1)
SplitArray2 = Split(strDate30, "/")
'Add zero to the left
If Len(SplitArray2(0))<2 Then
SplitArray2(0)= Right("0" & SplitArray2(0), 2)
End If
If Len(SplitArray2(1))<2 Then
SplitArray2(1)= Right("0" & SplitArray2(1), 2)
End If
SplitArray2(1) = splitArray2(1) & "T00:00:00"
strSDat = SplitArray2(2) & "-" & SplitArray2(0) & "-" & SplitArray2(1)
SplitArray= strSDat
End Function

Not able to run vbscript on windows 7 and above version

I am not able to run a vbscript on windows 7 and above version. This script basically is used to copy data from one excel workbook to another. Please help me.
option explicit
on error resume next
dim objexcel,objfso,objfolder,objsubfolder,objfile,objrange
dim objworkbook,objworkbook2,objworksheet
dim strpath,pathname,endroww,introw,k,i
dim intnewrow,startrow,endrow
dim objrange1,objrange2
'constants asigned to sort
Const xlAscending = 1
Const xlYes = 1
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
strPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\SupriyaS\Desktop\feb 141"
If strPath = "" then Wscript.quit
If pathName = "" then Wscript.quit
'Creating an Excel Workbook in My Documents(destination)
Set objWorkbook2= objExcel.Workbooks.Add()
'to supress the flashing oh the screens
objExcel.Visible = False
'to supress the dialog box
objExcel.DisplayAlerts = False
Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFso.GetFolder (strPath)
Set objsubFolder = objfolder.subFolders
set objfile = objsubfolder.files
'loop through all the subfolders
For Each objsubfolder in objfolder.subfolders
'loopt hrough all the excel files in subfolder
For Each objFile In objsubFolder.Files
'to check for excel files using extention
If objFso.GetExtensionName (objFile.Path) = "xls" Then
'open the workbook to be copied from(source)
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(objFile.Path)
'activate the worksheet
Set objWorksheet = objWorkbook.WorkSheets(1)
'copy from the 2nd row
If intNewRow = 1 Then
startrow = 1
startrow = 2
End If
'count the number of used row
endrow = objWorkbook.Worksheets("SHEET1").UsedRange.Rows.Count
'copy the data
objWorkbook.Worksheets("SHEET1").Range(startrow & ":" & endrow).Copy
'close the workbook after copying
'paste it on workbook2
'increment the row
intNewRow = intNewRow + (endrow - startrow + 1)
End If
'counting row of workbook2
endroww = objWorkbook2.Worksheets("SHEET1").UsedRange.Rows.Count
'Deleting empty rows w.r.t column A (
while endroww >= 2
if objworkbook2.worksheets("sheet1").cells(endroww,1).value = "" then
Set objRange = objworkbook2.worksheets("sheet1").Cells(endroww,1).EntireRow
end if
endroww = endroww -1
'Sorting the data w.r.t date in ascending order
Set objWorksheet2 = objWorkbook2.Worksheets(1)
Set objRange1 = objWorksheet2.UsedRange
Header = xlYes
Set objRange2 = objExcel.Range("d2")
objRange2.Sort objRange2,xlAscending,,,,,,xlYes
'counting rows of workbook2 after deleting
k = objWorkbook2.Worksheets("SHEET1").UsedRange.Rows.Count
'Editing Serial number
introw = 2
for i = 1 to k
objworkbook2.worksheets("sheet1").cells(introw,1).value = i
introw = introw + 1
'save and close workbook2
This is the script and it will loop through all the subfolder and copy's the data from the excel workbooks in the sub folder to a single workbook. when i run the code it runs but i am not getting the excepted output i,e., its not copying the data at all and i am not getting any error while running the code.
You need to comment out that line.
on error resume next
'on error resume next
Then you'll get an error number, line number, and column nnumber of the error.
on error resume next
turns off error checking.
If you turn off error checking then you need to do it yourself. So after any line that may generate an error
If err.number <> 0 then
End If

Export sheet as UTF-8 CSV file (using Excel-VBA)

I would like to export a file I have created in UTF-8 CSV using VBA. From searching message boards, I have found the following code that converts a file to UTF-8 (from this thread):
Sub SaveAsUTF8()
Dim fsT, tFileToOpen, tFileToSave As String
tFileToOpen = InputBox("Enter the name and location of the file to convert" & vbCrLf & "With full path and filename ie. C:\MyFolder\ConvertMe.Txt")
tFileToSave = InputBox("Enter the name and location of the file to save" & vbCrLf & "With full path and filename ie. C:\MyFolder\SavedAsUTF8.Txt")
tFileToOpenPath = tFileToOpen
tFileToSavePath = tFileToSave
Set fsT = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream"): 'Create Stream object
fsT.Type = 2: 'Specify stream type – we want To save text/string data.
fsT.Charset = "utf-8": 'Specify charset For the source text data.
fsT.Open: 'Open the stream
fsT.LoadFromFile tFileToOpenPath: 'And write the file to the object stream
fsT.SaveToFile tFileToSavePath, 2: 'Save the data to the named path
End Sub
However, this code only converts a non-UTF-8 file to UTF-8. If I were to save my file in non-UTF-8 and then convert it to UTF-8, it would have already lost all the special characters it contained, thus rendering the process pointless!
What I'm looking to do is save an open file in UTF-8 (CSV). Is there any way of doing this with VBA?
n.b. I have also asked this question on the 'ozgrid' forum. Will close both threads together if I find a solution.
Finally in Office 2016, you can simply savs as CSV in UTF8.
Sub SaveWorkSheetAsCSV()
Dim wbNew As Excel.Workbook
Dim wsSource As Excel.Worksheet, wsTemp As Excel.Worksheet
Dim name As String
Set wsSource = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
name = "test"
Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'will overwrite existing files without asking
Set wsTemp = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
Set wbNew = ActiveWorkbook
Set wsTemp = wbNew.Worksheets(1)
wbNew.SaveAs name & ".csv", xlCSVUTF8 'new way
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
This will save the worksheet 1 into csv named test.
Update of this code. I used this one to change all .csv files in a specified folder (labeled "Bron") and save them as csv utf-8 in another folder (labeled "doel")
Sub SaveAsUTF8()
Dim fsT As Variant, tFileToOpen As String, tFileToSave As String
Dim Message As String
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim fileName As String
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.DisplayAlerts = False
End With
Message = "Source folder incorrect"
SourceFolder = wb.Worksheets("Menu").Range("Bron") & "\"
If Dir(SourceFolder, vbDirectory) = "" Or IsEmpty(SourceFolder) Then GoTo errorhandler
Message = "Target folder incorrect"
TargetFolder = wb.Worksheets("Menu").Range("Doel") & "\"
If Dir(TargetFolder, vbDirectory) = "" Or IsEmpty(TargetFolder) Then GoTo errorhandler
fileName = Dir(SourceFolder & "\*.csv", vbNormal)
Message = "No files available."
If Len(fileName) = 0 Then GoTo errorhandler
Do Until fileName = ""
tFileToOpen = SourceFolder & fileName
tFileToSave = TargetFolder & fileName
tFileToOpenPath = tFileToOpen
tFileToSavePath = tFileToSave
Set fsT = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream"): 'Create Stream object
fsT.Type = 2: 'Specify stream type – we want To save text/string data.
fsT.Charset = "utf-8": 'Specify charset For the source text data.
fsT.Open: 'Open the stream
fsT.LoadFromFile tFileToOpenPath: 'And write the file to the object stream
fsT.SaveToFile tFileToSavePath, 2: 'Save the data to the named path
fileName = Dir()
Message = "Okay to remove all old files?"
If QuestionMessage(Message) = False Then
GoTo the_end
On Error Resume Next
Kill SourceFolder & "*.csv"
On Error GoTo errorhandler
End If
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.DisplayAlerts = True
End With
Exit Sub
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.DisplayAlerts = True
End With
CriticalMessage (Message)
Exit Sub
End Sub
Function CriticalMessage(Message As String)
MsgBox Message
End Function
Function QuestionMessage(Message As String)
If MsgBox(Message, vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbNo Then
QuestionMessage = False
QuestionMessage = True
End If
End Function
Here's my solution based on Excel VBA - export to UTF-8, which user3357963 linked to earlier. It includes macros for exporting a range and a selection.
Option Explicit
Const strDelimiter = """"
Const strDelimiterEscaped = strDelimiter & strDelimiter
Const strSeparator = ","
Const strRowEnd = vbCrLf
Const strCharset = "utf-8"
Function CsvFormatString(strRaw As String) As String
Dim boolNeedsDelimiting As Boolean
boolNeedsDelimiting = InStr(1, strRaw, strDelimiter) > 0 _
Or InStr(1, strRaw, Chr(10)) > 0 _
Or InStr(1, strRaw, strSeparator) > 0
CsvFormatString = strRaw
If boolNeedsDelimiting Then
CsvFormatString = strDelimiter & _
Replace(strRaw, strDelimiter, strDelimiterEscaped) & _
End If
End Function
Function CsvFormatRow(rngRow As Range) As String
Dim arrCsvRow() As String
ReDim arrCsvRow(rngRow.Cells.Count - 1)
Dim rngCell As Range
Dim lngIndex As Long
lngIndex = 0
For Each rngCell In rngRow.Cells
arrCsvRow(lngIndex) = CsvFormatString(rngCell.Text)
lngIndex = lngIndex + 1
Next rngCell
CsvFormatRow = Join(arrCsvRow, ",") & strRowEnd
End Function
Sub CsvExportRange( _
rngRange As Range, _
Optional strFileName As Variant _
Dim rngRow As Range
Dim objStream As Object
If IsMissing(strFileName) Or IsEmpty(strFileName) Then
strFileName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename( _
InitialFileName:=ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & rngRange.Worksheet.Name & ".csv", _
FileFilter:="CSV (*.csv), *.csv", _
Title:="Export CSV")
End If
Set objStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
objStream.Type = 2
objStream.Charset = strCharset
For Each rngRow In rngRange.Rows
objStream.WriteText CsvFormatRow(rngRow)
Next rngRow
objStream.SaveToFile strFileName, 2
End Sub
Sub CsvExportSelection()
CsvExportRange ActiveWindow.Selection
End Sub
Sub CsvExportSheet(varSheetIndex As Variant)
Dim wksSheet As Worksheet
Set wksSheet = Sheets(varSheetIndex)
CsvExportRange wksSheet.UsedRange
End Sub

Autogenerate an email in an outlook and attach the currently open word document with VBS

I want to write a VBS macro to auto generate an email in outlook and attach a word document. I currently have a macro that does this for excel, but I can't get it to work for Word. I can't figure out for the life of me what my "FName= " should be. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated. Here is what I have:
Sub AutoEmail()
On Error GoTo Cancel
Dim Resp As Integer
Resp = MsgBox(prompt:=vbCr & "Yes = Review Email" & vbCr & "No = Immediately Send" & vbCr & "Cancel = Cancel" & vbCr, _
Title:="Review email before sending?", _
Buttons:=3 + 32)
Select Case Resp
'Yes was clicked, user wants to review email first
Case Is = 6
Dim myOutlook As Object
Dim myMailItem As Object
Set otlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set otlNewMail = otlApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
FName = ActiveWord & "\" & ActiveWord.Name
With otlNewMail
.To = ""
.CC = ""
.Subject = ""
.Body = "Good Morning," & vbCr & vbCr & "" & Format(Date, "MM/DD") & "."
.Attachments.Add FName
End With
Set otlNewMail = Nothing
Set otlApp = Nothing
Set otlAttach = Nothing
Set otlMess = Nothing
Set otlNSpace = Nothing
'If no is clicked
Case Is = 7
Dim myOutlok As Object
Dim myMailItm As Object
Set otlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set otlNewMail = otlApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
FName = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & ActiveWorkbook.Name
With otlNewMail
.To = ""
.CC = ""
.Subject = ""
.Body = "Good Morning," & vbCr & vbCr & " " & Format(Date, "MM/DD") & "."
.Attachments.Add FName
'Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
'Application.SendKeys "%s"
End With
Set otlNewMail = Nothing
Set otlApp = Nothing
Set otlAttach = Nothing
Set otlMess = Nothing
Set otlNSpace = Nothing
'If Cancel is clicked
Case Is = 2
MsgBox prompt:="No Email has been sent.", _
End Select
End Sub
May it is a bit late, but I want to solve it for future use.
You want to have the active document as your file name (FName).
FName = Application.ActiveDocument.Path + "\" + Application.ActiveDocument.Name
' .Path returns only the Path where the file is saved without the file name like "C:\Test"
' .Name returns only the Name of the file, including the current type like "example.doc"
' Backslash is needed because of the missing backslash from .Path
otlNewMail.Attachements.Add FName
May you also want to save your current document before sending it via outlook, otherwise you will send the document without the changes made.
Function SaveDoc()
End Function
I hope that this will help others, because the code from the question helped me a lot while scripting a similar script.
