replacing XML values in For-Each and returning in function - vbscript

The script I have here is attempting to do recurse through an XML file, storing each RegEx match (stored in a search array) into 2 result arrays; 1 for start date, 1 for end date.
Ubounds of both arrays are checked for equality then the text is passed to a function that uses XMLDOM to find the End_Date node in each parent node, then passes that text to another function, adding 30 days and then passing it back, replacing the previous value. Then it's supposed to write back the contents to the file and save it.
I've got a few problems here. 1. I can't get the +30 day value to be passed back to anything past the first parent node--memory space seems to retain the +30 day value from previous For-Each iteration. 2. I can't write anything back to the file.
I was initially writing for text files, but the format changed to XML as the requirements changed on our project.
I'd love to be able to do this all in XMLDOM in vbscript and just use functions to do specific data changes. But my main concern is my sloppy script not doing the basics.
Can anyone help me by pointing out the flaws in the loops I'm running? I've hit a wall and just can't seem to make any more progress!
Here's the XML file I'm reading(shortened to 2 Ad nodes w/ a ton of child nodes removed):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Here's the script:
'Setting the Regular Expression object and setting occurrences to all in strings searched.
Set objRegEx= CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
objRegEx.Global= True
set Shell= createobject("")
Dim FSO, FLD, FIL, TS, strDate, strEDat, i, d, c
Dim strFolder, strContent, strPath
Const ForReading= 1, ForWriting= 2
strFolder= "C:\Scripts\Run"
Set FSO= CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Get a reference to the folder you want to search
set FLD= FSO.GetFolder(strFolder)
'loop through the folder and get the files
For Each Fil In FLD.Files
'Open the file to read
Set TS= FSO.OpenTextFile(fil.Path, ForReading)
'Read the contents into a variable
strContent= TS.ReadAll
'Close the file
reDim arrMR(1,1)
arrMR(0,0)= "(\s+)(<Start_Date>(.*?)<\/Start_Date>)"
arrMR(1,0)= "(\s+)(<End_Date>(.*?)<\/End_Date>)"
For i= 0 to Ubound(arrMR)
objRegEx.Pattern= arrMR(i,0)
Set objMatches= objRegEx.Execute(strContent)
For Each objMatch in objMatches
If i= 0 Then
If d>0 Then
reDim Preserve arrStart(d)
reDim arrStart(d)
End If
arrStart(d)= objMatches.Item(d).SubMatches(2)
'Wscript.Echo arrStart(d)
ElseIf i<> 0 Then
If d>0 Then
reDim Preserve arrEnd(d)
ReDim Preserve arrMatch1(d)
reDim arrEnd(d)
ReDim arrMatch1(d)
End If
arrEnd(d)= objMatches.Item(d).SubMatches(2)
arrMatch1(d)= objMatches.Item(d).SubMatches(1)
End If
If objRegEx.Pattern<> arrMR(0,0) Then
If (ubound(arrStart)= ubound(arrEnd)) Then
'Wscript.Echo "Ubounds Match"
Parse strContent
strContent= Parse(strContent)
'Wscript.Echo "Start & End Dates do not match"
End If
End If
d= d+ 1 'increment to next match
'Close the file
'Open the file to overwrite the contents
Set TS= FSO.OpenTextFile(fil.Path, ForWriting)
'Write the contents back
TS.Write strContent
'Close the current file
'Clean up
Set TS= Nothing
Set FLD= Nothing
Set FSO= Nothing
Function Parse(ParseContent)
'Dim sFSpec : sFSpec = FSO.GetAbsolutePathName("C:\Users\j.levine\Desktop\XML Feeder Scripts\Test_Files\monvid.txt")
Dim oXML : Set oXML = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0")
Dim strXMLSDat, strXMLarrStartD, XMLEDat
oXML.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
oXML.async = False
If 0 = oXML.parseError Then
Dim sXPath3 : sXPath3 = "//XMLFeederRoot/Ad[End_Date=Start_Date]"
Dim ndlFnd : Set ndlFnd = oXML.selectNodes(sXPath3)
If 0 = ndlFnd.length Then
WScript.Echo sXPath, "not found"
ElseIf 0<> ndlFnd.length Then
'WScript.Echo "found", ndlFnd.length, "nodes for", sXPath
Dim ndCur, oldNode
For Each ndCur In ndlFnd
oldNode = oXML.selectsinglenode("//End_Date").text
oldNode= XMLSplitArray(oldNode) 'Pass current Date into Array and add 30 days & return as node text
Set newNode= oXML.selectSingleNode("//End_Date")
newNode.text= oldNode
WScript.Echo ndCur.xml
'WScript.Echo "We have nothing to replace"
End If
WScript.Echo oXML.parseError.reason
End If
Parse= ParseContent
End Function
Function XMLSplitArray(strval1)
dim XmlSA, XmlSA2, XMLEDat
XmlSA = split(strval1, "-")
XmlSA(2) = Left(XmlSA(2), 2)
strXMLDate = XmlSA(1) & "/" & XmlSA(2) & "/" & XmlSA(0)
strXMLDate30 = DateAdd("d", 30, strXMLDate)
XmlSA2 = split(strXMLDate30, "/")
'Add zero to the left
XmlSA2(0)= Right("0" & XmlSA2(0), 2)
XmlSA2(1)= Right("0" & XmlSA2(1), 2)
XmlSA2(1) = XmlSA2(1) & "T00:00:00"
XMLEDat = XmlSA2(2) & "-" & XmlSA2(0) & "-" & XmlSA2(1)
XMLSplitArray= XMLEDat
End Function

Thomas was right w/ the KISS method. I took a big step back, and started over.
Here's what I've come up with. It does what I need regarding the Date+30 and writing back to a file. I think this method is cleaner and will allow me to run my other text massaging through functions.
My questions about this new script are:
1. can this be done without having to write to a new file? Keeping to 1 file is easier.
2. Can I avoid cloning the node and deleting the original one and directly change the original node's value?
3. I seem to be missing how to get that last node <Status> onto it's own line.
Dim xmlDoc: Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
xmlDoc.Async = False
xmlDoc.load "C:\Scripts\Run\MonVid-SHORT.xml"
Dim xmldoc2: set xmldoc2 = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
Dim strSkeleton : strSkeleton= "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>" & _
"<XMLFeederRoot>" & _
xmldoc2.loadXML(strSkeleton) "C:\Scripts\Copy\New_MonVid-Short.xml"
xmlDoc2.async = False
xmlDoc2.load "C:\Scripts\Copy\New_MonVid-Short.xml"
Dim sXPath : sXPath = "/XMLFeederRoot/Ad[Start_Date=End_Date]"
For Each n In XMLDoc.SelectNodes(sXpath)
set l = n.cloneNode(True)
q= l.selectSingleNode("/End_Date").text
set Stat= l.selectSingleNode("/Status")
set Parent= Stat.parentNode
set EDate= xmlDoc2.createElement("End_Date")
EDate.appendChild xmlDoc2.createTextNode(strSDat)
Parent.insertBefore EDate, Stat
xmldoc2.documentElement.appendChild parent
Next xmldoc2.url
Function SplitArray(strval1)
dim SplitArray1, SplitArray2, strSDat
splitArray1 = split(strval1, "-")
splitArray1(2) = left(splitArray1(2), 2)
strDate1 = SplitArray1(1) & "/" & SplitArray1(2) & "/" & SplitArray1(0)
strDate30 = DateAdd("d", 30, strDate1)
SplitArray2 = split(strDate30, "/")
'Add zero to the left
If Len(SplitArray2(0))<2 Then
SplitArray2(0)= Right("0" & SplitArray2(0), 2)
End If
If Len(SplitArray2(1))<2 Then
SplitArray2(1)= Right("0" & SplitArray2(1), 2)
End If
SplitArray2(1) = splitArray2(1) & "T00:00:00"
strSDat = SplitArray2(2) & "-" & SplitArray2(0) & "-" & SplitArray2(1)
SplitArray= strSDat
End Function
Output File:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Since Text and XML files don't use file locks by default just overwrite the original file using xmlDoc.Save monvidPath.
Sub setAdEndDate(monvidPath)
Const sXPath = "/XMLFeederRoot/Ad/End_Date"
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.Async = "False"
Set colNodes=xmlDoc.selectNodes(sXPath)
For Each n In colNodes
n.Text = SplitArray(n.Text)
xmlDoc.Save monvidPath
End Sub
Function SplitArray(strval1)
Dim SplitArray1, SplitArray2, strSDat
splitArray1 = Split(strval1, "-")
splitArray1(2) = Left(splitArray1(2), 2)
strDate1 = SplitArray1(1) & "/" & SplitArray1(2) & "/" & SplitArray1(0)
strDate30 = DateAdd("d", 30, strDate1)
SplitArray2 = Split(strDate30, "/")
'Add zero to the left
If Len(SplitArray2(0))<2 Then
SplitArray2(0)= Right("0" & SplitArray2(0), 2)
End If
If Len(SplitArray2(1))<2 Then
SplitArray2(1)= Right("0" & SplitArray2(1), 2)
End If
SplitArray2(1) = splitArray2(1) & "T00:00:00"
strSDat = SplitArray2(2) & "-" & SplitArray2(0) & "-" & SplitArray2(1)
SplitArray= strSDat
End Function


VBScript for moving like files

I need a script to be able to move files with like names once there are 4 like files.
The files will always start with those for names, the numbers after the "-" will always be different. I need to be able to search a folder and when all 4 files are there move them into a completed folder.
option explicit
dim objFS : dim strShareDirectory : dim strDumpStorageDir : dim objFolder : dim colFiles : dim re : dim objFile
dim dictResults ' dictionary of [filename] -> [matching substring]
dim dictResultsCount ' dictionary of [matching substring] -> [count]
dim dictResultsFinal ' only the valid entries from dictResults
dim keyItem
dim strMatch
dim message
message = "Yes"
set dictResultsFinal = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
set dictResults = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
set dictResultsCount = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strShareDirectory = "c:\Test"
strDumpStorageDir = "c\Test\Out"
Set objFolder = objFS.GetFolder(strShareDirectory)
Set colFiles = objFolder.Files
Set re = New RegExp
re.Global = True
re.IgnoreCase = False
re.Pattern = "-\d"
Dim curFile, matchValue
Dim i: i = 0
For Each objFile in colFiles
' test if the filename matches the pattern
if re.test(objFile.Name) then
' for now, collect all matches without further checks
strMatch = re.execute(objFile.Name)(0)
dictResults(objFile.Name) = strMatch
' and count
if not dictResultsCount.Exists(strMatch) then
dictResultsCount(strMatch) = 1
dictResultsCount(strMatch) = dictResultsCount(strMatch) +1
end if
end if
' for testing: output all filenames that match the pattern
msgbox join(dictResults.keys(), vblf)
' now copy only the valid entries into a new dictionary
for each keyItem in dictResults.keys()
if dictResultsCount.Exists( dictResults(keyItem) ) then
if dictResultsCount( dictResults(keyItem) ) = 4 then
dictResultsFinal(keyItem) = 1
end if
end if
I had an answer here that involved using an array but, come to think of it, I don't think you even need an array. Just iterate each file and check for the existence of the others.
Set re = New RegExp
re.Global = True
re.IgnoreCase = True
re.Pattern = "\\(Cust|Addr|Ship|Price)-(\d+)\.txt"
For Each File In objFS.GetFolder(strShareDirectory).Files
' Test to make sure the file matches our pattern...
If re.Test(File.Path) Then
' It's a match. Get the number...
strNumber = re.Execute(File.Path)(0).SubMatches(1)
' If all four exist, move them...
If AllFourExist(strNumber) Then
For Each strPrefix In Array("Cust-", "Addr-", "Ship-", "Price-")
objFS.MoveFile strShareDirectory & "\" & strPrefix & strNumber & ".txt", _
strDumpStorageDir & "\" & strPrefix & strNumber & ".txt"
End If
End If
And here's the AllFourExist function (I'm assuming objFS is global):
Function AllFourExist(strNumber)
For Each strPrefix In Array("Cust-", "Addr-", "Ship-", "Price-")
If Not objFS.FileExists(strShareDirectory & "\" & strPrefix & strNumber & ".txt") Then Exit Function
AllFourExist = True
End Function
I'm not sure how the FSO will handle the fact that you're moving files out of a folder that you're currently iterating. If it complains, you may need to resort to an array after all. Something to keep in mind.

Search in absolute file name web.config and not all files that start with web.configxxxx

I have a script that modifies the web.config customErrors Tags in a .net application and another script I run afterwards to check and ensure all tags have been changed. My issues is the fist script creates a copy of the web.config and names it web.config-old. Now when I run my second script(the code below) if finds all the web.config-old files and writes them to the logoutput file. How can I ensure that it will only look in Web.config and no the backup copy. I guess to summarize I need to only look in the absolute filename of Web.config and none other. thanks in advance.
Sub ShowSubFolders(Folder)
Dim strToFind, strToFind1
Dim fso, f
strToFind = "customErrors mode=""Off"""
strToFind1= "compilation debug=""true"""
On Error Resume Next
For Each Subfolder in Folder.SubFolders
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(Subfolder.Path)
Set colFiles = objFolder.Files
for each Files in colFiles
if LCase(InStr(1,Files, "Web.config")) > 1 then
Set objFSO1 = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile1 = objFSO.OpenTextFile(Files, 1)
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(pwd & "\CheckWebConf.txt", ForAppending, True)
strText = objFile1.ReadAll
If InStr(strText, strToFind) > 0 Then
pos = InStrRev(Files,"\domains\") + 1
MyString = mid(Files, pos)
f.WriteLine MyString & " Found Error mode=Off "
End If
If InStr(strText, strToFind1) > 0 Then
pos = InStrRev(Files,"\domains\") + 1
MyString = mid(Files, pos)
f.WriteLine MyString & " Found debug=true "
End If
end if
ShowSubFolders Subfolder
End Sub
msgbox "Done"
Instead of using Instr() you should compare (=) the file's .Name with the constant "web.config":
>> For Each s In Split("web.config web.configx")
>> WScript.Echo s, "InStr", CStr(1 = Instr(s, "web.config"))
>> WScript.Echo s, "Equal", CStr(s = "web.config")
>> WScript.Echo
>> Next
web.config InStr True
web.config Equal True
web.configx InStr True
web.configx Equal False
(There is a 'web.config' at pos 1 in "web.config..whatever..", but 'web.config' is not equal to "web.config..whatever..")

VBAScript to delete items from folder

I'm new to VBScripting and have completely no knowledge on how to code but however i understand the basics of VBScripting.
I tried using the search function to find similar cases to mine but it doesn't have what i need.
I would really appreciate any help as my project is due soon.
I need to delete jpeg files that are more than 3months old that is in a directory with lots and lots of subfolders within each other. Furthermore there are 4 folders in the directory that i must not delete or modify.
How i manually did it was to navigate to the mapped drive, to the folder, use the "Search 'Folder'" from the window and type in this "datemodified:‎2006-‎01-‎01 .. ‎2013-‎08-‎31".
It will then show all the folders and subfolders and excel sheets within that folder, i'll then filter the shown list by ticking jpeg only from Type.
'**** Start of Code **********
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
Dim oFSO, oFolder, sDirectoryPath
Dim oFileCollection, oFile, sDir
Dim iDaysOld
' Specify Directory Path From Where You want to clear the old files
sDirectoryPath = "C:\MyFolder"
' Specify Number of Days Old File to Delete
iDaysOld = 15
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(sDirectoryPath)
Set oFileCollection = oFolder.Files
For each oFile in oFileCollection
'This section will filter the log file as I have used for for test case
'Specify the Extension of file that you want to delete
'and the number with Number of character in the file extension
If LCase(Right(Cstr(oFile.Name), 4)) = "jpeg" Then
If oFile.DateLastModified < (Date() - iDaysOld) Then
End If
End If
Set oFSO = Nothing
enter code here`Set oFolder = Nothing
enter code here`Set oFileCollection = Nothing
enter code here`Set oFile = Nothing
'******* End of Code **********
I need to set an path that must be excluded + go through sub folders.
I'd like to thank you in advance for helping me out.
Working solution (Jobbo almost got it to work in generic form):
UPDATE: includes log file writing with number of folders skipped and files deleted.
Option Explicit
'set these constants to your requirements
Const DIR = "C:\Test"
Const LOGFILE = "C:\Log.txt" ' Location of Log file
Const MAX_AGE = 3 ' Unit: Months
Const FILEEXT = "jpeg"
Dim oFSO
Dim oLogFile
Dim aExclude
Dim lngDeletes, lngSkips
'add to this array to exclude paths
aExclude = Array("c:\Test\test 1", "c:\Test\test 2\test")
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
Set oLogFile = oFSO.createtextfile(LOGFILE)
lngDeletes = 0
lngSkips = 0
LOGG "Script Start time: " & Now
LOGG "Root Folder: " & DIR
LOGG String(50, "-")
deleteFiles oFSO.GetFolder(DIR)
LOGG String(50, "-")
LOGG lngDeletes & " files are deleted"
LOGG lngSkips & " folders skipped"
LOGG "Script End time: " & Now
Set oLogFile = Nothing
Set oFSO = Nothing
MsgBox "Logfile: """ & LOGFILE & """", vbInformation, wscript.scriptName & " Completed at " & Now
Sub LOGG(sText)
oLogFile.writeline sText
End Sub
Function isExclude(sPath)
Dim s, bAns
bAns = False
For Each s In aExclude
If InStr(1, sPath, s, vbTextCompare) = 1 Then
bAns = True
Exit For
End If
isExclude = bAns
End Function
Function isOldFile(fFile)
' Old file if "MAX_AGE" months before today is greater than the file modification time
isOldFile = (DateAdd("m", -MAX_AGE, Date) > fFile.DateLastModified)
End Function
Function isFileJPEG(fFile)
Dim sFileName
sFileName = fFile.Name
' Mid(sFileName, InStrRev(sFileName, ".")) gives you the extension with the "."
isFileJPEG = (LCase(Mid(sFileName, InStrRev(sFileName, ".") + 1)) = FILEEXT)
End Function
Sub deleteFiles(fFolder)
Dim fFile, fSubFolder
If Not isExclude(fFolder.Path) Then
'WScript.echo "==>> """ & fFolder.Path & """" ' Comment for no output
For Each fFile In fFolder.Files
If isFileJPEG(fFile) And isOldFile(fFile) Then
lngDeletes = lngDeletes + 1
LOGG lngDeletes & vbTab & fFile.Path
'WScript.echo vbTab & "DELETE: """ & fFile.Path & """" ' Comment for no output
fFile.Delete True ' Uncomment to really delete the file
End If
' Only Process sub folders if current folder is not excluded
For Each fSubFolder In fFolder.SubFolders
deleteFiles fSubFolder
lngSkips = lngSkips + 1
'WScript.echo "<<-- """ & fFolder.Path & """" ' Comment for no output
End If
End Sub
Never ever use On Error Resume Next unless it absolutely cannot be avoided.
This problem needs a recursive function. Here's how I would do it:
Option Explicit
'set these constants to your requirements
Const DIR = "C:\MyFolder"
Const AGE = 15
Dim oFSO
Dim aExclude
'add to this array to exclude paths
aExclude = Array("c:\folder\exclude1", "c:\folder\another\exclude2")
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
Call deleteFiles(oFSO.GetFolder(DIR))
Set oFSO = Nothing
Function isExclude(sPath)
Dim s
For Each s in aExclude
If LCase(s) = LCase(sPath) Then
isExclude = True
Exit Function
End If
isExclude = False
End Function
Sub deleteFiles(fFolder)
Dim fFile, fSubFolder
If Not isExclude(fFolder.Path) Then
For Each fFile in fFolder.Files
If (LCase(Right(Cstr(fFile.Name),4)) = "jpeg") And (fFile.DateLastModified < (Date() - AGE)) Then
'WScript.echo fFile.Path 'I put this in for testing, uncomment to do the same
Call fFile.Delete(true)
End If
End If
For Each fSubFolder in fFolder.SubFolders
Call deleteFiles(fSubFolder)
End Sub
I'm not really able to fully test it out because I don't have an example data set, but really all you need to do is set DIR and change the aExclude array. Make sure you know what its going to delete before you run it though...
Also, it will only delete jpeg extensions, not jpg but I imagine you already know that

Trying to use Shell object and FileSystemObject in VBScript for file manipulation

I am trying to recursively loop through hundreds of directories, and thousands of JPG files to gather sort the files in new folders by date. So far, I am able to individually GetDetailsOf the files using the Shell NameSpace object, and I am also able to recursively loop through directories using the FileSystemObject. However, when I try to put them together in functions, etc, I am getting nothing back when I try to get the DateTaken attribute from the photo.
Here is my code so far:
sFolderPathspec = "C:\LocationOfFiles"
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objDir = objFSO.GetFolder(sFolderPathspec)
Dim arrFiles()
Sub getInfo(pCurrentDir)
fileCount = 0
For Each strFileName In pCurrentDir.Files
fileCount = fileCount + 1
ReDim arrFiles(fileCount,2)
For Each aItem In pCurrentDir.Files
wscript.Echo aItem.Name
arrFiles(i,0) = aItem.Name
strFileName = aItem.Name
strDir = pCurrentDir.Path
wscript.echo strDir
dateVar = GetDatePictureTaken(strFileName, strDir)
'dateVar = Temp2 & "_" & Temp3 & "_" & Temp1
arrFiles(i,1) = dateVar
WScript.echo i & "." & "M:" & monthVar & " Y:" & yearVar
WScript.echo i & "." & strFileName & " : " & arrFiles(i,1) & " : " & dateVar
For Each aItem In pCurrentDir.SubFolders
'wscript.Echo aItem.Name & " passing recursively"
End Sub
Function GetDatePictureTaken(strFileName, strDir)
Set objShell = CreateObject ("Shell.Application")
Set objCurrFolder = objShell.Namespace(strDir)
'wscript.Echo cstr(objCurrFolder.GetDetailsOf(strFileName, 12))
strFileNameDate = cstr(objCurrFolder.GetDetailsOf(strFileName, 12))
strFileNameDate = CleanNonDisplayableCharacters(strFileNameDate)
arrDate = split(strFileNameDate, "/")
monthVar = arrDate(0)
yearVar = arrDate(1)
dayVar = arrDate(2)
GetDatePictureTaken = monthVar & "\" & dayVar & "\" & yearVar
End Function
Function CleanNonDisplayableCharacters(strInput)
strTemp = ""
For i = 1 to len(strInput)
strChar = Mid(strInput,i,1)
If Asc(strChar) < 126 and not Asc(strChar) = 63 Then
strTemp = strTemp & strChar
End If
CleanNonDisplayableCharacters = strTemp
End Function
The "Subscript out of range" error when accessing arrDate(0) is caused by arrDate being empty (UBound(arrDate) == -1). As a Split on a non-empty string will return an array, even if the separator is not found, and an attempt to Split Null will raise an "Invalid use of Null" error, we can be sure that strFileNameDate is "".
Possible reason for that:
The index of "Date Picture Taken" is 25 (XP) and not 12 (Win 7) - or whatever came to Mr. Gates' mind for Win 8.
The DPT property is not filled in.
Your cleaning function messed it up.
You have to test for strFileNameDate containing a valid date and decide where to put the files without a valid DPT.
P.S. Instead of doing the recursive loopings, you should consider to use
dir /s/b path\*.jpg > pictures.txt
and to process that file.

VBScript to Move files with particular extension

I currently have a VBscript that scans a folder for files and moves the files to particular folders depending on key words in the file name.
I need currently the script only scans the one level (ie. doesn't scan recursively) and I need to to search all sub folders too.
Can someone give me a hand with this?
EDIT: Since writing this script I have realized that I need to have this only move files with particular extensions from a particular folder and sub folders to other directories based on the file name.
For example I need only .mp4 and .avi files to be moved.
Can someone help me with this please? I have tried multiple things but still can't get the recursive scanning and moving or the extension specific moving working.
Below is my current script.
' Script to Move Downloaded TV Shows and Movies to
' correct folders based on wildcards in File Name
On Error Resume Next
Dim sTorrents, sTV, sMovie, sFile, oFSO
' create the filesystem object
Set oFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Create Log File
Set objLog = oFSO.OpenTextFile("c:\temp\log.txt", 8, True)
' Set Variables
sTorrents = "C:\Temp\torrents\"
sTV = "C:\Temp\TV Shows\"
sMovie = "C:\Temp\Movies\"
' Scan each file in the folder
For Each sFile In oFSO.GetFolder(sTorrents).Files
' check if the file name contains TV Show Parameters
If InStr(1, sFile.Name, "hdtv", 1) OR InStr(1, sFile.Name, "s0", 1) <> 0 Then
' TV Show Detected - Move File
objLog.WriteLine Now() & " - " & sFile.Name & " Detected as TV Show - Moving to " & sTV
oFSO.MoveFile sTorrents & sFile.Name, sTV & sFile.Name
' Move all other Files to Movies Directory
Else objLog.WriteLine Now() & " - " & sFile.Name & " Detected as Movie - Moving to " & sMovie
oFSO.MoveFile sTorrents & sFile.Name, sMovie & sFile.Name
End If
If sTorrents.File.Count = 0 And sTorrents.SubFolders.Count = 0 Then
objLog.WriteLine Now() & " - There is nothing left to Process..."
End If
Some notes:
Sub listfolders(startfolder)
Dim fs
Dim fl1
Dim fl2
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fl1 = fs.GetFolder(startfolder)
For Each fl2 In fl1.SubFolders
Debug.Print fl2.Path
''process the files
ProcessFiles fl2.Path
'Recursion: lists folders for each subfolder
listfolders fl2.Path
End Sub
''Code copied from question
Sub ProcessFiles(sPath)
' Scan each file in the folder
For Each sFile In oFSO.GetFolder(sPath).Files
' check if the file name contains TV Show Parameters
If InStr(1, sFile.Name, "hdtv", 1) OR InStr(1, sFile.Name, "s0", 1) <> 0 Then
' TV Show Detected - Move File
objLog.WriteLine Now() & " - " _
& sFile.Name & " Detected as TV Show - Moving to " & sTV
oFSO.MoveFile sTorrents & sFile.Name, sTV & sFile.Name
' Move all other Files to Movies Directory
objLog.WriteLine Now() & " - " _
& sFile.Name & " Detected as Movie - Moving to " & sMovie
oFSO.MoveFile sTorrents & sFile.Name, sMovie & sFile.Name
End If
End Sub
before the extension put a * that will find all files with that externsion.
Example: oFSO.MoveFile (PATH\*.EXTERNSION)
here is a recusive function to list files in folders and sub folders
it's tested and working, but you'll probably need some adaptation to your own forkflow. And it's not the most optimized, but it's simple to read
Sub test()
aFiles = F_ListFilesInDirAndSubDir("C:\foo\folder")
'then, add some code to parse the array:
For i = 0 to UBound(aFiles)
'Move or not to move, that is what your code should tell
End Sub
Public Function F_ListFilesInDirAndSubDir(ByVal sDir)
'Get the list of files in a directory and in all its sub directories With the full path
Dim sChild As String
Dim aFolders As Variant
Dim aFiles As Variant
Dim aChildFiles As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
F_ListFilesInDirAndSubDir = aFiles
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not fs.FolderExists(sDir) Then Exit Function
'Get the files in the directory
aFiles = F_ListFilesInDir(sDir)
'Add the fullpath
For i = 0 To UBound(aFiles)
If aFiles(i) <> "" Then
aFiles(i) = sDir & "\" & CStr(aFiles(i))
End If
'get the folders
aFolders = F_ListFoldersInDir(sDir)
'for each folders, push the files in the file list
For i = 0 To UBound(aFolders)
If aFolders(i) <> "" Then
sChild = sDir & "\" & CStr(aFolders(i))
'Recursive call on each folders
aChildFiles = F_ListFilesInDirAndSubDir(sChild)
'Push new items
For j = 0 To UBound(aChildFiles)
If aChildFiles(j) <> "" Then
ReDim Preserve aFiles(UBound(aFiles) + 1)
aFiles(UBound(aFiles)) = aChildFiles(j)
End If
End If
F_ListFilesInDirAndSubDir = aFiles
End Function
Public Function F_ListFilesInDir(ByVal sDir)
'Get the list of files in a directory
Dim aList As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim iChild As Long
Dim oFile
Dim oFolder
Dim oChildren
ReDim aList(0)
F_ListFilesInDir = aList
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not fs.FolderExists(sDir) Then Exit Function
Set oFolder = fs.GetFolder(sDir)
Set oChildren = oFolder.Files
iChild = CDbl(oChildren.Count) - 1
If iChild = -1 Then Exit Function
ReDim aList(iChild)
i = 0
For Each oFile In oChildren
aList(i) = oFile.Name
i = i + 1
F_ListFilesInDir = aList
End Function
Public Function F_ListFoldersInDir(ByVal sDir As String) As Variant
'Get the list of folders in a directory
Dim aList As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim oDir
Dim oFolder
Dim oChildren
ReDim aList(0)
F_ListFoldersInDir = aList
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not fs.FolderExists(sDir) Then Exit Function
Set oFolder = fs.GetFolder(sDir)
Set oChildren = oFolder.SubFolders
If oChildren.Count = 0 Then Exit Function
ReDim aList(oChildren.Count - 1)
i = 0
For Each oDir In oChildren
aList(i) = oDir.Name
i = i + 1
F_ListFoldersInDir = aList
End Function
