Anyone ever encourtered this problem 'Uncaught Error: QWeb2: Template 'theme-switcher' not found' on odoo backend theme
enter image description here
Go to Odoo apps and download a theme of your choice
I was evaluating Odoo v9.0 by pulling odoo v9.0 branch in my system and found that it is having some problem in showing the images. It prompts up with an error "Could not display the selected Image". If you open the product form view or company form view it comes up with the error. Even if you try to save new image to a product, after saving the image again it comes with the same error and image is not displayed.
The same issue is with the odoo e-commerce website, where no images are seen. I tried to debug where I can see that binary value is found, but somehow not been displayed on the screen.
Does it require any configuration? Does anybody knows the reason for this?
You have to update your werkzeug python librairy.
pip install --upgrade werkzeug
use this command
sudo pip install --upgrade werkzeug
I have a problem with one magento installation version
when I try to upload an image through the WYSIWYG editor in the cms pages for example when I click on browse server I get this error:
error: error in [unknown object].fireEvent():
event name: open_browser_callback
error message: Dialog is not defined
SO far I haven't found the same error so if anyone can help out I'd be very grateful.
Also in product WYSIWYG editor it doesn't load and says
Window is not defined.
I guess the error is the same.
I had the same problem on 1.6. Fixed it by overwriting the complete js folder
I had the same problem on 1.7.0
I go to the Magento "old versions" repository and downloaded the whole CMS
Then I replaced the whole existing js folder in that the fresh works :)
I am getting this error when trying to get to the virtuemart admin page:
I am using Joomla 2.5 with virtuemart 2.0
I cannot identify the exact moment when this problem appeared.
This is the source code that's generating the error message:
if (!class_exists( 'VmConfig' ))
echo $attentionText;
vmTrace('Called by',TRUE);
Thanks a lot
The error you are seeing is an untranslated language string. I've just had a look at the language file and the error that is supposed to show is:
Attention: You have still old vm extensions in your joomla installation active, uninstall or disable them
Simple ensure you have the most up to date version of all VirtueMart related extensions whether it be a component, plugin or module.
Hope this helps
In my local dev environment, any time I try to add a widget to a CMS page I get a javascript error: Result of expression 'el' [null] is not an object.
Does anyone know what might cause that?
Magento 1.5.1
Mac OS X 10.6.7
Apache 2.2.17
Safari 5.0.5 / Firefox 3.5.9
In Chrome 12.0.742.100, the error is:
The page at says:
Cannot read property 'selectionStart' of null
Has anyone seen this before?
I have got the exact same error on a v1.5.1 CE Magento system when I choose to add via the large orange 'Add Widget' button to a static block or cms page.
However, when I add a widget via the WYSIWYG editor, the widget is added as expected and I do not receive the 'el null' error.
A strange bug that will hopefully be fixed in v1.6.
I Have tried Installing Joomla Flash Templates into my localhost by using admin interface.
But Everytime I get an error as "Template cannot be uploaded on server" due to some error.
Please help me what could be the reason behind this.
I am using Joomla 1.5
Cool ! use the manual way . I think you need to upload a site template
copy/FTP the files into
if you need to automate it set the FTP settings in the file