How to make Xcode 10 dark without changing the theme of the OS? - xcode

I know, that in macOS Mojave and Xcode 10 i can enable the dark Xcode theme by changing the whole OS's theme to dark in System Preferences.
But i used to use the bright OS theme and want to make dark only Xcode. Is there any way to achieve that?

Quit Xcode 10, open terminal and execute this command
defaults write NSWindowDarkChocolate -bool true


In MacOS Ventura file system has changed, Apple Menu shut down, restart are not referred from StandardMenus.nib. What is the new way that is referred?

Earlier MacOS versions taskbar menu were referred from StandardMenus.nib/object.xib. The current MacOS Ventura doesn't have anything mentioned about Shut Down, Restart, Force Quit mentioned under object.xib. Also noted a new file Menus.loctable which has the text referred. How do we see the menu lists in the new MacOS Ventura system?
This can't be done because Apple has changed the file system in the ventura though you can change edit the strings in menu.loctable using plutil.

macOS: How to detect if dark mode is active in Lazarus

What is, in macOS Mojave and with Lazarus / Free Pascal, the recommended way to detect if the dark mode has been activated?

DarkMode doesn't work on Mojave when exported from archive

I use Xcode 10 and added all required stuff for DarkMode support. When I run the project on Mojave everything works. But when I archive and distribute the app using Xcode 10 on HighSierra, then my app doesn't appear in dark mode on Mojave. Shouldn't Xcode 10 archive Mojave compatible version anyway?
Possible reasons:
You are using command line to create the archive, but your toolchain is set to use Xcode 9
You are using Dark Mode specific assets in asset catalog. Dark versions of those assets can only be compiled using Mojave.
For some reason, the asset catalog created with Xcode 10 only contains the dark mode colors and images if Xcode is run on a macOS 10.14 Mojave system or newer! This means for full Dark Mode support it's not enough to just use Xcode 10, you must run Xcode on macOS 10.14 or newer.
The Cocoa APIs for Dark Mode can still be used, so you can compile an app supporting Dark Mode with Xcode 10 on macOS 10.13, but the asset support will be missing.

Vim scrolling with touchpad too sensitive

I'm using vim (7.4.898) on Mac OS Sierra and iTerm2 (latest version). I have set mouse=a enabled in my .vimrc. Since the upgrade to Mac OS Sierra, the scrolling with the touchpad in vim is way too sensitive. Scrolling otherwise works fine. Is there a way to adjust the sensitivity somewhere (either in MacOS, iTerm2 or vim)?
I am now using a new MackBook Pro. The scrolling issue completely disappeared for me.

Mac OS X vim colors mangled

Here's my setup
Mac OS X 10.6
VIM (default version that comes with OSX 10.6)
rails.vim (installed in .vim/autoload)
ir_black.vim (installed in .vim/colors)
i have "colorscheme ir_black" and "syn on" in ~/.vimrc
Now when I go into terminal and edit a ruby file with vim my colors are messed up. There are only a few colors showing up and some text is even blinking. I'm wondering if there's a conflict between rails.vim syntax highlighting and the ir_black color scheme? Can anyone help me fix this? I would like to use the ir_black color scheme.
The Mac OSX in Snow Leopard does not support 256 colors, which is required for the ir_black theme (this is the theme I use).
Download and try something like (, and you shouldn't have a problem with colors.
Or you could use MacVim (
Edit: As of OSX 10.7 Lion, the built in now supports 256 colors. See the comment below by Chris Page for how to achieve this.
I've been using a nearly identical setup, except for vim, which I grab from Macports. A few years ago I found ir_black and loved it. I now use it for all vim sessions,, and TextMate. Getting it to work with Leopard, and then Snow Leopard was a tad hokey. But things have improved. Follow the instructions here, Making look great in Snow Leopard.
As mentioned by others, ir_black requires 256 colors, which is not supported by Terminal on 10.6.x and earlier.
As of Mac OS X Lion 10.7, Terminal now supports 256 colors and the default $TERM value is xterm-256colors. ir_black should work fine for you if you upgrade to Lion.
on testing which colors can be displayed in your terminal of choice:
i just found this perl script on which dumps a list of 256 colors your terminal could possibly display...
I have been using iTerm and was shocked to find out doesn't support 256 colors! I recommend Bryan's answer.
However, if you ever get in a bind like this, you can change $TERM to vt100 and vim won't try to use colors. In bash (the default MacOSX shell) you set this with:
export TERM='vt100'
I use ir_black in but in 16 color mode, and it looks great. If you really prefer 256 color, I recommend iTerm2. The settings allow you to have the terminal report itself as "xterm-256" which is what's needed to use 256 colors in Vim.
Check this website for the procedure:
There is a ir_black-based Vim theme called tir_black which is better suited for 256 colors:
Looks awesome!
iTerm2 also has loads of nifty features.
I hope this helps.
I had the same issue with iTerm and solved it by going to Settings > Profile > Terminal > Report Terminal Type and setting it to xterm-256color.
