How to install applications on blackberry z10 Simulator for testing - installation

How to install applications to blackberry z10 Simulator,usually in older versions of simulator we used browse from file section -->load java program and load the desired file on simulator, But for BlackBerry Z10 The Simulator can be entirely run on virtualmachines(like vmwareworkstation),
The only way i figured it out is
create an bb sandbox account-->download the desired application from it, any alternative to install bar files/bb z10 files straightaway into simulator of blackberry z10?
I need to install without using eclipse,any ideas?

You'll need to use command line tools to do this without Eclipse. Some of them are listed here, and a complete deployment example is shown here.
You'll need a debug token for your simulator (blackberry-debugtokenrequest), package your app (I think you're already doing it as you're exporting to the sandbox) with blackberry-nativepackager, then deploy with blackberry-deploy.


Flutter - Building for iOS, but the linked and embedded framework 'App.framework' was built for iOS Simulator

After updating to Catalina 10.15.4 beta with Xcode 13.4 beta, which also updated Simulator to 13.4 (921.4).
The application compiles and runs correctly on a physically attached device, but no simulators of any devices can pass this stage.
I got the errors
Building for iOS, but the linked and embedded framework 'App.framework' was built for iOS Simulator.
Building for iOS Simulator, but the linked and embedded framework 'App.framework' was built for iOS.
How can I fix this?
Xcode 11.4 changed the way frameworks are linked and embedded, and you may experience issues switching between iOS devices and simulators. Flutter v1.15.3 and later will automatically migrate your Xcode project.
To get unstuck, follow the instructions below;
Quick fix (make your simulator work)
rm -rf ios/Flutter/App.framework
Official recommended Steps to migrate manually
From the Flutter app directory, open ios/Runner.xcworkspace in
In the Navigator pane, locate the Flutter group and remove App.framework and Flutter.framework.
In the Runner target build settings Build Phases > Link Binary With Libraries confirm App.framework and Flutter.framework are no longer present. Also confirm in Build Phases > Embed Frameworks.
Change the Runner target build settings Build Phases > Thin Binary script as follows:
/bin/sh "$FLUTTER_ROOT/packages/flutter_tools/bin/"
/bin/sh "$FLUTTER_ROOT/packages/flutter_tools/bin/"
In the Runner target Build Settings > Other Linker Flags
(OTHER_LDFLAGS) add $(inherited) -framework Flutter
Hope it helps!
Select your Target from "TARGETS"
Select 'Build Settings'
Under 'Build Options' -> Set 'Validate Workspace' To 'YES'
After successfully building, set it back to 'NO'
Reason :
"In Xcode 12+, the default option for Validate Workspace is internally not set. We need to set it manually to avoid this kind of error. There is no problem in setting back to the default 'NO' option.
Xcode 11.4 changed the way frameworks are linked and embedded, which is causing issues switching between iOS devices and simulators.
Please follow official guide on how to migrate your project.
After several days trying to find a solution to test the Flutter app on iOS device, I finally found this:
flutter clean
flutter build ios
-Open xCode and run app on your device.
Updated to Xcode 11.4. Ios 13.4, Iphone X. App just fetches data using API.
App started on white screen and then finally crashes, both on simulator and device.
I followed the offical guide (I also rm -rf ios/Flutter/App.framework)
I ran several times flutter clean
I also tried deleting Pods/ folder and Podfile.lock, then reinstalling using pod install in the ios folder.
As I am using async data I also added as 1st line in main()
No help, app did not started either simulator.
Then I removed ios/ and android/ folders. After that in project folder I ran command flutter create . that regenerates mentioned folders.
After this my app started fine both on simulator and on device.
I hope this would be help to others. NOTE!! if you have done any modifications manually to those folders please take backup or commit beforehand.
I have tried the solution on the official website of flutter but it didn't work for me, so I found a temporary solution which worked for me, but it took me some hard works:
Here is my example with project stuck_framework which is a fresh new project (first time run on the simulator)
I created 2 folders inside flutter project called
"ios_simulator" and "ios_real_device".
enter image description here
Now my first build was for the simulator, then I want to switch to a real device, I will move ios folder inside Flutter project to the "ios_simulator"
I open the project with visual studio code and run "flutter create ." and now I will choose a real device to rebuild the project ( if your simulator is online, please quit ).
enter image description here
Now I wait for the build finish and run on the real device without any errors. Now I have 2 ios project 1 for simulators and one for real devices.
Next time when I want to run on the simulator again, I just remove the current ios folder and copy the ios folder which I placed on "ios_simulator" back out to flutter project folder. Hope this help
Manually upgrading flutter to version 1.15 solve this issue as well. Running flutter version v1.15.17 helped me.
Also, you can switch to beta or dev channels by running flutter channel command but be sure you check your code against all BC changes...
In my case, it works only simulator(debug). if you want to deploy your app on the app store(release) i highly recommend you to upgrade flutter version using
flutter version v1.15.17
otherwise you would encounter crashed app with white screen.
just upgrade flutter version then all things work well
This error is caused by the Xcode 11.4 and can be resolved by Removing / Re-Embedding frameworks and adding a new Run Script Phase.
Under General -> "Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content"
Delete the frameworks that are causing errors.
After deleting, re-embed the frameworks in the same location.
Under Build Phases add a new run script phase.
Select the "+" button in the "Build Phases" pane to create a "New Run Script Phase".
Confirm the script is the bottommost build phase, and configure its fields.
The Shell text field should read /bin/sh (which is the default value).
In the text-input area, enter the shell command rm -r "FRAMEWORK_DIRECTORY/YOUR_FRAMEWORK.framework/"
None of the other solutions here worked for me. In my case, the problem was fixed by searching my project for ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH and changing them all to YES. I found my solution here:

How to force an app to simulate in iPhone simulation using an iPad using Expo?

I'm currently using Expo to build an iPhone app.
I'm not supporting iPad and I have it so when it builds on iPad it runs in an iPhone Simulation.
The problem is I can't develop with Expo using this approach.
The app shows up as an iPad app, but this is not the mode being shipped to users.
According to this I might have some luck adding ios.supportsTablet to the app.json file and setting it to false but it didn't change anything.
Is there another configuration value I'm missing to force iPhone simulation mode on an iPad?
I'd rather not eject if I don't have to.
According to this, there currently isn't a way to live develop using "iPhone mode" on an iPad.
The Expo Client app can’t change its tablet support on the fly,
unfortunately, so it will always adapt your project to the iPad
So, following the above forum here is how you get around it:
Run exp build:ios -t simulator
Open Simulator
Select Hardware/Device/iOs 11.x/iPad x generation
Unpack the generated build from the first command
You should have a file named
Drag that file into the iPad you are running in Simulator
It will install the app on the device and you can then view your creation
This is faster than doing a whole build cycle with TestFlight just to see your changes.
But it still leaves a bit to be desired.

Xcode 5.1 Cordova iOS config.xml

I know there are several issues with the new version of xcode 5.1/cordova and it simply wont run apps on 64x bit devices / emu but I followed this tutorial and now it somehow works (even though it spits 14 warnings in my case)
But for some reasons config.xml is still being ignored. It's in red and you can't edit it.
Any suggestions?
You need to close your xcode. Build again using cordova build and open up again your xcode then you can run your app.

iOS add compiled bundles to simulator

I have built some bundles for my "Debug" profile from the command line. I can move these onto an actual device (using organizer), but I do not get how to add them to the simulator device when building from the command line. I have tried putting them in "build/Debug-iphonesimulator" but they do not show up in the iOS Simulator.
How is this correctly achieved? (the reason I am not using the xcode gui is because I have a working batch script for several bundles)
Try to add the bundles these location for iOS simulator
Users/USER_NAME/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/APP_NAME
But i didn't understand why do you want to do that. You can copy all the bundle in the xcode project and add the dependency. (That what i would do in normal scenario.)

Sharing iPhone Apps for the Simulator

iPhone Apps built for the simulator are stored here:
/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/User/Applications
Is it possible to copy the <GUID>.sb and <GUID> directory and install them on a different computer (with Development tools installed)?
This would be very useful for testing/demoing with out having to buy iPhones for all the managers and external clients.
I found a way that requires just a little more setup, but is much easier for non-developers:
Instructions for your users/testers:
Install Xcode following Apple's instructions
Double-click the attached application - the iPhone simulator will launch, install the app and start it automatically.
How to set it up:
Download and unzip (to a folder on your desktop or wherever) 'Simulator Bundler' from:
Set your XCode build target to the required Simulator configuration (iPad/iPhone/which iOS version)
Do a 'Build and archive'
Find it: select 'Archived applications' in the Organizer, right click the relevant build, select "Reveal archived application in Finder"
Drag the application (yourAppName, no extension) onto the Simulator Bundler app
Done. This will create a self-contained Mac OS X file in the same folder (with your app's icon as the icon) that you can stick up on an FTP server or email to your users/testers.
I think it's much neater/slicker than having to explain where to copy files, how to launch the simulator and so on.. And if anything gets messed up they can just uninstall via the familiar tap-and-hold + (x) gesture in the simulator UI, then double-click the app you sent them again.
You can also produce several of these packages changing the bundle identifier between builds, allowing them to be installed side by side in your testers' simulators; say for getting some user feedback on different UI designs, or configure one for Production and one for Staging/QA servers, so your content editors can check their changes before they go live or whatever..
The ability to reinstall the app from a desktop icon is also very convenient for localisation testing: launch the simulator, uninstall the app if present, set the required region format and language, double click the icon on your desktop, test; repeat for each required locale. (guarantees a fresh install each time, I've found that switching language with the app installed can result in all sorts of strange behaviour)
Yes, if you send those files to another person, and they put them into that directory, they can test the applications in the iPhone Simulator as well :)
