Wireless Distribution of AD-HOC Builds in XCODE - xcode

Currently i use TestFariy for beta app distribution, which works some of the time.
Reading its apparently possible to build own .ipa file place it on a web server and using safari to download it onto devices.
I have been having a play but don't seem to be able to get it working.
We have a standard developer license.
I archived app and included the manifest file.
I placed both files onto the webserver along with a html file that basically provides an event to download the file
Install App
Now in safari on devices when i hit the button on the link i get the popup asking if i like to install, i select yes and i then just get a new icon with 'Waiting' and it hangs here, no error messages just stays on 'Waiting'.
Anyone any ideas?


How to upload to Apple's My Apps from a Xamarin project

I specifically need help getting the app build into my apps. I am so new to the MAC ecosystem. I need to get my app build from my windows 10 box (parallels) running VS2017/Xamarin Forms project uploaded to My Apps. What i have found is helpful if you are using xcode on the mac.
I have read tons of pages and help files and with all of that what I have includes:
created an app in VS2017/Xamarin that runs happily on the emulator from the MAC (MacBook Pro)
purchased the app dev subcription from apple
created a Production certificate (I don't need this yet but I was in there so...)
created a Development certificate
created a key pair from the Dev cert (that show up in the keychain)
created an App Group
created my app's placeholder under My Apps on App Store Connect
added my iPhone to devices via connecting to the Mac getting the UDID from iTunes
created a development provisioning profile for my iPhone (Not sure how this helps my testflight plight)
You must submit for review the same way for both TestFlight and Prod release to the actual store.
You don't need to open the app in xcode outside Xamarin
There is a tool or concept I am missing out on.
For development outside of Xcode, you will want to use Apple's Application Loader App to upload your app to App Store Connect.
As I said in comment to Matt below his correct answer to my actual question above, I needed to get the project right to get to that point.
Here are the more intimate details for the lurkers. I hope this helps some of you.
I was getting, or trying, to get all of this in place manually instead of letting VS do it's work getting this stuff together while I got to coding. FastLane FTW
Open the account management window, go to Tools > Options > Xamarin > Apple Accounts
Add your AppleID
Click on your appleID
Click the add button
Select your id in the lower text area
then add your distro cert. As is proper you deploy to TestFlight as a prod release.
Then get over to to your iOS project properties:
Make sure that your project is outputting an IPA. (Not Beer ;) )
These are my settings that worked. There could be other configurations that work as well.
I never get the automatic provisioning to work. And while this bundle signing settings look like it will not work, it does. I have received my apple approval for beta and users are in testflight.
Also, make sure you update the version of the app in the plist for subsequent releases. This change is not carried through from the AssemblyInfo.cs as one might expect. viola.
If you see this during debug make sure your debug version has Developer (Automatic) set for your debug settings.
FWIW - My VS2017:
While this does not perfectly match the info # https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/cross-platform/macios/apple-account-management?tabs=windows it worked for me. That page was key to the solution and deserves citing. Your mileage may vary.
If I missed something please reach out and I will update this.

Download and run dmg file from unidentified uploader

I have made a dmg file for my uploader desktop application. This dmg is ported on my website from where i download the same using the Safari Browser. However, when i try to execute it from the downloads folder, the system does not execute it and throws a message stating its from an unidentified developer. Hence, in Security & Privacy settings, i opted to allow download. I cannot expect all the users to do this setting. What modifications do i need to do inorder to make the dmg to run without any such errors/warnings. I am a novice at this, kindly requesting for some help.
You can install an unverified app on mac by right-clicking the DMG and selecting open, this will pop up a warning but as opposed to doubled clicking, there is an option to continue.
See this article for screenshots - http://osxdaily.com/2012/07/27/app-cant-be-opened-because-it-is-from-an-unidentified-developer/
The only other option is to pay Apple to become a verified developer, and then have your app reviewed and added to the Mac app store.

Can't open the wearable-preview-support.jar for Android Wear

I'm trying to run the wearable-preview-support.jar from terminal and I get the error
java -jar wearable-preview-support.jar
Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from
Also just trying to open the jar by double clicking gives the error:
The Java JAR file "wearable-preview-support.jar" could not be launched. Check the Console for possible error messages.
No error messages were displayed in Console.
Anyone else having this problem?
The JAR isn't a self contained executable, it is a library to build the wearable apps off of. See this page for more information about how to use it. You have to reference it as a library in your Android application in order to run it, and you will have to run it in the Android virtual machine.
Here are some steps to get Android Wear working in a virtual machine. Keep in mind it might be a little underwhelming using it with a mouse since it'll be less responsive than the actual device will be (hopefully).
The jar file should be included in your Android application, you do not run it directly.
The "Android Wear Preview app" is an application you download from the Google Play Store which runs on your real device. You can only download this application if google have enabled you do. For this to happen you need to sign up at the Google wear preview signup - once you have downloaded the application, you then grant it notification access.

Mac .app file no longer working after being served by a webserver

Ok, so I am having a small problem. I have an .app file that was created by the Adobe Air converter. It works fine. However, when the .app file is zipped up on a CENT OS server the app no longer works. You can double click on the icon but the app just never launches.
The only weird thing that is being done by the server is that it is editing an xml file within the .app package, however, this .xml file doesn't even get loaded by the app until after it has launched so I can't see this being an issue?
I bet you (or the Adobe Air converter you used) code-signed your app package, in which case modifying the XML file (after it being built) would break things. I work on an app which requires frequent customization like this and the only way we're getting around it is to use a Macintosh (a MacMini) that's dedicated to building and code-signing unique versions.
The way to know what's going on is to look at your "Console.app" log, which should be logging some kind of error when you double click on your downloaded app.
Another thing you can do is (temporarily) disable the code on the web server that modifies the XML file and see if the downloaded app magically starts to work.

Sharing iPhone Apps for the Simulator

iPhone Apps built for the simulator are stored here:
/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/User/Applications
Is it possible to copy the <GUID>.sb and <GUID> directory and install them on a different computer (with Development tools installed)?
This would be very useful for testing/demoing with out having to buy iPhones for all the managers and external clients.
I found a way that requires just a little more setup, but is much easier for non-developers:
Instructions for your users/testers:
Install Xcode following Apple's instructions
Double-click the attached application - the iPhone simulator will launch, install the app and start it automatically.
How to set it up:
Download and unzip (to a folder on your desktop or wherever) 'Simulator Bundler' from: http://github.com/landonf/simlaunch/downloads
Set your XCode build target to the required Simulator configuration (iPad/iPhone/which iOS version)
Do a 'Build and archive'
Find it: select 'Archived applications' in the Organizer, right click the relevant build, select "Reveal archived application in Finder"
Drag the application (yourAppName, no extension) onto the Simulator Bundler app
Done. This will create a self-contained Mac OS X yourAppDisplayName.app file in the same folder (with your app's icon as the icon) that you can stick up on an FTP server or email to your users/testers.
I think it's much neater/slicker than having to explain where to copy files, how to launch the simulator and so on.. And if anything gets messed up they can just uninstall via the familiar tap-and-hold + (x) gesture in the simulator UI, then double-click the app you sent them again.
You can also produce several of these packages changing the bundle identifier between builds, allowing them to be installed side by side in your testers' simulators; say for getting some user feedback on different UI designs, or configure one for Production and one for Staging/QA servers, so your content editors can check their changes before they go live or whatever..
The ability to reinstall the app from a desktop icon is also very convenient for localisation testing: launch the simulator, uninstall the app if present, set the required region format and language, double click the icon on your desktop, test; repeat for each required locale. (guarantees a fresh install each time, I've found that switching language with the app installed can result in all sorts of strange behaviour)
Yes, if you send those files to another person, and they put them into that directory, they can test the applications in the iPhone Simulator as well :)
