Visual Studio Code Live Share - visual-studio

I'm currently working on a robotics project and am collectively working on code through the Live Share extension in Microsoft Visual Studio Code. However, when I am not working, my partners cannot. Is there any way to share ownership of our files in Visual Studio Code or put the files somewhere to do the same?


Make Visual Studio ignore wwwroot during development but still serve it while debugging

I have an SPA where the API backend is developed in Visual Studio with ASP.NET 6.0
and the frontend is built/packed with rollup. Since Visual Studio should also host the fronend
files, rollup copies them to the subdirectory wwwroot of the Visual Studio project directory.
Every time rollup copies the files to wwwroot, Visual Studio consumes a lot of CPU. It looks
as if it parses all the files, maybe for Intellisense?
This doesn't make sense in this case, however, because the content of wwwroot is the built
output of rollup. Is there any way to tell Visual Studio to ignore these files during development
but still serve them when debugging?
If there are better ways to do this, I appreciate any recommendations.
I'm using Visual Studio 17.4.4

Is it possible to work on the same project in Visual Studio from several places online?

I would like to be able to do a collaborative work in Visual Studio. For now I know only how to create and access the project off-line. Is it possible to work on a project on-line?
You could use a version control system, like GitHub. Visual Studio is already integrated to work with GitHub or other VCSs.

Working together in visual studio 2017

is there any way to work with someone else together on a shared document on visual studio something like google docs?
I tried to make it using the shared project on visal studio but I didn't work

Is there a way to embed Visual Studio Online team rooms into Visual Studio?

My team currently makes full use of Visual Studio Online team rooms to see when code is pushed to the server as well as track the chatter around it. I find having chatter in this environment keeps it on a more professional level.
In Visual Studio 2013 we were using a plugin to have this team rooms display directly within the Visual Studio application. Unfortunately this is no longer working with Visual Studio 2015 and I was wondering if there's a method for doing this out of the box that potentially I'm missing?
No, The us no way to get rid of of the box. You may want to email The Developers of the Plug-In that you were using and get them to update it.

Sharepoint template missing in Visual studio components

I have got 4 components of visual studio 2010 express
1)MS Visual Basic 2010 express
2)MS Visual C#
3)MS Visual basic
4)MS Visual Web Devoloper.
But none of them provide me Web part templates for sharepoint 2010. Which one would I need for this?
Do I need a proffessional? or even a Visual studio 12?
It looks like you need to have Visual Studio and SharePoint installed on the same machine in order to develop for SharePoint:
Chris Hopkins' Blog
I can tell you from personal experience this is true. I've always had to install Visual Studio onto a SharePoint server when I wanted to write new solutions for SharePoint.
If you are simply trying to edit a page layout or master page, or some other static type of content in SharePoint, you can use many tools to do so. I've successfully edited things with NotePad++ from my client PC. As long as you have the permission for the library where those things are kept, you can make changes.
I originally thought you meant developing SharePoint SOLUTIONS, by which I mean additional back-end functionality, site features, and the like.
