Sharepoint template missing in Visual studio components - visual-studio-2010

I have got 4 components of visual studio 2010 express
1)MS Visual Basic 2010 express
2)MS Visual C#
3)MS Visual basic
4)MS Visual Web Devoloper.
But none of them provide me Web part templates for sharepoint 2010. Which one would I need for this?
Do I need a proffessional? or even a Visual studio 12?

It looks like you need to have Visual Studio and SharePoint installed on the same machine in order to develop for SharePoint:
Chris Hopkins' Blog
I can tell you from personal experience this is true. I've always had to install Visual Studio onto a SharePoint server when I wanted to write new solutions for SharePoint.
If you are simply trying to edit a page layout or master page, or some other static type of content in SharePoint, you can use many tools to do so. I've successfully edited things with NotePad++ from my client PC. As long as you have the permission for the library where those things are kept, you can make changes.
I originally thought you meant developing SharePoint SOLUTIONS, by which I mean additional back-end functionality, site features, and the like.


Can I use Visual Studio Community 2015 without .NET?

I'm looking for a new html/jquery/css IDE to edit and publish existing websites. Can I use Visual Studio Community 2015 to edit a website that doesn't use .NET and publish it to a server using ftp?
Yes you can use Visual Studio as your main editor. Select any ASP.NET project as your starting point, delete everything in the project and you're good to go. You can add a Publish Profile to enable web deployment (which supports FTP).
It will require the concept of a "Project File" for most features to work well. There is the old Web Site project which just works on any folder, but that hasn't seen much love in the past years. It's new cousin is being introduced with Visual Studio 15 (which will likely be Visual Studio 2016 or 2017).
As an alternative you may want to look at Visual Studio Code as well, it's the light weight cousin of Visual Studio Community Edition and is suited perfectly for the kind of work you're planning it seems.

Does InfoPath 2013 support Visual Studio 2013?

I am trying to develop custom code for an InfoPath 2013 form. I have Visual Studio 2013 Professional installed, but when trying to edit code I get the following message:
The following external components are required to edit your form code. Please install them and try again.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012
Visual Studio C# Support
Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2012
C# support is installed, along with Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2012.
Does InfoPath 2013 just not support VS2013?
Unfortunately No
MS has really been making some bad decisions lately
Firstly VS2013 was released so they forced people to upgrade if you want to develop for Windows 8.1
Secondly, MS have announced that they are dropping InfoPath and have yet to provide an alternate solution. Support is still available but InfoPath 2013's successor will be another solution.....i'm guessing Azure Forms or SharePoint forms, something like that
Very disappointing
As you have found, adding code to an InfoPath 2013 form requires Visual Studio 2012. I am not aware of a way to use it with any other version of Visual Studio.
Depending on what you plan to use the custom code for, you may be able to get by with the qRules library (full disclosure: I am one of the developers of this library). It contains many of the most common features for which people tend to use code within InfoPath, and you can use them simply by executing rules within your form, eliminating the need for any version of Visual Studio.
If there is a specific thing you are looking to do with code, I can tell you whether it's possible to do so with qRules, but you should open a separate question for that (and let me know here).

TFS for web designers

We are a small design agency based on .net. The devs use VS and TFS. Is there a way of setting up the designer with some kind of way of getting source code and building it on their machines without the full version of VS which is pretty expensive for people who only want to change CSS and odd bit of HTML. The designers currently use Dreamweaver.
Visual Studio 2010 Express does not have a support for TFS.
But now you can use Visual Studio 11 Express which supports TFS.
Visual Studio 11 Express Features
In TFS2010, you can install the Team Explorer and use your favorite file editing tool. The designer then only needs a TFS CAL to connect to the TFS server.

Can Visual Studio installe with ms sql server be used to modify a .net windows app?

I am trying to modify a .net written in visual studio 2008. However, when I loaded and try to build the website, I get a bunch of errors that several controls like firstname.text are not declared even though the app has been working.
It is possible that I am getting this error because I am using the BI version fo visual studio?
Thanks alot for all the help.
No it is not possible. If I understand correctly, you're using BIDS to modify a .NET project.
Business Intelligence Studio is a completely different program than Visual Studio (though they are based on the same editor). If you want to modify the .NET project, you will need an Instance of Visual Studio, not BIDS (Business Intelligence Developer Studio).

Bug-tracking system that integrates with Visual Studio 2010 with online-support?

Where can I find a bug-tracking system that integrates with Visual Studio 2010 as an addin, and supports online support (so that anonymous people can add bugs to the buglist)?
You could use TFS and write a simple web frontend utilizing the TFS webservices. Perhaps there are bugtrackers that support TFS integration.
Unfortunately, I do not know of other solutions integrated into VS.
I ended up building my own system based on a database and a webserver. I then created a Visual Studio Package (add-in) through the Visual Studio 2010 SDK for managing bugs that were synced live from the website.
Way better for my needs, and only took 1 week of development.
