Is there a way to embed Visual Studio Online team rooms into Visual Studio? - visual-studio

My team currently makes full use of Visual Studio Online team rooms to see when code is pushed to the server as well as track the chatter around it. I find having chatter in this environment keeps it on a more professional level.
In Visual Studio 2013 we were using a plugin to have this team rooms display directly within the Visual Studio application. Unfortunately this is no longer working with Visual Studio 2015 and I was wondering if there's a method for doing this out of the box that potentially I'm missing?

No, The us no way to get rid of of the box. You may want to email The Developers of the Plug-In that you were using and get them to update it.


Why can't I use quick actions/refactorings as a liveshare participant in VS 2019?

Whenever I'm a participant in VS live share in visual studio community 2019 and I attempt to open the quick actions and refactorings, I get a message box saying "value cannot be null. Parameter name: key" with no indication as to what part of visual studio is trying to use a key or where I can fix this.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
I'm also finding that the programming experience is greatly diminished. It's almost like I'm writing c# in microsoft word.
The host of the session has enabled all settings for allowing access to participants.
My visual studio community 2019 version is 16.1.6

Sharepoint template missing in Visual studio components

I have got 4 components of visual studio 2010 express
1)MS Visual Basic 2010 express
2)MS Visual C#
3)MS Visual basic
4)MS Visual Web Devoloper.
But none of them provide me Web part templates for sharepoint 2010. Which one would I need for this?
Do I need a proffessional? or even a Visual studio 12?
It looks like you need to have Visual Studio and SharePoint installed on the same machine in order to develop for SharePoint:
Chris Hopkins' Blog
I can tell you from personal experience this is true. I've always had to install Visual Studio onto a SharePoint server when I wanted to write new solutions for SharePoint.
If you are simply trying to edit a page layout or master page, or some other static type of content in SharePoint, you can use many tools to do so. I've successfully edited things with NotePad++ from my client PC. As long as you have the permission for the library where those things are kept, you can make changes.
I originally thought you meant developing SharePoint SOLUTIONS, by which I mean additional back-end functionality, site features, and the like.

Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition versus Visual Studio Online Professional

Is Visual Studio Community edition able to use my repositories on the Visual Studio Online account?
I have been paying $50 monthly for Visual Studio Online Professional which is included in the Online account, but now I'm really wondering do I still need to pay that. I have few projects on the Online account which I can't give up, but I understand the included Pro is pretty much same as the Community edition. So why am I really paying it anymore? Do I lose my online projects or something if I stop paying?
Let me see if I can help out here with sorting out some details. There's a few things to understand about the Visual Studio IDE and access to a Visual Studio Online account. Let's start with some basics:
Each Visual Studio Online account allows up to five users access to the basic capabilities of Visual Studio Online. Essentially, you only pay for Visual Studio Online Basic per-user fees once you have reached your sixth person. The Visual Studio Online Basic user plan doesn't provide any access to a specific IDE so you "bring your own IDE" whether it's Visual Studio, Eclipse, Xcode, etc.
Visual Studio Online Professional includes the basic capabilities of Visual Studio Online as well as access to the Visual Studio Professional IDE on a monthly rental.
Visual Studio Community has a EULA that has some restrictions on how you are able to use it currently essentially has the same set of capabilities as Visual Studio Professional with some minor differences. Most notably, if you are an enterprise building commercial applications, you aren't able to use Visual Studio Community. There's more details available here and here.
Therefore, in your case, if you meet the conditions of the Visual Studio Community edition's EULA, then you should be good to go with using Visual Studio Community and one of your free Visual Studio Online basic licenses.
I would say no, you don't lose anything. The free account still has all the benefits your Pro account does, just without the VS Pro access:
VS Pro usually runs around $750, so if you're keeping it for 2 years it makes sense to buy it outright. If you don't need the advanced features of Pro, the community edition will work just fine.

GAX/GAT alternatives for Visual Studio 2013

I would like to give guidance for my team. With VS.NET 2k5 and 2k8 we had Guidance Automation but now it's gone.
I know the free alternative (Open GAT/GAX) but I dont really like it.
As far I know T4 templates are not good choice for that.
What we need:
fix type: class library
setting build output
creating namespaces, folders
creating files
See GAX 2010 For Visual Studio 2013 and GAT 2010 for Visual Studio 2013, both by Jelle Druyts.
I haven't used either one (I used GAT/GAX back some years ago, along with the Web Service Software Factory), but I look forward to hearing from you how well they work.

Does InfoPath 2013 support Visual Studio 2013?

I am trying to develop custom code for an InfoPath 2013 form. I have Visual Studio 2013 Professional installed, but when trying to edit code I get the following message:
The following external components are required to edit your form code. Please install them and try again.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012
Visual Studio C# Support
Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2012
C# support is installed, along with Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2012.
Does InfoPath 2013 just not support VS2013?
Unfortunately No
MS has really been making some bad decisions lately
Firstly VS2013 was released so they forced people to upgrade if you want to develop for Windows 8.1
Secondly, MS have announced that they are dropping InfoPath and have yet to provide an alternate solution. Support is still available but InfoPath 2013's successor will be another solution.....i'm guessing Azure Forms or SharePoint forms, something like that
Very disappointing
As you have found, adding code to an InfoPath 2013 form requires Visual Studio 2012. I am not aware of a way to use it with any other version of Visual Studio.
Depending on what you plan to use the custom code for, you may be able to get by with the qRules library (full disclosure: I am one of the developers of this library). It contains many of the most common features for which people tend to use code within InfoPath, and you can use them simply by executing rules within your form, eliminating the need for any version of Visual Studio.
If there is a specific thing you are looking to do with code, I can tell you whether it's possible to do so with qRules, but you should open a separate question for that (and let me know here).
