Creating An Interactive Timeline - user-interface

I want to build a 3D design program, just like tinkercad. However in this program user can create keyframes and play animation through a timeline in UI.
This is nothing new, many desktop applications can do this (e.g Blender, 3DSMax, AfterFX...). However, I couldn't find an example project or anything that comes handy in documentations. Is it possible to make it happen in three.js?

Have a look at GreenSock's GSAP, it is a general purpose HTML5 animation library, which can easily be applied to a three.js project. This is a tutorial about creating Timelines using GSAP
You might also want to check out the Under Neon Lights editor which uses Frame.js


How can I create a desktop GUI application similar to Blender or Maya?

I would like to create a customized Graphical User Interface Window similar to Blender or Maya GUI window. Please refer this below image:
How and where to begin with to design and create a customized GUI window similar to Maya / Blender UI window. Please refer the below image which has video / image preview option and floating buttons and menus:
Being a student, instead of using other desktop GUI applications for 3D purposes, can I able to create a Graphical User Interface window similar to Blender / Maya.
Is it possible to create a Desktop Graphical User Interface application? If it is possible then how to begin with to achieve this?
Blender has custom GUI tooling that uses OpenGL. You could try learning OpenGL (or Vulkan) and start rendering things, but you should know that creating a GUI library will be a huge challenge. You'll need to think about things like dealing with keyboard input, font rendering, text selection...
You'll likely save a lot of time by using an existing GUI library that has solved these problems already, like Qt, Flutter, GTK+. Or you could use the code in Blender, but I'm guessing that it will be harder to find good documentation and community support since it's an internal library.
Desktop applications are usually developed in languages like C# and C++, mostly in any software like Visual studio. Since you need a graphics software, you need a render engine somewhat similar to Blender. Try using OpenGL, or any other render engine of your choice, with these former methods, I mean to combine both the idea of "rendering" and "programming"....It's all about inspirations and ideas!
Imho, it won't be an easy task. If you are ready to take up the challenge.
Dear Imgui will be good starting point.

Interactive chart Library for web browser supporting click and drag of points

I've developed an application in pyqt and matplotlib which allows the user to drag and edit plot data and I need to provide the same functionality in a web browser. I've looked at d3.js but the learning curve seems too steep for the time I have available.
I need advice on which Library/Framework can deliver my needs. Users should be able to select a number of points on a chart and be able to drag them without any noticeable performance penalty. bokeh and mpld3 seem like good candidates. Can anyone advise if these libraries or any other would work well for my needs?
Bokeh provides a number of standard mechanisms to enable it, mainly via JavaScript or Python callbacks. There is a number of drag tools like BoxSelectTool or LassoSelectTool for which you could define a callback but it is also possible to attach a callback to the canvas or plot's data source object.
Additionally it is possible to add a new functionality to Bokeh by writing your own extensions using TypeScript. See Bokeh documentation here.

Create shared UI in a different scene with Unity3D

I come from an iOS/OS X background and now use Unity3D a lot.
I would like to know if there is a way to create a UI in a separate scene in Unity and include that UI in multiple other scenes? Much like loading the same view from a xib in Xcode.
Turns out there are quite a few ways to do this (see comments on question).
SceneManager additive loading (my choice).

How to control a ready animation?

I have downloaded from asset store a 3d model that comes with some animations.
At the instructions they gave was to create an animator controller and the animation could be used. I'm beginner using unity and just create and put de animations in animator controller don't make useful, I can't control time, distance of an avatar walks... somebody can help me?
There are several things you need to learn before you can animate your character.
Using the animator controller
Using the animation view
Basic animation scripting
Unity had conveniently created a comprehensive tutorial on this subject, so beginners such as yourself could learn how to use the program. The link is below:
Animations Tutorial

Swing Animations: is there a GUI library animation like jquery (javascript) but for java?

Is there a library available to animate and make java GUI look nice, with animations and transitions like jquery does?
something like css hover, make a panel animate, round the corners of panels so that they look more sophisticated... etc. etc.
So far my exploration has taken me to try java css by Ethan Nicholson, which appears to have been discontinued from the site? and does not appear to have been loaded anywhere else.
And then there is the Chet Haase work on the timing framework for animating swing, and other nice stuff using the SwingX framework.
Anyone got any advice on an open source animation library specifically designed for swing components? Or am I dreaming and should I be hauling out the wallet to pay for someone else's hard labour?
Kirill Grouchnikov created an excellent animation library called Trident. More information can be found at
