Understanding syntax of Storage filesystem in Laravel 5.6 - laravel

I'm searching for this syntax but I cannot find any explanation... I found some examples but everyone is using the method storeAs(), store() or move() straight away.
I can't understand what $file_contents is. What is this for? What shall it contain?

Put is used to store contents in a file. So $file_content being the data you want to store in 'filename'.
This would be similar to file_put_contents.


Is Laravel blade '#include()' case-sensitive?

I'm getting a "blade not found shop.cart.favorites" error when running in Docker on Ubuntu. (Therefore: "case-sensitive file system.")
I suspect that the culprit is case-sensitivity. The path to the blade file is:
^ ^
Did I guess correctly?
You have made a little mistake bro...
Change in your Controller/Function where you defined the View .Like this.....
return View('Shop.Cart.favorites');
It will work.. Check it out..
Thank you.
In the process of rendering a View, the view() method in Laravel checks to see if a Blade template file exists at the path provided using the PHP built-in method file_exists().
Although the docs don't mention it at all, it has long been observed that this function can be case sensitive (typically on *nix-based filesystems, though not on Windows). But since you don't necessarily know where your code will be run (e.g. if you are creating a package), best practice for cross-platform compatibility is to use only lowercase filenames for Blade template files.
Okay, thanks folks. Indeed, that's the [ANSWER] I was expecting: the underlying filesystem is case-sensitive, and therefore so is PHP (file_exists() et al ...), and therefore so is Laravel. Blade file and folder names are case-sensitive.
Now ... here's a follow-on question: is there a handy-dandy plugin for Laravel that might enable me to "skate around" this issue? (Yeah, I think I know what that answer will be, too. But it doesn't hurt to ask ...)

$this->db->replace() using where

I'm trying to find something along the lines of insert_or_update (similar to what Laravel offers) in CodeIgniter 3. The closest I have found is $this->db->replace(), but I can't find anything that specifies that it can/can't be used alongside a ->where(). Based on the docs I don't believe this will work since it doesn't list ->where() as an option, but I wanted to double check this as well.
I'm hoping I can do something like...
$data = [...];
$whereSearch = [...];
The key here to quote the documentation is
using PRIMARY and UNIQUE keys as the determining factor.
Replace only works based on your keys to replace the values in a table. You might find Does replace into have a where clause? helpful as well.
Would this be what you're looking for?

Remove key from dictionary

I want to remove key from dictionary in Parse cloud code, as we can achieve this by calling removeObjectForKey: in objective-C. Sorry as this is very simple, but I am new to js, and also not able to find out solution for this.
As I have found the answer, so I am posting it for others, who want to do the same thing.By following command, we can do this
delete dictionary[key];

PyroCMS get the real filesystem path of a uploaded file

How do I get the "real path" (server path) of a file uploaded to the PyroCMS files module.
I need to get the absolute path such as;
For this you can simply define a constant like this in constant.php
Than you can call it anywhere
$local_file = CUSTOM_FILE_PATH. $my_file_name;
After much searching around, I couldnt find a solid answer, I did find some global variables that seemed to work.
$local_file = FCPATH.'/uploads/'.SITE_REF.'/files/' . $my_file_name;
If anyone has a better way of retrieving this please post it :)

How to use the MultipleTextOutputFormat class to rename the default output file to some meaningful names?

After the reduce phase in Hadoop, I wanted the output file names to be something meaningful depending on the input key value. However I'm not successful on following the example on "Hadoop: The Definative Guide" which used MultipleTextOutputFormat to do this. The reason is that it's based on old API and it doesn't work on the new API ?
Can anybody hint on the solution or point me to the relevant documentation ?
You are probably right. Most things that worked in the old API don't always work in the new one.
There is a "new way" of doing this now, called MultipleOutputs.
