Is Laravel blade '#include()' case-sensitive? - laravel

I'm getting a "blade not found shop.cart.favorites" error when running in Docker on Ubuntu. (Therefore: "case-sensitive file system.")
I suspect that the culprit is case-sensitivity. The path to the blade file is:
^ ^
Did I guess correctly?

You have made a little mistake bro...
Change in your Controller/Function where you defined the View .Like this.....
return View('Shop.Cart.favorites');
It will work.. Check it out..
Thank you.

In the process of rendering a View, the view() method in Laravel checks to see if a Blade template file exists at the path provided using the PHP built-in method file_exists().
Although the docs don't mention it at all, it has long been observed that this function can be case sensitive (typically on *nix-based filesystems, though not on Windows). But since you don't necessarily know where your code will be run (e.g. if you are creating a package), best practice for cross-platform compatibility is to use only lowercase filenames for Blade template files.

Okay, thanks folks. Indeed, that's the [ANSWER] I was expecting: the underlying filesystem is case-sensitive, and therefore so is PHP (file_exists() et al ...), and therefore so is Laravel. Blade file and folder names are case-sensitive.
Now ... here's a follow-on question: is there a handy-dandy plugin for Laravel that might enable me to "skate around" this issue? (Yeah, I think I know what that answer will be, too. But it doesn't hurt to ask ...)


Understanding syntax of Storage filesystem in Laravel 5.6

I'm searching for this syntax but I cannot find any explanation... I found some examples but everyone is using the method storeAs(), store() or move() straight away.
I can't understand what $file_contents is. What is this for? What shall it contain?
Put is used to store contents in a file. So $file_content being the data you want to store in 'filename'.
This would be similar to file_put_contents.

How best to suppress javascript:S3827 when my code uses Microsoft Asp.Net Ajax code?

Problem: we are wanting to use SonarJS but much of our old Javascript code uses functions from the Microsoft ASP.Net framework (and the MS AjaxToolkit). As such we have a couple of hundred occurrences of the error "XXX" does not exist. Change its name or declare it so that its usage doesn't result in a "ReferenceError". (where XXX is Sys, Type, $get etc.).
I appreciate that I could suppress these by specifying them all in the sonar.javascript.globals property (as per the Elena Vilchik's answer to this question ) but it feels like what I really want to do is to add my own bespoke entries in sonar.javascript.environments (called msajax and msajaxtoolkit say). Then I could be more precise about when to include / exclude these globals.
So I guess I would like to know whether defining my own environment is supported or if there is a more elegant solutions overall.
Thanks in advance.
You are more than welcome to open pull request for Edit "javascript-frontend/src/main/resources/org/sonar/javascript/tree/symbols/globals.json" by adding new group/groups of names.

How to get collections from sub-folder in docpad?

my folds structure are something like this:
I want to get a collection from docs, my code is :
techs: ->
#getCollection("html").findAllLive({relativeOutDirPath: /techs/docs/},[{date: -1}]).on "add", (model) ->
model.setMetaDefaults({layout: "post"})
It just won't works... Could somebody tell me what's going on?
The /techs/docs/ in {relativeOutDirPath: /techs/docs/} is parsed as a regular expression, rather than a string. Wrap it in quotes so you have {relativeOutDirPath: "/techs/docs/"} instead. You may or may not need the initial slash, I can't remember.
You may want to use the convenient helper provided by Docpad : getFilesAtPath.
Maybe you should read the file ""
There is a section "collection", you can set collection named "html", and select all files in (database).
I've had problems depending on what system I'm running node.js and docpad on (ie Windows) with file path conventions. So I resort to the following to make sure I'm not having any of those sort of problems:
Note the 'path.join' bit
Just as example, all html documents from path starts with "post"
#getCollection("html").findAllLive({relativeOutDirPath: {$beginsWith: 'post'}})

Magento translation fails

I have trouble translating the phrase "%s was added to your shopping cart." in magento. This is a message that is called in a php-controller (cartController.php).
I use csv-files for the translation and checked them multiple times for errors (missing quotes, wrong quotes, ...), but the translation still won't work. Translating inline seems also impossible as no option is shown to translate success-messages.
I also checked the store language (which is set to Dutch), locale configuration and via code what language he finds, this all turns out fine, everything is okay.
Does anyone know what next steps I should take to investigate this problem or even better: does anyone know a solution for this problem? I found many threads like this one, but unanswered or without an answer for me.
One more thing: Yes, I cleared my cache and translations ;-).
Try to put translate.csv into your theme folder:
And put your translation there.
Check the encoding of your file Mage_Checkout.csv
Probably you have ANSI or UTF-8, but it should be "UTF-8 without BOM", otherwise Magento has troubles in using the translation file.

Set allow_url_include on SINGLE file

I've created a php file called pagebase.php that I'm quite proud of. It contains a class that created the whole html file for me from input such as css links and js links.
In any case, this file is several hundred lines long, as it includes several helper functions such as cleanHTML() that removes all whitespace from the html code then, in layman's terms, makes the source look pritty.
I have decided to use this pagebase in all my projects, particularly in all my internal projects. I also plan to add and expand to the pagebase file quite a lot. So what I'm wondering is if it's possible to set the allow_url_include option to on, but just on this one single file.
If I got my theory right, that would allow me to include() that file from any server and get the pagebase class.
So what I'm wondering is if it's possible to set the allow_url_include option to on, but just on this one single file.
No, as far as I'm aware this is not possible.
What you are planning to do sounds like a bad idea anyway, though. An include that gets loaded over the web on every request is awful for performance.
You should keep local copies of your library, and use a update script (or version control system) to keep versions up to date.
That is a bad practice.
You should put this file along with the project that needs it and locally include() it.
10 years and still no good solutions? Use this first one with allow_url_fopen for any convenient solution for your PHP file to allow the use of the php.ini brackets.
Replace allow_url_fopen in my example with allow_url_include to address the question.
This will surely be stated as a minor problem in future PHP. Especially if things aren't set up right with at least options are enabled globally. And this only works if there are no global php.ini rules.
Number 1 and 0 in code is either on and off.
echo ini_get('allow_url_fopen');
if (!ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
ini_set('allow_url_fopen', '1');
echo ini_get('allow_url_fopen');
Your code of use of either fopen() or copy() in between the code. Even some curl_init() might work.
echo ini_get('allow_url_fopen');
if (!ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
ini_set('allow_url_fopen', '0');
echo ini_get('allow_url_fopen');
This also works for several other php.ini rules. I believe that this proof would be a security issue in many PHP codes further into the future. Surely a good thing to monitor in plugins in the further future or now for anti-malware signature. At least use the right global settings from now.
