I have a post request in which the jmeter form_key is showing
POST data:
Is the request correct?
You need to pass correct value of form_key. which you will get the in response of previous samplers. use Regular expression Extractor to extract the value of form_key.
Add HTTP Cookie Manager to the jmeter and change value in dropdown from standard to default .enter image description here
I am extracting several variables from a login response, using "Regular Expression Extractor" post processors. Most of them work when I reuse the variable, but one doesn't.
The regex extractor has the following settings:
Apply to: Main sample only
Field to check: Body
Name of variable: id_token
Regular Expression: <input type="hidden" name="id_token" value="([^"]+)"
Match No.:
Default Value:
Use empty default value: (unchecked)
Then in a later POST HTTP request I use the parameter:
Name, Value, URL Encode?, Content-Type, Include Equals
id_token, ${id_token_g1}, true, text/plain, true
When running the test in the "View Results Tree" listener the same POST request's POST data contains
Instead of the value of id_token_g1.
Other variables in the same POST data are being completed correctly.
The Debug PostProcessor from the previous request contains
I have the same issue with session_state_g1
But not with
I have the same problem if I update the name of the HTTP Request sampler (it shows as ${id_token_g1} in the "View Results Tree" listener)
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Make sure your setup is following JMeter Scoping Rules, i.e. you should have setup like:
Open Login Page
Regular Expression Extractor
Perform Login
Make sure you have this hidden input with name id_token in the response data. JMeter can be configured to store response data in .jtl results file, you need to add next 2 lines in user.properties file:
Don't forget to restore the default configuration once you figure out the cause of the problem. See Results file configuration for more details.
Regular expressions is not the best choice for parsing HTML responses as they can be very fragile in case of markup change (changed order of HTML attributes or the input definition becomes multi-line). So consider switching to CSS/JQuery Extractor instead, the relevant configuration would be something like:
Reference Name: anything meaningful, you can keep id_token
CSS/JQuery Expression: input[id=name]
Attribute: value
In 2nd POST request you can refer the extracted value as ${id_token}
1.Follow Jmeter Scoping Rules.
2.To your regular expression you can give template as $1$ and use ${id_token} instead of ${id_token_g1}.
For more information on regular expression extractors
follow this link.
You can use this website to test your regular expressions.
Let me know if it helps..
I have a issue in passing dynamic value in request header of jmeter script. Here is the sequence:
Http Request1: Regular expression extractor for extracting the dynamic value from Response Header -- this is ok , variable C_Xscrftokenid2 stores the dynamic string.
Http request2: Pass this C_Xscrftokenid2 Dynamic value to the request Header (web_add_header..)--> Failing
Reason:${C_Xscrftokenid2}-> in the output i dont see the value inside the braces getting replaced with the dynamic value instead i simply see the output as below:
Request Headers:
MaxDataServiceVersion: 2.0
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
x-csrf-token: ${C_Xscrftokenid2}
May i know the reason?
Thank you.
Make sure in your Regular expression extractor field to check is set to Response Headers as shown below
In your HTTP request 2 Header Manager use ${Variable_Name} to pass extracted variable.
I would suggest you to add a debug sampler and see if it is extracting the variable correctly or not.
If you are getting an empty value in debug sampler result then the problem could be with regular expression you are trying to extract.
In my case i wanted to extract X-Frame-Options from response headers and pass it to next header its working as expected
Follow this link for more information on extracting variables
Check your "HTTP Header Manager" is under the "HTTP sampler" and not at the same level.
Hope this help.
I need to take the input for next page from previous page source.
Previous page source:
In next page I need to pass this departure city as input in URL.
Sample URL:
Here I want to pass the Departure city's(previous page) in next page URL.
So, how can I parameterized this in jmeter??
Let me know if anyone need any additional info on this!!
You can use "Post Processor" like "Regular Expression Extractor" or Boundary Extractor and then pass it in the next sampler path as ${varSam}
Below is a sample where I am using Regular Expression extractor to fetch a value and putting it in a variable. So, this is your request from where you have to fetch the departure city.
Here I am passing that variable in the URL
Hope it helps
Add CSS/JQuery Extractor as a child of the request which returns the above HTML
Configure it as follows:
You will get a random city stored as depart variable and will be able to access its value as ${depart} where required
Optionally you can extract all the values by setting "Match No." to -1, this will give you the following variables:
See How to Use the CSS/JQuery Extractor in JMeter for more information if needed
It is resolved by using the Post Processor(Regular expression extractor). Applied this to the page response.
Page response
parameterized this as following:
Request for the next page by using the above parameterized value
Thanks for the help!!
My referer url for My listener request: http://..*.***:****/ecloudbaseweb//app/managecourse?courseid=815
Referer url in Http Header Manager
In the above url, the course id dynamic value.
My scenario:
Step1: I have updated course id for dynamic parameter and updated details for regular expression extractor for manage course http request
Attachment for your reference:
In this configuration, How can i set dynamic values through Referer URL for HTTP Header Manager in jmeter3.0.?
Kindly give me a solution for this scenario
Dear sir,
I have updated, your comments and after changes the below issue occurred..please verify the attachment..
You can use values captured using Regular Expression Extractor in Header manager also, the same way you use in samplers.
Refer the screen shot:
Note: I observed that courseId (AA) is captured in 78 manageCourse request and used in the same request. This might cause in failure as you have not captured the value yet, you can't use it. You need to keep the Regular Expression Extractor in earlier requests than 78, might be under 77 newCoursecreate.
In Jmeter, First sampler is processed, and then the post processor. So, keep the Regular Expression Extractor (post processor) in the sampler (HTTP request), in which response the value (courseID) you want to retrieve is present.
i need your help with a problem i encounter with jmeter
i need to create the following:
Enter a web page
Save from the response of the page a parameter
Use this parameter to enter another page
someone have an answer to my problem
A bit generic, but here goes:
HTTP sampler to make the request
Regular Expression Extractor (or Xpath) post processor to get the
data you need from the response.
HTTP sampler using variable from step 2
Regular Expressions
Ophir is correct.
Extract the parameter using regular expression extractor and the parameter value can be put into next request using the reference name specified in regular expression extractor.
eg: https://www.example.com/search?q=${reference},
Hope these links will help you.