How to enter a web page , save the paramter response and use it to enter another page with this pramter - jmeter

i need your help with a problem i encounter with jmeter
i need to create the following:
Enter a web page
Save from the response of the page a parameter
Use this parameter to enter another page
someone have an answer to my problem

A bit generic, but here goes:
HTTP sampler to make the request
Regular Expression Extractor (or Xpath) post processor to get the
data you need from the response.
HTTP sampler using variable from step 2
Regular Expressions

Ophir is correct.
Extract the parameter using regular expression extractor and the parameter value can be put into next request using the reference name specified in regular expression extractor.
Hope these links will help you.


How to read Query Param in Response Location header in Jmeter

I'm load testing my API which requires to authenticate everytime before calling the API. I need to read a query param from HTTP header "Location" and use it in further requests in Jmeter. I tried to use "Regular Expression Extractor" with Location: .+=(.*?)\n but it didn't work. Any ideas how to read a specific variable from response headers?
Location: https://<<SSO_URL>>/authenticate?code=AbCDEfg1&..... --> extract "code"
Please try with this, regex for your question is code=([^&]*)
You need to change your regular expression to something like:
Location:\s* .*=(.*?)&
And make sure to choose Response Headers from the scope:
See Regular Expressions chapter of the JMeter User Manual for more details
Also it might be much easier to use the Boundary Extractor, in this case you will just need to provide the "left" and "right" boundaries and it will fetch everything in-between:
Moreover it works faster and consumes less resources, see The Boundary Extractor vs. the Regular Expression Extractor in JMeter article for more information

How to take the input for next page by using previous page response in jmeter?

I need to take the input for next page from previous page source.
Previous page source:
In next page I need to pass this departure city as input in URL.
Sample URL:
Here I want to pass the Departure city's(previous page) in next page URL.
So, how can I parameterized this in jmeter??
Let me know if anyone need any additional info on this!!
You can use "Post Processor" like "Regular Expression Extractor" or Boundary Extractor and then pass it in the next sampler path as ${varSam}
Below is a sample where I am using Regular Expression extractor to fetch a value and putting it in a variable. So, this is your request from where you have to fetch the departure city.
Here I am passing that variable in the URL
Hope it helps
Add CSS/JQuery Extractor as a child of the request which returns the above HTML
Configure it as follows:
You will get a random city stored as depart variable and will be able to access its value as ${depart} where required
Optionally you can extract all the values by setting "Match No." to -1, this will give you the following variables:
See How to Use the CSS/JQuery Extractor in JMeter for more information if needed
It is resolved by using the Post Processor(Regular expression extractor). Applied this to the page response.
Page response
parameterized this as following:
Request for the next page by using the above parameterized value
Thanks for the help!!

How to Re-use data generated by one Response to other request?

In my application while executing the first request one unique key is generated which key is required for Next all the request. let me how to automate such scenario in Jmeter.
The process should look as follows:
Add Post Processor to the first request
Configure it to extract the required value and store it into a JMeter Variable
Use JMeter Variable from step 2 in your next request.
Depending on response data type you have the following choices:
Regular Expression Extractor - for text
CSS/JQuery Extractor - for HTML
XPath Extractor - for XML and XHTML
JSON Path Extractor - for JSON
It is also possible to extract data from files i.e. if response is in PDF format, but it's a little bit tricky
Example configuration to store the whole response:
Reference Name: any suitable variable name, i.e. response
Regular Expression: (?s)(^.*)
Template: $1$
You can refer the extracted value as ${response} where required. You can also amend the regular expression to extract response part instead of the whole response. JMeter uses Perl5-compatible regular expressions, see Regular Expressions User Manual Chapter for details
You can use regular expression extractor to extract the key from the response of your first request and use the extracted key for subsequent requests. To achieve this:
Right click on the first request and add post processor: Regular Expression Extractor.
Create your regular expression and provide values in other required fields. Please refer to JMeter component reference
Extracted value will be saved in the variable given as reference name
Use this variable in subsequent requests
Here is an example test plan with results.

Extract using regex extractor - Redirect

I am using JMeter to extract some strings.
How do I extract using the regex extractor from the intermediate redirect URL. The issue is regex extractor is not able to match if redirect happened.
I unchecked the Redirect automatically checkbox and it was able to capture regex value, however I don't know to redirect using that variable.
Any help is appreciated.
I got this resolved, by using another HTTP request calling the initial url and used regex to parse data and call the redirect url with another HTTP request.
Try adding a PostProcessor=> Regular Expression Extractor, and select 'URL' under the field to check section.
You will have to add a Reference name for the variable also the regular expression which will help extract it. Further reference this variable in other requests.

How to extract value passed in the URL and use it as parameter in Jmeter?

I am using Jmeter for my performance testing and I am stuck at the point where I need to extract the value from the URL and pass it to Jmeter.
Here is the example:
Application requires user to create an order and then submit it on the next page
I am at a point where I can create an order using Jmeter.
In order to create a script to submit an order I have copied the url from the web page as passed it as a GET method '/order/submit/23'. This '23' number changes everytime I create a new order
The issue I am having here is when I run my jmeter script it creates another order with another number which then mismatch with the '/order/submit/23' url I have passed.
Is there any way to extract this number from the HTML code and pass it to Jmeter?
I looked into the HTML code and this number is a part of URL so not sure how I can extract it. Any suggestions please
I am looking for something like /order/submit/${var}
If I understood you correctly, you need to extract some value from response. You can do it with two samplers:
XPath Extractor
RegEx extractor
I think xpath extractor more appropriate in your case
