Trial Balance report not showing initial balance - Odoo 8 - odoo-8

In trial balance report, the initial balance column is not shown in few cases. I want to know in what cases it is not shown and is it possible to always have the initial/opening balance column in the reports.


How can I ensure correct filtering of a detail table from a summary table?

In this production data the Total Quantity processed through the machines is in table WeekProd and the number of parts scrapped is stored in table WeekScrap. There can be more than one scrap reason and quantity for each production line and they are summed using a measure.
The two tables are filtered in common by the calendar week number, the machine lookup and the shift lookup. Using 2 visuals shows that this filtering is working as expected:
However, when I place the Sum Scrap Qty measure onto the WeekProd visual it show the scrap qty on every row, although the total figure of 34 ends up correct.
How can I stop this from happening?

Netsuite Formula Calcs

So I was able to create a search that shows historical unit rates at an item level then I can filter by customer to show any price increases that may have taken place to create a price tracker. It works as advertised. Below is a screen shot of what the output is. "Base Price" is the minimum item rate for lifespan since we transitioned to NetSuite. Then 1-6 months back it will pull the item rate and as you can see, around the 3rd month, it increases and shows change.
Here is how the search looks when executed
What I am attempting to do now subtract the values from the formula from the "base price" because that is at the end of the day the total impact value. Eventually I want to bring in quantity so we can see the total impact of these changes to track if we are seeing an increase or not.
EX. If base is $2 and we sell 20 a month. $40 in sales. Now we up it to $3, sales would be $60. But we want to show the $20 in increase impact instead.
Below is from the results tab to generate the above.
Here is the view from the Results Tab
Is there a way to create that calculation somehow in NS? I am almost thinking it is because I used the DECODE instead of the CASE WHEN ?
Thank you
You can generally combine supported functions; you just need to make sure that any functions applied in the Summary or Function columns are replicated in the formula. For example, your first column "Item Rate" has a Summary function or "Minimum" applied - this needs to be included in the formula, something like:
DECODE(...) - MIN({rate})

Drill Through/ Drill Linking/ Drill Down using Pentaho Report Designer

I'm using Pentaho Report Designer Version:
I have one summary report (1) and one detailed report (2).
Let's say I have this scenario:
I have these columns in
(1): Employees, Total hours
(2): Employees, Day, Total hours per day
I would like to make a link between (1) and (2) so if I click on Total hours for the employee 'John' from (1), it leads me to (2), showing Day and the Total of hours per day only for 'John'.
I wonder if it is possible to do that using the DRILLDOWN function, if yes, can you suggest me what to put in the parameters?
Also, is this possible if I publish both reports on the User Console?
Any help will be appreciated.
It is possible, using URL:
-Right click on Total Hours
-Click on Hyperlink
-Put the link of the detailed report as Path
-Choose Employee as parameter value. (I already had a parameter that filters the report based on the name of the employee)
-Then publish the report in order to make it function in the User Console.

Crystal report summary depending on another column

Hi, i am new to crystal reports but a fast learner.
I need to make a report, that shows the price of specific maintenance during a month.
The important thing is that the Total values are correct
As you see the "arbejdsordre" can appear multiple times because on the same column it has different "titel" the different "titel" has different "planlagt tid" but the same "Omkostninger"
I need to tell crystal report to only calculate "omkostninger" for "arbejdsordre" one time when "arbejdsordre appears several times.
how can i do this?
Best regards
If you go into the Group Expert and then group your report data by Omkostninger you should be able to accomplish your goal.
Display the value for "Omkostninger" in the Group Header, and then display the different "titel" and "planlagt tid" in the details section or any other group header section that is a lower level grouping than Omkostninger.
This will allow you to display each unique value for Omkostninger once and only once on the report, with all of the other data for each Omkostninger value displayed in the details.

Business Objects XI Web Intelligence Aggregation Issue (

I've got a multiple tabbed report. On one tab I have the details listed and on another I have a summary table (cross reference) type of aggregation based on the same dimensions utilized in the detail report. I've created a calculated field that takes the product of two measures, I've saved this as a variable. When I try to aggregate that variable on the summary report BOWI is not calculating correctly. Example:
QTY * PRICE = LineTotal
2 * 3 = 6
4 * 3 = 12
TotalOrder = $18
Calculates correctly on the detail report.
When I put this on the aggregate report it is doing the following:
Sum QTY * Sum Price = Total, in other words it is doing
6 * 6 = $36.
My totals on the aggregate are highly inflated. Firstly in what world does that order of precedence make sense? and secondly how can I tell BOWI to sum the TotalOrders instead of breaking it back up into it's components summing those and then multiplying?
Is it a bug?
Further Information
The detail report is Sectioned by Year, Region, State -> Detail lines
The summary report is dimensioned by Year, Region, State
The (QTY * PRICE) component is saved as a variable and utilized in both places.
Am I missing the secret handshake somewhere when calculated fields/variables can't be aggregated and they need to do so in the Universe?
I havent worked with WEBI for a while, I mainly develop DESKI reports, however what you describe sounds similar to the aggregation that occurs in DESKI. If a measure is set to sum aggregation, then it will add all the measures together that relate to the dimension that is added to the report.
For example, if like my details reports, you have the columns order number, qty, price then the aggregation will sum both qty and price at the order level, which is correct. However moving to the summary table then this will cause incorrect data.
To remove the aggregation you can change it from SUM to NONE, I cant recall off the top of my head on how to do this in WEBI (if you cant find out I can check my course materials which are work).
Alternatively, it is best to ensure the dimensions on your summary report are suitable for the data presented.
If you need any further information please let me know.
