Netsuite Formula Calcs - oracle

So I was able to create a search that shows historical unit rates at an item level then I can filter by customer to show any price increases that may have taken place to create a price tracker. It works as advertised. Below is a screen shot of what the output is. "Base Price" is the minimum item rate for lifespan since we transitioned to NetSuite. Then 1-6 months back it will pull the item rate and as you can see, around the 3rd month, it increases and shows change.
Here is how the search looks when executed
What I am attempting to do now subtract the values from the formula from the "base price" because that is at the end of the day the total impact value. Eventually I want to bring in quantity so we can see the total impact of these changes to track if we are seeing an increase or not.
EX. If base is $2 and we sell 20 a month. $40 in sales. Now we up it to $3, sales would be $60. But we want to show the $20 in increase impact instead.
Below is from the results tab to generate the above.
Here is the view from the Results Tab
Is there a way to create that calculation somehow in NS? I am almost thinking it is because I used the DECODE instead of the CASE WHEN ?
Thank you

You can generally combine supported functions; you just need to make sure that any functions applied in the Summary or Function columns are replicated in the formula. For example, your first column "Item Rate" has a Summary function or "Minimum" applied - this needs to be included in the formula, something like:
DECODE(...) - MIN({rate})


DAX ignore row context in measure. Calculate for a defined set of dates and show the value for all dates in visual

I am trying to create a measure which calculates the average daily revenue per customer, but only using days in a 6 months period prior to a specific date (where some type of conversion happens).
This specific date can be different for each customer.
The intention is to use the measure as a baseline for indexing daily average in the days/months/years after said conversion date.
If I put my current version of the measure in a card it works just fine (circled in green). But I will eventually have to visualize this over time as well. Thus I need the value to stay the same regardless of the row/date context in a table or timeline (circled in orange).
I suspect I need to use one of the ALL/ALLSELECTED/ALLEXCEPT filter modifiers but I can't really get anything to work.
The measure looks like this for now:
Average daily rev before conversion = CALCULATE (
[HI & Acc Rev]
FILTER('poc vFact_SalesLine','poc vFact_SalesLine'[OrderDate_ID] IN DATESINPERIOD('Date'[Date],FIRSTNONBLANK('poc vDim_Customer'[DSE first conversion date],1),-6,MONTH)))
I've tried adding REMOVEFILTERS('Date'[Date]) just before the filtering of order dates, but that doesn't work. Gives me the exact same values as shown below.
All help is very welcome? Is my approach all wrong?

How to calculate the current value of depreciated asset?

I'm aware of various depreciation formulas in google sheets, but to me it seems like non of them provide and cumulative value. So if I wanted to calculate the current value of a car bought 6 months ago, I'd have to have multiple rows calculating depreciation per month, and then I'd have to sum the depreciation over months (cells). Is there a way to put everything in one cell? Example:
Columns A:F is working fine, but I want to be able to be able to have a list of multiple assets with todays (depriciated) value, like in columns H:P .
Any idea how I could achieve that?
Even though this is very brief, I want to record the comment that helped answer this question.
Will the VDB function work for you?
You enter:
VDB(cost, salvage, life, start_period, end_period, [factor], [no_switch]).
So Purchase Price - VDB(...) is the current asset value, after a specific period of time, of the asset's lifespan.
Specify start_period as zero, and end period as the number of years (or fractions) that have passed, and the result is the total depreciation over that time period. It defaults to give a DDB (Double Declining Balance depreciation) answer, but the rate (factor) can be modified. Hope this helps. I'm sure there are other options

PBCS: Custom rules to aggregate Period members

I have an input account (never share) in which the user types a parameter for each month, I want that into aggregate members of Period dimension, for example on YearTotal, the value will be the weighted average between two other accounts representing the cost and the quantity.
With the account properties I can rollup my account in addition or as simple average between months, obviously in this way I get wrong data in both cases.
Anyone know a solution to my question?
Thanks a lot,
Not sure exactly what you are asking. But I assume the following in my answer:
data entry for user on account Parameter (from the context, I think it is a price)
data entry for user on level0 Period, i.e. the months
you want Essbase to show the Parameter value as typed in at the month level (Jan .. Dec)
you want Essbase to show Costs / Quantity for Q1/2/3/4 and the YearTotal
the Account and Period dimension are of density: dense
You did not specify if you are also reporting on YTD values and how you have implemented this in Essbase. I assume you do, but the preferred solution depends on how you have implemented this, so I take the "safe" solution here:
solution 1
This is the most straightforward solution:
Implement a "parameter_inp" account on which the user keys in the data. Set the account to "never consolidate".
Create a new "parameter" account, dynamic calc, and give it the formula "Costs/Quantity;".
Refer to "parameter" in your reports, and to "parameter_inp" for user entry
solution 2 - alternative
If you have a lot of these parameters, you'll end up with a system making it unpleasant for data entry and reporting for the end-users. To solve it using data entry and reporting on the same "parameter" account, you need to tune your implementation for Quarter and YearTotal calculation, including the YTD calculation. I see no way of getting this correct if you are using DTS.
This is the way to go forward:
Make use of a new dimension called "View", data entry on PER (= periodic), additional dynamic calc member "YTD", density: dense, place it after Period (so Account, Period, View)
Add a UDA to the "parameter", for example "WA"
Set custom dynamic calculations on Quarter and YearTotal level, something like: IF (#ISUDA("WA")) THEN ELSIF <check on FLOW/BALANCE> ... logic for regular aggregation of FLOW and BALANCE items hereby overriding Essbase's native time logic)
Set custom dynamic calculations for YTD (overiding DTS), and make an exception for UDA "WA"

Columnar report in Tableau

I'm new to Tableau. I'm using Tableau Desktop Professional 10.0.15. I need to write a very simple report that does not use any visualization.
Here's a example of the layout (the numbers are made up):
Web Site 1 North America Europe
Total Hits 3,523,483 3,523,483
Sessions 1,248,234 1,248,234
Unique Visitors 1,809,392 1,809,392
New Visitors 383,932 383,932
% new 10.9% 10.9%
Avg Page Views per user 1.9 1.9
Web Site 2 North America Europe
Total Hits 3,523,483 3,523,483
Sessions 1,248,234 1,248,234
Unique Visitors 1,809,392 1,809,392
New Visitors 383,932 383,932
% new 10.9% 10.9%
Avg Page Views per user 1.9 1.9
The users want the measures to be in one column, but they're not the same measures. Some measures need to be formatted as percentages. The average should have 1 decimal place. I have a feeling it's not possible to format the same measure differently in Tableau. Ideally, there would be something like a banded report where I could stack the measures on top of each other. But, I don't see a way to do that in Tableau. I could create a table in my database and put the measures in the same field and add the formatting in the database (which feels wrong), but it would have to be text (to have '%'). But, Tableau won't treat a text field as a measure. Also, it seems like if you don't add a measure, Tableau will insert a fake measure and put 'Abc' as the value (at least, I think that's why I'm getting these 'Abc' columns in my reports that I didn't add and that aren't in my data).
It seems like Tableau wants you to do something like this:
Unfortunately, this is not what my users want. Any suggestions?
In Tableau it's possible to put many measures in a single column using the measure names in rows.
To do this, add to filters shelf the dimension called Measures Names (the last one). Select all the Measures you'd like to show (Hits, Sessions, Visitors, Views, etc.). Then, drag this dimension to the rows shelft. Next, drag the measure called Measures Values (the last one too) to the marks shelf, specifically in the text box. You can also add other dimension to rows shelft (like website) to the left of Measures Names. This will show a table similar to your requirement.
By default, the Measure Values are SUM of each measure. Just right click on them and select the aggregation you need (AVG, COUNT or other).
Finally, you can format each measure as you want, right click a measure value, and select Format...

How can I get the values in the Matrix on my SSRS report to repeat?

I know there must be a simple answer to this, but I can't find it.
I have added a couple of textboxes to a Matrix in a BIDS/SSRS report. I've given these textboxes values such as:
It works (after a fashion); when I run the report (either on the Preview tab, or on the Report Server site) I see the first corresponding data value on the report - but only one.
I would think that once a value has been assigned via expressions such as "=Fields!WEEK1USAGE.Value", each value would display (rows would automatically be added).
There must be some property on the Matrix or the textbox that specified this, but I can't see what it might be.
Here is how my report looks (very minimalistic, so far) in the Layout pane:
...and after running, on the Preview tab:
Obviously, I want the report to display as many rows as necessary, not just one. The textboxes do have a "RepeatWith" property, but there description doesn't sound interesting/useful/promising.
I don't see any property on the Matrix control that looks right, either.
I thought maybe the designer was only showing one row of values, and ran the report on the server, too, but there also it just shows the two values.
So what do I need to do to get all the data for a provided field?
Matrices are for display of grouped data and summary information, usually in a horizontally expanding pivot table type of format. Is a matrix really what you are after? Looking at your expression you have =Fields!Week1Usage.Value but in a matrix what I expect to see would be at least =Sum(Fields!Week1Usage.Value) or even better just =Sum(Fields!Usage.Value). Then you would have ProactDescription as your row group and the week as your column group and it would all just work out everything for you, grouping and summing by Proact vertically and expanding the weeks out horizontally.
What seems to be happening is that you have no grouping on rows or columns and no aggregation so it is falling back to the default display which is effectively the First function - it displays the first row of data and as far as the matrix is concerned it has done its job because there is no grouping.
Without knowing your problem or data, I'll make up a scenario that might be what you are doing and discuss how the matrix does the heavy lifting to solve that problem. Let's say you have usage data for multiple Proacts. Each time one is used you record the usage amount and the date and time it is used. It could be used multiple times per day but certainly multiple times in a week. So you might be able to get the times each Proact is used from a table like so:
SELECT ProactDescription, TimeUsed, Usage
FROM ProactUsage
ORDER BY ProactDescription, TimeUsed
In your report you want to show the total weekly usage for each Proact over multiple weeks. Something like this:
Proact Week1 Week2 Week3 ...
Description Usage Usage Usage ...
Anise, Fennel 1 CT 20.00 22.50 16.35 ...
St John's Wort 15.20 33.90 28.25 ...
and so on. Using a dataset based on the SQL above we create a matrix and in the row group properties we group on =Fields!ProactDescription.Value and in the column group properties we group on a week expression like =DateDiff(DateInterval.Week, Fields!TimeUsed.Value, Today) and then in the intersection of the row and column we put =Sum(Fields!Usage.Value). To display the header of the column nicely put an expression like
="Week " & DateDiff(DateInterval.Week, Fields!TimeUsed.Value, Today)
The matrix automatically does all the summing by week and product and expands the weeks horizontally for as many as you are reporting. For bonus points you can also put totaling at the end of the columns and the rows to show the total use of that Proact for the period (row total) and total use of all Proacts in that week (column total).
