one-many realtionship update with changed table format - laravel-5.6

if there are two tables show and show_detail and show table has fields like 'id','show_name'(array) like ["show_1","show_2","famous_show_12"] and show_detail has fields like 'show_id','show_name','show_ids'..then how to update show_detail table with update in table show using one-many relationship.
i have tried using updateRich() method but fail.

Use Like It :-
$id = 123;
$show = 'test show';
DB::table('show')->where('id', $id)->update(['show_name' => $show]);
DB::table('show_detail')->whereIn('show_ids', [1, 2])->update(['show_name' => $show]);


How Query Multiple dataset in Laravel

I am struggling to get list of places that matches current category(multiple dataset) and city:
what i did is the following,
$cat = Category::find($request->category_id)->toArray();
$cat_id = $cat['id'];
$places = DB::table('places')
->where('city_id', $request->city_id)
See screenshot of the dataset:
Data in the database
For your current problem, you can use the LIKE operator.
$places = DB::table('places')
->where('category','LIKE', '%"'.$cat_id.'"%')
->where('city_id', $request->city_id)
but the above code will not solve your problem permanently. It looks like you are trying to create a many to many relationship in this case the best practice to use pivot tables for this. Better if you could update the schema as an example and follow the Laravel standards to achieve this. Example:
table: category_place , having columns ["category_id", "place_id"]
in the same way, you need to update the following schema
Place Type
table: place_place_type, columns ["place_id", "place_type_id"]
table: amenity_place, columns ["amenity_id", "place_id"]
Ref. link:

Laravel select table fields by using variables

I want to fetch selected fields from my tables in laravel for that I assign my table fields in a variable. But always it gives me some database query error, here I added my code for that. This working fine when I use direct fields instead of them assign into a variable
$selectedfields = "'table1.*', 'table2.*','table3.column'"
$data = DB::table('table1')
You can use DB:raw:
$selectedfields = 'table1.*, table2.*, table3.column';
$data = DB::table('table1')
You might need to join table as well.
your query should be like this
$data = DB::table('table1')

Laravel - How to paginate united Many To Many(Polymorphic) collection?

Trying to figure out how to fetch two related models(obviously united) of my Many To Many(Polymorphic) relationship.
What we have:
3 models: Bucket, Template and DesignPack.
Bucket has Many-To-Many(Polymorphic) relationship with Template and DesignPack(It means we have pivot table bucketables).In essence Bucket can have(be related with) both: Template and DesignPack.
Laravel 6.*
What I want to get:
I want to get a Bucket templates and design packs united in one collection and paginated!
Please check one of the solutions I've tried:
$templates = Bucket::find($bucket_id)->templates()->select(['id', 'file_name as name', 'size', 'preview']);
$design_packs = Bucket::find($bucket_id)->dps()->select(['id', 'name', 'size', 'preview']);
$all = $templates ->union($design_packs )->paginate(10);
Unfortunately that solution throws me the error(thought I checked what each request returns and it returns the same fields, not different):
"SQLSTATE[21000]: Cardinality violation: 1222 The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns (SQL: (select `id`, `size`, `preview`, `bucketables`.`bucket_id` as `pivot_bucket_id`, `bucketables`.`bucketable_id` as `pivot_bucketable_id`, `bucketables`.`bucketable_type` as `pivot_bucketable_type` from `design_packs` inner join `bucketables` on `design_packs`.`id` = `bucketables`.`bucketable_id` where `bucketables`.`bucket_id` = 3 and `bucketables`.`bucketable_type` = App\DesignPack and `design_packs`.`deleted_at` is null) union (select `id`, `size`, `preview` from `templates` inner join `bucketables` on `templates`.`id` = `bucketables`.`bucketable_id` where `bucketables`.`bucket_id` = 3 and `bucketables`.`bucketable_type` = App\Template and `templates`.`deleted_at` is null))"
Are there any different way to get what I want?
May be examples, documentation links or any helpful ideas?
Will be so grateful guys for any help!
Thank you!
You can pass closure to queries:
$templates = Bucket::whereHas('templates', function($query) use $bucket_id {
$query->where('bucket_id', $bucket_id);
$designPacks = Bucket::whereHas('dps', function($query) use $bucket_id {
$query->where('bucket_id', $bucket_id);
then merge 2 eloquent collections:
$mergedCollections = $templates->merge($designPacks);
now you have a collection of both results, you can select specific fields, limit the results or etc. you may want take a look at Laravel collection helpers.
also if you insist to use the union, you may want to take a look at this treat:
The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns (REDUX!!)

Update model which having multiple rows

I have an object model which have multiple rows like result getting with this query:
$cities = City::whereIn('id' , [1,2,3])->get();
What I want to do is update each row with the same value without using each because each is making a query on each row, so in above query I will have 3 queries.
Instead of doing this:
$cities->each->update(['name' => 'test']);
I want to do something like this as I already have the model object, but it doesn't work:
$cities->update(['name' => 'test']);
Instead I must do something like this to make it work:
City::whereIn('id' , $cities->pluck('id'))->update(['Avatar' => 'test']);
My question is; Why can't I use this:
$cities->update(['name' => 'test']);
When you use ->get() method you are getting not a model, but an collection of models.
There is no such thing as multiple row models. Models has only one "row".
There is an example for that in the documentation:
App\Flight::where('active', 1)
->where('destination', 'San Diego')
->update(['delayed' => 1]);
See the mass update section.
So, in your case the query must be:
City::whereIn('id' , [1,2,3])
->update(['name' => 'test']);

laravel4 update additional columns in pivot table

I'm trying to update additional column data in a pivot table in a many to many relationship.
I have two tables - reservation and resource linked with a pivot table. I can attach and am working with the model. However I'm struggling to update one of the additional columns in the pivot table.
I have an object: '$reservation' From that object I created another object $resources using:
$resources = $reservation->resource()->get();
I'm then iterating through $resources using a foreach loop as follows
foreach($resources as $resource ) {...}
I then want to update a column called gcal_id and am using the following:
$resource->pivot->gcal_id = "TEST";
If I var_dump the model I can see the property exists to the correct value but in the database itself the entry is not being updated - so the save is not working
I have the columns listed in both sides of the relationship with this:
->withPivot('start', 'end', 'quantity', 'product_id','gcal_id')
Given I have the resource object how can I update a column correctly in the pivot table and save to database?
After that you set the attribute on the pivot:
$resource->pivot->gcal_id = "TEST";
You seem to save the resource and not the pivot:
If you want the pivot to be saved, saving the resource is not enough. Call save on the pivot instead:
$resource->pivot->gcal_id = "TEST";
An alternative instead of save method, is the method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany\updateExistingPivot()
$reservation->resource()->updateExistingPivot($resource_id, ['gcal_id' => 'TEST']);
$reservation->resource()->updateExistingPivot([1, 4, 5, 6], ['gcal_id' => 'TEST']);
This work for me in Laravel 4.2
