Google Play Game - Is it possible to limit the number of plays per day to free users? - google-play-games

I have written a game. I would like to go with the AdMob based monitization. There will be a paid option of No Ads.
However, I would also like to limit the number of plays a person can do in a day for the free version to maybe 2 or 3, unless they have paid for the No Ads option where they can have unlimited plays.
How could this be done?
Shared preferences or any data will be deleted if a person uninstalls the game then re-installs. I do not want a database option on my server. So it has to be some file or something on the phone itself.

The information has to be stored somewhere.
if you want it to survive uninstall then re-install, it can't be stored on the client
you say you don't want to store it on your server
There is only one place left, someone else's server. There are lots of options to this, but one would be using Google Play Games servers. For example, you could use the Saved Games API. However, it is counted against the users Google Drive quota so they can delete it. You could also use some other provider like Firebase.


Downloads on Google play console not resulting in active users

I recently uploaded an app on the playstore. I has quite a number of downloads. However, this number is far more than the number of users who actually created an account. I check and there are neither crashes nor uninstalls which cause this. Installed audience is almost 1000 but number of user accounts only about 100. For the app, the user most create and account before using the service.
I imagined that this would reduce the number of registered accounts however, I did not expect to get only 10% out of it. I'll like to know if anyone experienced a similar issue and what the solution was.

Selecting hosting provider and service for site like KhanAcademy

I'm having difficulties with selecting a host for a website that I'm working on and would appreciate some sincere tips. There are a lot of articles on the topics, many of which are biased, which is why I'm quite confused.
I need help selecting a specific host and service. I have the following requirements and would like a few different suggestions. Ideally, I want one suggestion on a specific service with Cloudflare since that's my primary choice even though I find their offering confusing. I also would like one suggestion with a provider that accepts BTCs as payment.
Now to my requirements:
The website is quite similar to KhanAcademy and Udemy. We want to host about 75 GB of videos that users should be able to view directly on the site (stream) with our own mediaplayer.
We also have about 15 GB of audios that users should be play directly on the site and download.
We do NOT want to use YouTube, Soundcloud or similar services.
Finally, we have an additional 25 GB of files that we need to host, and that users should be able to download.
The media should load quickly but since the site is new, we have no idea of bandwidth requirement. However, we expect that they will be slow at first but grow steadily over time.
We want the hosting service to come with SSL.
And we want a three-year subscription with a fixed upfront fee rather than monthly payments
Although this isn't a must, but we would prefer if we could use the same hosting service for two separate websites with different domains.

Limit number of download on Google store [duplicate]

I am getting to launch a new app which is network based. Right now I do not have it scaled very large (I only have one server running). Is there anyway through Google Play that I can restrict the downloads to a couple of hundred people until I can purchase the scalability I need for my app? I want to have a maximum of a couple hundred people download the app a month so that I can scale accordingly. Is there anyway to do this besides removing it from the store every time I get too many downloads?
You could utilize Google Play Alpha/Beta testing which allows you to invite people to either a Google Group or Google+ Community and only those people can download your application from Google Play. That way you could cut off membership once you've hit a certain number of people (note that if you are using a Google+ Community, you want to make sure you make it Public - Moderator approval to join or Private) and then restart once you've scaled up.
However, if you are doing a traditional production publish of your app then there is no way to limit the number of people downloading your application.

User Sessions across devices on Google Analytics Universal

I have a quick question...may sound a little straightforward but still want to throw it out there.
I am aware that typically a session is limited to a single browser and client instance.
With that said though say a user signs up on your mobile device and starts to do some shopping...maybe adds something to their cart and then decides that they want to complete the purchase on their desktop.
I have some people that want to call this a single session while technically its a new session.
Does this make any sense?
In theory this should work with Universal Analytics, at least for logged in users ( I assume that your users are logged in if they want to buy).
You can pass a client id as a parameter when you create the tracker. The client id is supposed to be formatted as UUID, so you'd have to store that along with your real client id in you backend system and pass it in to the tracker as a part of the confuguration json object (optional third parameter in ga create). Apparently this get retroactively applied to the running session (no written source for that but I recently attented a conference where a google employee said as much, so I assume this is legit).
So as far as it concerns data collection UA is ready for multidevice. I frankly do not know to what extent this already works in the Analytics Interface.
I recently had a glimpse at a Analytics Premium Account which already had some new multdevice reports. I don't know if the fact that those reports are, at least for the moment, absent from the free version means that multidevice tracking does not work yet on the free version (those reports are along the line of Venn diagramms for "How many users used more than one device" and the like).

Is it possible to merge (i.e. consolidate) 2 Android-Apps in the Google Play Store?

we have 2 applications in the Play Store in 2 different developer accounts who essentially do the same thing. Is it possible to "merge" those apps, i.e. remove app A from the store and notify users of app A there's an update, which installs app B? Otherwise we would lose all users from app A.
To clarify: I do NOT want to merge the code, I want to get rid of app A but not lose the users, they should update to app B.
No. Google Play does not currently support this feature, and requests by myself to do the same thing have not been answered or were rejected.
You need to find another way to move users to a new app, which is not easy if they are in the hundreds of thousands.
