Downloads on Google play console not resulting in active users - google-play-console

I recently uploaded an app on the playstore. I has quite a number of downloads. However, this number is far more than the number of users who actually created an account. I check and there are neither crashes nor uninstalls which cause this. Installed audience is almost 1000 but number of user accounts only about 100. For the app, the user most create and account before using the service.
I imagined that this would reduce the number of registered accounts however, I did not expect to get only 10% out of it. I'll like to know if anyone experienced a similar issue and what the solution was.


How does the Monthly Active Users Statistic work in the Google Play Store Console

I wanted to check the App statistics on the Google Play Store Console and I've found these statistics:
Install base
The number of active devices on which your app is installed. An active device is one that has been turned on at least once in the previous 30 days.
Installed audience
The number of users who have your app installed on at least one device that has been turned on in the last 30 days
Daily active users (DAU)
The number of users who opened your app on a given day
Monthly active users (MAU)
The number of users who opened your app in a 28-day period
So as I understood it, the difference between "Installed audience" and "MAU" is that "Installed audience" users have just the app installed and MAU are users that have also opened the app at least once. So every MAU should also be part of Installed audience and the number can not be higher than the Installed audience.
But these are roughly the numbers I got:
Install base: 21000
Installed audience: 18000
Daily active users: 7000
Monthly active users: 24000
So somehow MAU is actually the largest number, which doesn't make sense to me. So I guess I misunderstood something. Does anybody know how it works? Is it maybe not unique users?
Where to find MAU in Play Store Console
Also this is the explanation for the metrics used on MAU. Is it unique users or unique devices now?
Unique users: The number of unique devices that an event happens to. Such as the number of unique devices that install your app.
I've contacted the googleplay developer support and they said MAU is counting every session on a device.
But this makes no sense either, cause in that case the numbers should be much higher and if it's actually not unique users then the numbers between DAU and MAU wouldn't work either.

Google Play Game - Is it possible to limit the number of plays per day to free users?

I have written a game. I would like to go with the AdMob based monitization. There will be a paid option of No Ads.
However, I would also like to limit the number of plays a person can do in a day for the free version to maybe 2 or 3, unless they have paid for the No Ads option where they can have unlimited plays.
How could this be done?
Shared preferences or any data will be deleted if a person uninstalls the game then re-installs. I do not want a database option on my server. So it has to be some file or something on the phone itself.
The information has to be stored somewhere.
if you want it to survive uninstall then re-install, it can't be stored on the client
you say you don't want to store it on your server
There is only one place left, someone else's server. There are lots of options to this, but one would be using Google Play Games servers. For example, you could use the Saved Games API. However, it is counted against the users Google Drive quota so they can delete it. You could also use some other provider like Firebase.

Limit number of download on Google store [duplicate]

I am getting to launch a new app which is network based. Right now I do not have it scaled very large (I only have one server running). Is there anyway through Google Play that I can restrict the downloads to a couple of hundred people until I can purchase the scalability I need for my app? I want to have a maximum of a couple hundred people download the app a month so that I can scale accordingly. Is there anyway to do this besides removing it from the store every time I get too many downloads?
You could utilize Google Play Alpha/Beta testing which allows you to invite people to either a Google Group or Google+ Community and only those people can download your application from Google Play. That way you could cut off membership once you've hit a certain number of people (note that if you are using a Google+ Community, you want to make sure you make it Public - Moderator approval to join or Private) and then restart once you've scaled up.
However, if you are doing a traditional production publish of your app then there is no way to limit the number of people downloading your application.

Is it safe to add a user with a "technical" role in iTunes Connect for using test flight to send them a beta build?

I am trying to recruit some beta testers for an app of mine using Test Flight. None of the testers will be in house employees or anything like that- just some folks I know who would like to help test my app (I'm a hobbyist and don't have any employees anyways).
When I went to add somme users in ITC for test flight it made me assign them a role. The only role that made sense to me was "Technical". However, I am worried that assigning somebody I don't know well the technical role will allow them to make changes to my app descriptions, reject or submit binaries, and things like that.
Is that something I need to worry about? Is there a way to assign a user the role of JUST tester without giving them access to my apps via ITC?
Apple's documentation does not seem to explicitly state what users with various roles can do.
No, this isn't really safe, and it's not a good idea to give the 'Technical' role in iTunesConnect to someone you don't fully trust.
The iOS 8 TestFlight system has a way to setup external testers, see the "External testers" section on
The downside is that your app has to go through the review team each time you make any major changes before it goes to external testers (hence if the tester is really a close part of your team it is still advantageous to add them as an internal tester by giving them the technical role). The reviews don't take as long as a normal App Store review.
Alternatives (that don't involve a review) are Crashlytics Beta Distribution (owned by Twitter) or HockeyApp (owned by Microsoft). There are other services too, or you can host IPAs on your own website (using the mechanism designed for enterprise apps) but generally doing this means you miss out on other features you get when using the more integrated solutions.
Short answer: no. It is not safe to add testers with technical role.
Long answer:
According to iTunes Connect, the user must have Admin or Tech.
After reading the comments, I will complete my answer with this.
There are Internal Testers and External Testers.
External Testers are not available as of yet (see
Only Internal Testers are allowed by now (which means, your testers WILL be able to change your apps).
Since you need the user to have minimum rights, you should add the user as Technical (the less risky, but still dangerous).
I see that there is a checkbox in iTC that lets you enable the Internal Tester role:
What permissions will the users have? Theoretically, they will only have access to the beta versions (but that is a guess, since I have not tried it yet). You could create an account for a fake internal tester and check that you can't modify apps with that role.
A technical users will have access to the 'My Apps' section of iTunes Connect. This means that they can change the description of an app in the app store, update prices and even remove an app from sale.
There is no way to have a user with just an 'internal tester' role. That's what external testers are for.
It is possible to grant someone access to test as an internal tester, but not have them be able to log into iTunes Connect.
Create an iTunes Connect User with the "Technical" role with an email address that they can receive. Then have them accept it with a different Apple ID.
As long as they cannot log into iTunes Connect with the email address you added as the "Technical" user, they cannot misbehave.

Windows Azure Portal login to portal and receive error "We are having trouble logging you into the portal"

Open browser
Navigate to
Select portal top right
login with my email address
Receive the below error
Receive the error
" We are having trouble logging you into the portal
Please contact Customer Service for assistance."
Using IE or Chrome, incognito or not, cookies cleared or not, cache cleared or not. The problem still exists. Also tried on multiple devices media centre PC, desktop running windows 7, iPhone 5, ipad 3...
Prior to November 2012 I have accessed the windows azure subscription without a problem.
I clicked the customer service link and the australian number is 13 20 58 I have contacted that number explaining that I cannot access my windows azure subscription and each time I login I receive an error. They proceed to redirect me to other support teams where I repeat my details and the problem they either redirect me again or provide a number to call.
In one case I was redirected to a number that no longer exists. Another I was told to raise a case on the windows azure portal page the same portal page that I receive an error on when logging in, when I asked for alternative options there were none.
So far I've spoke with the msdn support team, windows subscription support, online services, etc and still no resolution. In the latest call to support they have said to raise the issue on the forums so here goes.
Anyways long story short I have probably spent 3+ hours calling Microsoft support explaining the problem, waiting on hold, being redirect, repeating... still I can't access my windows azure subscription
I checked in and there is a windows azure subscription associated with my email address
Windows Azure MSDN - Visual Studio Premium
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?
Some time it's happened wait for while and retry
or just ask azure support in twitter
Editing for those who are like me and skipped reading the comments (in small font) below the OP's question. This was resolved and was due to the first reason I list below. However, it could (and has) happen in past for other reasons as well, so might as well keep this response here in case it helps someone else out.
Try logging at
The isn't even DNS resolvable to any website - I am not sure how you are getting that address (maybe its from some part of Azure IAM pipeline that hasn't been updated) and (more interestingly) how you are able to open that link - Maybe this is something available only in your region ! (but I am stretching here).
Regardless, I also tried to find other instances of similar issues and in general I see this issue is related to cases when the an account has been transitioned to Office 365.
Here an account was moved and resulted in creation of two accounts with different passwords - solution here was to set the Office 365 account (new account) as a co-admin on the old account that was used to setup the Azure account.
Here the account was not provisioned correctly in Azure AD Store and had to be removed and re-created using DirSync
Here, the problem seems to be related to (the new) Account Provisioning in Azure AD.
In general, it seems this is a problem that might be harder to explain to level 1 support. You might have better mileage speaking to your organizations IT admin and have them check for any inconsistencies that might be similar to those stated above.
Try forcing the directory in the URL like so
For example in case of MS AAD domain
In case of custom domain
Sometimes there is some odd behaviour with redirect loops or when you no longer have access to the tenant but you have selected 'last visited' in the Startup directory.
Glad to hear this was resolved by support. Since this was posted, we made a number of updates to the login process and types of accounts (incl. the addition of MFA). At TechEd we announced a new portal (video # if you want to see what is coming.
