Tools to perform performance testing on Desktop? [closed] - jmeter

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Please share- open source tools available to execute performance testing on desktop application
Currently we are using Apache Jmeter for Web applications, however not sure which tool can be used for Desktop apps.

If your desktop application is using HTTP or HTTPS protocols you can use JMeter just the same way you're using it for web applications, to wit:
Record your desktop application traffic using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
Perform correlation and parameterization if required
Replay recorded script with increased number of threads
See How to Run Performance Tests of Desktop Applications Using JMeter article for more information on configuring JMeter and the desktop app for recording.
Also be aware that using JMeter you can only load test the backend, to wit simulate hundreds of desktop apps simultaneously sending queries to the backend server(s). If you want to assess the performance of the desktop application itself - you should go for application profiling tools instead, it will give you an overview of resources consumed by application, heaviest functions, largest objects, slowest parts, etc.


How to do software performance testing at home [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to practice performance testing at home using loadrunner or ibm rational performance tester or jmeter. But for this i need an application on which i can perform testing. Can anyone suggest me such dummy web application on which can do performance testing at home using above tools?
As far as I know, LoadRunner comes with Web Tour Sample Application
For JMeter or Rational Performance Testing evaluation I would suggest to:
Choose any free CMS, E-learning, or E-commerce product i.e.:
Install it somewhere in your local intranet
Get hands-on practice with one of the popular solutions which may be useful in the future.
If possible, install the application you're testing on the separate physical or virtual machine, this way you can learn how to collect and analyze server-side performance metrics as they matter.
Dmitri noted that the commercial tools tend to have available a demo environment used as a part of sales demos and training for just this type of education. These demo apps are great for a controlled environment to teach the mechanical concepts on how to use the tools. Beyond that, you want something more, ....real....
Download and install at your home any open source application. SugarCRM is a good one for this type of education. There are plenty of challenges in the app to keep you busy and it will exercise most capabilities in performance testing tools.
When you feel up to it, there is a challenge you will want to try,
This is a single user exercise for ensuring that you get a script working. Please do not performance test Stuart's website without explicit written permission or this becomes an undesired denial of services action.
If you are going to use LoadRunner, then by defalut you will get a dummy application provided by HP called - WebToursApplication
Recently I found another dummy banking application by HP called - ZeroBank
Please find the link to this application
Login details are
Hope you got what you are looking for.
So Happy Testing.
In looking around, I found:
*Ability to run tests on load generators on Amazon EC2 Cloud
Here is the Amazon EC2 Cloud Service:
I'm not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for, but I hope it helps.

How to test performance of software AG - Web methods implementation? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a requirement to test the performance of an ESB implementation done using software SG - web methods 9.5.
Please let me know the tools that can be used and the approach to be followed for testing.
I used SoapUI to performance test webMethods Integration Server a couple of years ago.
I set up requests, number of clients etc in SoapUI that represented different scenarios of usage in the live system.
After the tests I exported data from SoapUI, wrote some scripts to analyze it and used Excel to present it in a pretty way.
Since you don't specify exactly what kind of performance test you want to run this may or may not work for you as well.
It's hard to provide any suggestions because little is known from your "ESB implementation" and little is known from the performance requirements. For example, from which point in your architecture do you want to test performance.
As suggested by ellak, using SOAPUI is an option if your "ESB implementation" exposes a web services and if you want to start load testing at the ESB level.
If you want better advice then you need to provide more information.

Web Performance Testing [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am looking for software/app that is advanced for testing web applications. I need to be able to report on speeds, bottlenecks, server responses, and more. The one big part of the testing tool is that I need to be able to report on the load times and response times because we have a proxy in the middle that we think is causing a bottleneck between the app and the server. Windows software or Mac app would be appreciated to know about.
I'm not sure if you've heard of New Relic, but its a great tool for testing your application end-to-end. It gives you complete performance visibility throughout your application. Easy to install and quick to setup.
Other than that, if you are just looking at profiling your front end performance, there are some great free tools such as WebPageTest and PageSpeed Insights. I'm also a big fan of the Google Chrome Developer Tools for finding front-end bottlenecks.
I have used Visual Studio 2013 for the same purpose. In VS, you can create several Web Performance Tests and then using these tests you can create a Load Test. I have used these Load Tests to find deadlocks, internal server errors etc. It gives you a details analysis in terms of average time for each request, which requests failed etc. And like all other Microsoft products, VS is easy to use and a lot of help is available online.

Anyone know of a hosted TeamCity build provider? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm looking to set up a TeamCity server for continuously building a .NET web application. I already have hosting, so I don't want to get a whole new hosting account such as AppHarbor.
I don't maintain my own physical server, nor do I want to.
I also don't want to have to pay $50 or more per month for an entire dedicated Windows machine, just to host TeamCity.
I really don't care if it's slow and on a shared machine, as it's just continuous build which will be running in the background.
I'll want to have the outputs automatically deployed to a server of my choice through FTP.
Is there anyone on the market providing hosted TeamCity environments?
AppVeyor CI provides hosted continuous integration for .NET developers.
Disclaimer: I'm the developer of this service.
If your open source project you can get a free account at Code Better I don't know of any for non open source. offers Cloud Powered Continuous Deployment for.Net websites and services.
Disclosure: I am the developer and founder of this service.
Just came across BuildBox (now Buildkite) from a tweet from someone I follow. Seems like a suitable solution to this.

Continuous Integration monitoring inside an intranet [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm thinking about extending our continuous integration framework at work and wanted to know how easy the following would be. Also any pointers as to where to start.
We use an Ant build to build an Oracle Service Bus project and SOAPUI to run automated tests. I want to move over to using Hudson instead of Continuum for continuous integration. I also want better real time monitoring. For example connecting Hudson up to a Twitter like service that can be easily shown on a friendly dashboard for the project.
My only issue is that our network doesn't have a connection to the internet so I can't reuse already built Twitter plugins. Is there a way to set up a (preferably free) Twitter like service on our intranet that can be hooked into Hudson? Has anyone had any experience of this?
For a friendly dashboard for a project, I prefer using Sonar, called from the maven script run by the Jenkin job.
Regarding ClearCase, I monitor issue 8305, for the Jenkin ClearCase plugin to be able to get the right config spec out of a file, instead of copy-paste it in the job directly.
Not exactly what you're asking for, but you can always retrieve the hudson status xml over it's web API.
Here's a simple adobe Flex view of the data:
Hudson -CI Screen saver setup
Of course the Hudson Radiator View Plugin, and the Extreme Feedback plugin are good for this purpose too.
