Is there a windows application which does EXACTLY what the network tab does Chrome dev tools? - windows

In the network tab in Chrome dev tools, if I click on a button on a website, I can see any ajax calls made to different servers and what data was sent and received.
Does such a tool exist for windows desktop programs? So basically I'm looking for something that sits in between a windows program and the internet so I can see what calls the program makes and what data is received back.
Any ideas?

I tried wire shark but couldn't get it to give me what I needed.
Microsoft Network Monitor did the job nicely!


WebAuthn on Chrome on Windows: Skip Windows dialog in favor of Chrome dialog

In developing our passkey integration I'm encountering unusual behavior in Chrome on Windows.
On my PC, when I register a new physical key I see this Windows dialog.
When I enable the virtual authenticator environment in the Chrome Dev Tools I get this Chrome dialog instead.
However, someone testing the application for me on another PC, without using the virtual authenticator environment, gets the Windows dialog first. If they click Cancel in the Windows dialog, then they get the Chrome dialog.
Is there anything I can do to nudge the browser towards delivering a more consistent experience? I'd rather always show the Chrome dialog if possible.
For reference, this is the virtual authenticator environment in the Chrome Dev Tools:
The problem is that lots of enterprise users have to use a physical security key one or more times a day. So there's a strong desire not to put extra clicks in their way and thus to jump directly to the Windows system UI. But the Windows UI doesn't support using phones as authenticators, so sometimes the browser UI is needed as hitting escape is quite non-discoverable.
Quite how that balance is struck has varied over time and might change again in the future. You can see the current logic here if you want to craft requests that trigger the browser UI. But the intent is that sites should do the obvious thing and the UI should be fairly reasonable.

About behavior of "Minimize" in case of Remote App when using Guacamole

We are using Guacamole for developing an application with RDP. We did POC using code from the following GitHub repositories:
Configuration details are:
Windows Server 2016. RDP service is running here.
With this setup, we could successfully access the application remotely, however, the "minimize" action is not behaving as we expected. That is, the remote app window vanishes when we press the "minimize" button and a black screen is shown.
We could get back to the app by pressing 'Alt+Tab' combination but what we are expecting here is that the app getting placed at the bottom of the window showing three buttons: "Minimize, Restore and Close", so that we can take the further action. (As shown below.)
Has someone come across such a scenario and was able to address the need? Any help will be highly appreciated.
We came across this thread that talks about a similar problem but it doesn't have a solution.
We also explored official documentation of guacamole but had no luck.
Thanks in advance!
I believe you are starting the application using RemoteApp mechanism. The RemoteApp means that the remote application will be started integrated with the local computer desktop. The local computer desktop, or better window manager, will handle the minimise action.
In case of the Guacamole, the "local computer desktop" is the browser window, which does not have window manager. This means that there is no place for app to go when minimised.
You may try the Guacamole parameter "initial-program" instead of "remote-app". This parameter will launch the application immediately upon the connection is established, but the session will also have full desktop from the remote machine.

I want to be an Browserstack) in China. Should I learn about open source projects or knowledge? or can't access it normally in China, so I want to implement a tool myself. Like Appetize (or Browserstack), I can use my different versions of mobile devices to debug my webpage online, but I don't know where to start. Thank you.
Look at the Network Activity tab of Chrome Dev Tools while you are on the demo page for You will see a bunch of JPEG images being streamed to the browser as you interact with the device "screen" on the browser. Most likely an emulator/simulator is fired up in the backend and screenshots are taken at regular intervals and streamed to the browser.
That would be a good start. The next thing to look at would be how to capture input (typing and screen taps) on the browser and then "execute" those type/taps on the emulator in the backend.

Firefox Dev tools: How to persist calls in network analysis

Since Firebug is outdated with a recent update of Firefox I'm trying to work with the Firefox dev tools. As far as I read these are supposed to replace Firebug.
However there is one option I used frequently in Firebug and haven't found yet in the Dev tools: The persist option in the network analysis.
Since I work on a project that uses AJAX Calls to send data and then redirect to another page, I need to persist the calls to analyze them after the redirect. Otherwise the time is far to short to have a look at the data that was send with this call. (This project is for work so this architecture is nothing I could change).
Is there a way to persist the network calls in the Firefox Dev tools?
(I use Firefox 56.0.1 by the way)
Open the Settings for the Developer Tools:
Then select "Enable persistent logs" under "Common Preferences."
Starting from Firefox 57.0 the option got moved from the Settings to the Network panel:
On Firefox for Mac, in version 101.0.1, the "Persist Logs" option is now hidden behind the gear icon in the top right of dev tools box.

Unable to access localhost from x-ms-webview

I have this code in my WinJS default.html:
<x-ms-webview src="http://localhost/"></x-ms-webview>
<x-ms-webview src="http://display/"></x-ms-webview>
<x-ms-webview src=""></x-ms-webview>
display is defined in the hosts file: display
and -- the one that is successful -- is another computer on the network.
This is in my appx.manifest:
display and localhost successfully load in IE on the desktop and metro.
My OS is Windows 8.1 Enterprise. I have also completely disabled the Windows Firewall and this has had no effect.
What else can I do?
Microsoft blocks connections to the local machine except while running from the Visual Studio debugger.[1]
There is, however, a workaround tool. Quoting from this post on an MSDN blog:
Immersive applications (and IE11 on the Desktop) run inside isolated processes known as “AppContainers.” By default, AppContainers are forbidden from sending network traffic to the local computer (loopback).
I have built a GUI tool that allows you to very easily reconfigure an AppContainer to enable loopback traffic. This tool requires Windows 8 and runs on the .NET Framework v4. When launched, the utility scans your computer’s AppContainers and displays them in a list view. Each entry has a checkbox to the left of it, indicating whether the AppContainer may send loopback traffic. You can toggle these checkboxes individually, or use the buttons at the top to set all of the checkboxes at once. Click Save Changes to commit the configuration changes you’ve made, or click Refresh to reload the current configuration settings.
The aforementioned standalone tool is available from here.
