Unable to access localhost from x-ms-webview - visual-studio-2013

I have this code in my WinJS default.html:
<x-ms-webview src="http://localhost/"></x-ms-webview>
<x-ms-webview src="http://display/"></x-ms-webview>
<x-ms-webview src=""></x-ms-webview>
display is defined in the hosts file: display
and -- the one that is successful -- is another computer on the network.
This is in my appx.manifest:
display and localhost successfully load in IE on the desktop and metro.
My OS is Windows 8.1 Enterprise. I have also completely disabled the Windows Firewall and this has had no effect.
What else can I do?

Microsoft blocks connections to the local machine except while running from the Visual Studio debugger.[1]
There is, however, a workaround tool. Quoting from this post on an MSDN blog:
Immersive applications (and IE11 on the Desktop) run inside isolated processes known as “AppContainers.” By default, AppContainers are forbidden from sending network traffic to the local computer (loopback).
I have built a GUI tool that allows you to very easily reconfigure an AppContainer to enable loopback traffic. This tool requires Windows 8 and runs on the .NET Framework v4. When launched, the utility scans your computer’s AppContainers and displays them in a list view. Each entry has a checkbox to the left of it, indicating whether the AppContainer may send loopback traffic. You can toggle these checkboxes individually, or use the buttons at the top to set all of the checkboxes at once. Click Save Changes to commit the configuration changes you’ve made, or click Refresh to reload the current configuration settings.
The aforementioned standalone tool is available from here.


Is there a windows application which does EXACTLY what the network tab does Chrome dev tools?

In the network tab in Chrome dev tools, if I click on a button on a website, I can see any ajax calls made to different servers and what data was sent and received.
Does such a tool exist for windows desktop programs? So basically I'm looking for something that sits in between a windows program and the internet so I can see what calls the program makes and what data is received back.
Any ideas?
I tried wire shark but couldn't get it to give me what I needed.
Microsoft Network Monitor did the job nicely!

lotus notes xpage debugging

I'm using xpages and lotus notes.
I've followed the guides mentioned from various sites about setting up debugging with lotus notes xpages javascript,
has to be set up on workstation and on dev server.
Also, the port 8000 has to be enabled, and opened in default firewall on workstation and dev server.
And create a Javascript debug config on LN with ip address of dev server, and port 8000.
Also checking, port 8000 is not being used as per using netstat...
on workstation and on dev server,
and so I did...
Then soft restart workstation and dev server, loaded up LNotes and designer,
then using Chrome, I loaded my app for debugging,
then going back to LNotes while app is running and focused on the browser,
then trying to run my Debug config...
But debugger still does not connect, and keeps popping the help info screen.
So, what could I have missed?
In Domino Designer you need to switch to the Debug tab and click on the bug to start your session.
I found it doesn't connect always directly. When you see only 2 threads it didn't. Click disconnect and connect again.
Once you see more threads you are good to go. You also need to set some breakpoints otherwise it runs through

Prevent blocking of appengine tests with Windows firewall

When running appengine tests with windows10 I continually get firewall popups. Since the origin path of the file making the call changes on every test I get popups everytime.
Is there a way to eliminate the firewall popups without fully disabling the firewall.
Yes, you can disable the popups. In the Windows Firewall control panel, go to Advanced Settings, then select Windows Firewall Properties.
For each relevant firewall profile, select Customize from the Settings box. Change the "Display a notification" option to "No".
(In a domain environment, you can also do this via group policy if you need to reconfigure many machines at once.)

Running Internet Explorer on LocalSystem Account on Windows 2012

I'm setting up Selenium Grid. We have a separate machine for each version of the browser.
Each node is started as System Service running on LocalSystem account with interactions with user desktop enabled.
This is required because Selenium Grid node starting Internet Explorer have problems making screenshots and transferring them when there was no interaction with user desktop.
As far as I was able to check, it looks like that interactions with user desktop for service are only allowed for LocalSystem account. Event changing manually flags in registry does not seem to works (as it was in windows 2008)
Everything is working fine except the test where I need to perform upload of the file. When there is an action to open dialog for file browsing, following popup appears
Is there any way to prevent this (creation of folder Desktop does not seem to work) ?
From the other hand, if there is a way to run service under different account with interactions with user desktop enabled, that would also be a case.
I would appreciate any help because I'm stuck with the problem
I have checked some additional solutions, like running selenium grid nodes via PowerShell Invoke-Command and this did not worked too.
I have managed to run selenium grid nodes as Windows Service with desktop interactions using 3rd party tool FireDaemon Pro Service Manager.
I didn't try this but PsExec -s should work

Why can't Visual Studio 2013 see the Remote Debugger running on my Surface?

I am trying to install and run my Windows Store app on a real Surface RT device. I have installed the Remote Debugger for ARM and its running, with no authentication on 4018.
Visual Studio fails to see the device, fails to connect and deploy.
In Windows on the desktop, I cannot ping and my port-query tool says 4018 is down, the host is unreachable.
What can I do? Why didn't they just use USB like Windows Phone development?
Microsoft don't tell you this, but you need to configure some firewall rules for the device to become visible on the network. Of course, you won't find anything by searching for "firewall" from the Start screen, but it can be found as a Snap-in for MMC.
You could turn the firewall off for the Private Profile, i.e. your local, private home network, since your home router already has a firewall and the one in Windows is just there to annoy people; cause family members to call and interrupt your dinner while they struggle to get things working on their budget new Windows 8 laptops (with no touch screen), or you could set the right rules manually.
However there's an easier way, turn on the oh-so-discoverable - especially on a tablet that's not even supposed to even have a desktop - "Network discovery and file sharing" by opening Windows (file) Explorer and clicking on the Network node on the left. A bar will pop up to remind you that Windows is getting in the way and that you can click it to make stuff work again; this configures the firewall for you.
Note that turning on "Network discovery..." via the option under Control Panel > Network Sharing Blah > Instantly-forgettable Name doesn't work. No one knows why.
By now you should be able to ping you device and the port is open, just in time for your battery to have gone flat.
Important Edit
Today, its not working again and pop-up doesn't appear again so I cannot try the same trick. My port query tool says the port is not open (it was the other day).
So I tried this, but its not working for me.
# Elevated Command Prompt #
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="RemoteDebugger" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP port=4018
That says 'Ok.' but the port isn't open.
So I went into MMC and added the Firewall snap-in and its enabled itself again for the Private profile.
Then I noticed that it doesn't turn off. If you flip it to Off and hit Apply, it does nothing!!
There are now two inbound rules for the Remote Debugger, the one I setup and another for the executable. Still, doesn't work.
This thread:
There's an answer stating:
Open Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Windows Firewall with Advanced Security.
Click "Windows Firewall Properties" in the main frame
In each of the three tabs of Domain, Private and Public Profile:
1) Note that: If you change "Firewall state", or change "Inbound connections" to "Allow" (inbound connections that do not match a rule are allowed), it is not going to work. The change is immediately lost after you click "OK" or "Apply" to close the dialog box.
2) What you need to do is: click Protected network connections: "Customize", it will show another dialog box, in which you can deselect some network connections. In this case, you can uncheck "Wireless" and leave "Bluetooth" on.
Once you finish step 3, Action Center will pop up an alert, saying Windows Firewall is off or not using recommended settings. You can ignore this alert, or turn it off in "Change Action Center settings".
Though someone on that thread confirm it had worked, it hasn't for me.
