Maven Execution Prompt Password - maven

I have Maven to copy files to the remote server, my code snippet is below
<scp trust="true" file="myfile.txt" todir="myuser:mypassword#myserver:/remotedir">
<sshexec trust="true" failonerror="true" host="myserver"
username="myuser" password="mypassword" ....>
Is there a way to avoid hard-coding password? Would like to have a prompt while executing mvn

I assume that you use the maven-antrun-plugin because this snippet looks more like an ant script.
As described in this answer you can pass maven properties to the maven-antrun-plugin:
<property name="antProperty" value="${}"/>
<echo message="Custom Ant Property is: ${antProperty}"/>
<echoproperties />
You can now pass the property value via command line to the maven build:
mvn compile


How to resolve the path to an artifact in a maven pom without being a project dependency?

I would like to know if it is possible to resolve the path for a maven artifact without having this artifact as a dependency in the project?
What I am trying to do is to execute an external java code generator via exec-maven-plugin or maven-antrun-plugin:
<argument>-jar ${de.powerstat.fb:generator:1.0-SNAPSHOT}</argument>
So the point here is how to solve the jars path for ${de.powerstat.fb:generator:1.0-SNAPSHOT} without having it as a dependency of the whole project? Also using the exec:java goal is not a solution, because this one seems to have different problems, but thats another question.
Using the antrun plugin I come to the same problem:
<java fork="true" failonerror="true" module="de.powerstat.fb.generator" modulepath="${de.powerstat.fb:generator:1.0-SNAPSHOT}">
<arg value="${fb.hostname} ${fb.port} ${fb.username} ${fb.password} ${}"/>
So question is again how to solve the modulepath="${de.powerstat.fb:generator:1.0-SNAPSHOT}"?
Solutions that use the maven dependency plugin with the goal dependency:properties will not work in this scenario.
I suggest to use dependency:copy to copy the JAR to some place in /target. Then you can add that path to the antrun or exec plugin.

Maven-antrun No ant target defined - SKIPPED

i am trying to copy a file in my maven multi-module project via antrun plugin. the file is in root of parent project:
<target name="copy and rename file">
<copy file="${basedir}/" tofile="${}/../" />
i run this via mvn antrun:run the problem is i get "No ant target defined - SKIPPED" on parent and on every module. i need it to run only on parent and thought <inherited>false</inherited> would help but i doesn't. But why "No ant target defined"?
<echo message="plugin classpath: " />
command : mvn antrun:run#ant-execute
antrun:run will only consider the plugin's configuration, not that for a specific execution, so the execution you specify is ignored. As Run a single Maven plugin execution? states, you can give your execution an id of default-cli to have it picked up.
However, the execution you configure should already be taking effect during the regular build lifecycle.
just run it like this: mvn antrun:run#copy

what is the equivalent of "ant -f" command in maven?

I have an xml file called MakeJar.xml in the location ${basedir}/codebase.
On my shell if I have to run that file i used to use the command "ant -f MakeJar.xml".
Now if I have to run this file using pom.xml how can I do that?
I prepared a following pom.xml. But it dosent work!!!
<ant antfile="${basedir}/codebase/MakeJar.xml"/>
Looking at the ant task definition the attribute antfile is described as "the buildfile to use. Defaults to "build.xml". This file is expected to be a filename relative to the dir attribute given."
So you probably have to use:
<ant dir="${project.basedir}" antfile="codebase/MakeJar.xml" />
Also do not forget to specify a <phase> in the plugin section (is missing in your code). The following definition works for me:
antfile="codebase/MakeJar.xml" />

Using sbt from maven

I have a maven project and an SBT project as a module of the maven project. I need to create a single command maven build, which executes SBT package task too.
Is there any plugin which I can use to integrate SBT with maven?
One option is using "Exec Maven Plugin", and here is an example to do a "play compile"
Use the maven antrun plugin (my example is for building a Scala.js app).
<exec executable="cmd.exe"
<arg value="/c"/>
<arg value="C:\Program Files (x86)\sbt\bin\sbt.bat"/>
<arg value="fullOptJS"/>
Credit due to #checat for suggesting this in his comment and the discussion at Launching a windows batch script using Maven exec plugin blocks the build even though the script uses "start"
Other thoughts; it might still be worth using mvn-exec on non Windows systems, perhaps using maven profiles. If I go this route, I'll try to remember to update the answer.

How to call maven-antrun-plugin target without attach execution to a maven phase ?

I use maven-antrun-plugin for init config files for my project. But i need to init config files just once, when i first start to init my dev environment, not each time i launch jetty:run.
If I attach phase to process-resouces for example, each time I launch jetty, my config files are reseted.
So i configured antrun like this :
<target name="init_config_files">
<!-- init files -->
If I launch mvn antrun:run, it just return me this error : "[INFO] No ant target defined - SKIPPED". And it is the same thing, if I specify target : "mvn antrun:run -Dtarget=init_config_files".
Try this:
<property name="compile_classpath" refid="maven.compile.classpath" />
<echo message="compile classpath: ${compile_classpath}" />
and run this:
mvn antrun:run
Best solution I have found so far:
<!-- go live! -->
<exec executable="${basedir}/" failonerror="true" dir="${basedir}">
<arg value="deploy" />
<arg value="${}" />
<arg value="${}" />
and run this:
mvn antrun:run#go-live
This solution avoids the target being run by accident, ie. it does not run just by typing "mvn antrun:run" and it also does not run during regular maven runs. I'm using this for qa auto-deployment in my jenkins instance after all modules incl integration done against the final distribution package have been successfully executed.
I just ran into the same problem and finally figured it out: If you want to run the ant tasks only once, you can set the plugin up like this:
<target name="init_config_files">
<!-- init files -->
and use mvn antrun:run to execute it. That way, the ant stuff is not bound to any phase.
If you need to run some part of build on special conditions (e.g. once), you can put those parts into a Maven profile and then invoke Maven specifying profile name, e.g. mvn -p init_config_files package
