what is the equivalent of "ant -f" command in maven? - maven

I have an xml file called MakeJar.xml in the location ${basedir}/codebase.
On my shell if I have to run that file i used to use the command "ant -f MakeJar.xml".
Now if I have to run this file using pom.xml how can I do that?
I prepared a following pom.xml. But it dosent work!!!
<ant antfile="${basedir}/codebase/MakeJar.xml"/>

Looking at the ant task definition the attribute antfile is described as "the buildfile to use. Defaults to "build.xml". This file is expected to be a filename relative to the dir attribute given."
So you probably have to use:
<ant dir="${project.basedir}" antfile="codebase/MakeJar.xml" />
Also do not forget to specify a <phase> in the plugin section (is missing in your code). The following definition works for me:
antfile="codebase/MakeJar.xml" />


How to create a folder if not exist in Maven?

I am writing pom.xml newly and i am trying to Delete a folder already existing and create a new folder.Is there a way to do this? I am looking something like this:
<if><!-- I need to check if the folder exists and delete->
<fileset dir="target/resources"/>
<mkdir dir="target/resources"/>
using maven antrun plugin.
<mkdir dir="${project.build.directory}/target/resources" />
Another option would be to use exec-plugin

maven wsdl2java configuration not working properly

I am looking to execute wsdl2java via maven and have tried several different methods with no full success. The first way I was doing it:
This version will create the exact structure that I am looking for due to the call to org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java, but will not continue with any other maven plugins beyond that. It ends the log with executing main or something to that effect.
The other method I have tried:
The problem with this execution is that it generates a lot more java files than the previous execution stated higher up. I have checked the compatibility of this larger fileset and found it will work fine, but would like to find a way to force it to execute with the same java class as the first example. This version will, however, complete and allow me to move on to the following plugins called by maven.
This version isn't even being recognized... wondering if I am calling the plugin incorrectly because it isn't even showing up anywhere with verbose logging.
I have been searching quite a bit and have yet to find a successful answer. I am very close to just writing a shell script to run the maven set-up by calling the first example then moving on. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Instead of using the exec-maven-plugin invoking WSDL2Java, you should use axistools-maven-plugin. Your pom would look like this:
By the way, Apache Axis is quite old and broken. You should think about moving to Apache CXF which is more recent and more robust.
I gave in and ended up using the antrun plugin for maven:
<java classname="org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java" fork="true">
<arg value="-client"/>
<arg value="-o"/>
<arg value="gensrc"/>
<arg value="wsdl/JobAPIWebWrapped.wsdl"/>
<classpath refid="maven.compile.classpath"/>

building a Maven project with Ant project as a child

am trying to build a parent pom in Maven which includes a child which is built in ant. I am getting the below exception,
Execution default of goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:1.6:run failed: A required class was missing while executing org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:1.6:run
My code is:
<ant dir="SampleJava/projectBuilder.xml" />
and it got resolved with the below code:
<ant antfile="../SampleJava/projectBuilder.xml" target="makejar"/>

Maven rename a file after everything else finishes

I have a project which I need to rename the final output file generated by the Maven Assembly Plugin after everything else finishes (in the compiling/building/assembly process).
The Maven Assembly Plugin is generating a final .zip file, based on the project's name, and I need to rename this completely to final-version.oxt. I'm trying to use the maven-antrun-plugin to rename it, as pointed by other similar questions here, but no luck (I've never used Maven or Ant before, so maybe I'm missing something).
This is the <build> section of the project's pom.xml. The rename part seems to be completely ignored, since no file is generated in my home folder.
<copy file="${project.build.directory}/target/libreofficeplugin-ooo.zip"
tofile="/home/brunofinger/final-version.oxt" />
A few modifications made it work, probably the phase was wrong, but using <phase>install</phase> seems to make it work:
<copy file="${project.build.directory}/libreofficeplugin-ooo.zip" tofile="${project.build.directory}/final-version.oxt" />
This question is nearly an year old, but in case anyone else is facing similar issue, here is an alternate solution.
If you are looking for a more mavenish way of doing it,you can use
and in case you want to copy instead of rename, use the copy goal instead of the rename goal.
You don't need to use antrun to rename the output file. Just use the tag finalName of the assembly plugin to rename the output file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Copy a jar file with maven

I'm trying to copy the .jar, created by Maven 3, to another location.
Currently, I'm using Ant's copy task, but Maven simply doesn't copy the file.
<copy file="target/myfile.jar" tofile="D:/Bukkit/plugins/myfile.jar"/>
<copy file="target/myfile.jar" tofile="D:/Bukkit/plugins/myfile.jar"/>
