How to resolve the path to an artifact in a maven pom without being a project dependency? - maven

I would like to know if it is possible to resolve the path for a maven artifact without having this artifact as a dependency in the project?
What I am trying to do is to execute an external java code generator via exec-maven-plugin or maven-antrun-plugin:
<argument>-jar ${de.powerstat.fb:generator:1.0-SNAPSHOT}</argument>
So the point here is how to solve the jars path for ${de.powerstat.fb:generator:1.0-SNAPSHOT} without having it as a dependency of the whole project? Also using the exec:java goal is not a solution, because this one seems to have different problems, but thats another question.
Using the antrun plugin I come to the same problem:
<java fork="true" failonerror="true" module="de.powerstat.fb.generator" modulepath="${de.powerstat.fb:generator:1.0-SNAPSHOT}">
<arg value="${fb.hostname} ${fb.port} ${fb.username} ${fb.password} ${}"/>
So question is again how to solve the modulepath="${de.powerstat.fb:generator:1.0-SNAPSHOT}"?
Solutions that use the maven dependency plugin with the goal dependency:properties will not work in this scenario.

I suggest to use dependency:copy to copy the JAR to some place in /target. Then you can add that path to the antrun or exec plugin.


Plugin management in maven

Can you please suggest how to do plugin management in maven.
I have to call the below code
<ant antfile="${basedir}/build/build.xml">
<target name="${ant.mode}" />
In some of the the submodule in a multi maven project module.
Can you suggest how to integrate this in only selective maven profiles?
Any Help will be appreciated .
Can some one suggest any solution for plugin management
You put the configuration into the parent into pluginManagement.
Either you specify the plugin (without configuration) in each module where you need it, or you use the skip parameter to activate/deactivate the plugin.

Using sbt from maven

I have a maven project and an SBT project as a module of the maven project. I need to create a single command maven build, which executes SBT package task too.
Is there any plugin which I can use to integrate SBT with maven?
One option is using "Exec Maven Plugin", and here is an example to do a "play compile"
Use the maven antrun plugin (my example is for building a Scala.js app).
<exec executable="cmd.exe"
<arg value="/c"/>
<arg value="C:\Program Files (x86)\sbt\bin\sbt.bat"/>
<arg value="fullOptJS"/>
Credit due to #checat for suggesting this in his comment and the discussion at Launching a windows batch script using Maven exec plugin blocks the build even though the script uses "start"
Other thoughts; it might still be worth using mvn-exec on non Windows systems, perhaps using maven profiles. If I go this route, I'll try to remember to update the answer.

Run an ant task in maven build phase before war is packaged?

When deploying a webapp I need to update some variables in UI resources, unzip some assets and concat some files, currently this is achieved via an ant task. I'm trying to run this task in the maven build process using something like this...
<property name="buildDir" value="${}/${}" />
<ant antfile="build.xml" target="static-assets" />
The above fails because the files have not yet been copied into target directory. If I set the phase to "package" the ant task runs fine and all the files are created/amended, but it's no help as the .war has already been built before the ant target is run.
Basically, I need to run my ant target near the end of the prepare-package phase.
Having looked though the Lifecycle Reference I can't workout how to expose the more granular Goals to the antrun plugin.
Any ideas?
Since I did not get any answer on my comment I guess that you want to stay using maven-antrun-plugin.
From what I've learned and experienced, if two plugins are to be executed on the same phase, then they will be executed in the order they are declared in pom.xml.
For this to work you will have to add the maven-war-plugin in the <plugins/> list after the maven-antrun-plugin.
<property name="buildDir" value="${}/${}" />
<ant antfile="build.xml" target="static-assets" />
<!-- First step is to disable the default-war build step. -->
<!-- Second step is to create an exploded war. Done in prepare-package -->
<!-- Last step is to make sure that the war is built in the package phase -->
Added some more executions so that the default-war is first disabled, then the war is exploded and lastly the war is packaged.
As you observed this is a place where the lifecycle doesn't provide the granularity needed. I answered a similar question for someone earlier. It's not an exact answer to your question but the technique may apply.

maven plugins: phase clean, Could not resolve dependencies

There's this task:
<delete dir="src\test\resources\templates" includeemptydirs="true" />
The problem is: when I run mvn clean, <phase>clean</phase> tells maven to download project dependencies (that don't exist yet) and I get Could not resolve dependencies error.
How to tell maven not to require project dependencies to run this plugin?

How to bind ant to a maven-plugin custom goal

The way to integrate maven with ant is to simply use the maven-antrun-plugin like
<ant antfile="build.xml" target="package" />
in your project's pom.xml file
However I want to be able to have that associated build.xml script along with the execution configuration as part of a maven plugin that defines a custom packaging and a lifecycle.
Is there a way to do that?
I wrote an experiment that did this a little while ago. Have a look at the maven-plugin-in-ant branch of jslint4java.
