Google Play API - google-play

I have an artist who sells his music via google play.
I want to build software that is able to fetch data that consist of number of plays, by gender, age etc.
Is this possible? Currently I have to manually log into the website in order to retrieve the information and automation would work much better for me.
I would be open to paying a fee as well.

Such an API isn't offered right now, and to be honest it seems unlikely one will be given this page says "If you would like to make your music available for purchase/download, we recommend one of these YouTube Preferred Partners ...".
It sounds like you'd have to write some website scraping code. There are lots of questions on stackoverflow about libraries for scraping Beautiful Soup is one that is commonly recommended.


Google my business - API to update opening hours of places?

I would like to update "Opening hours" for all stores of a company in Google my business, through an automated API (a REST service for example).
My customer has hundreds of stores, and currently this is done manually.
I've read there is NO automated way to do this, a user needs to fill manually every opening hour in the google my business portal.
I can't believe that, and I'm wondering how big companies with a lot of stores take care of that problem, especially for "exceptional closings", etc.
I have already search for a long, and didn't found anything.
The only ability supplied by google is to upload a list of stores, through a file, and this file doesn't contain any information regarding opening hours (am I wrong ?).
I would like to be able to update store list AND opening hours regularly, through an API (My Business, or Places).
Does google propose a such API, or do you have any suggestion to handle this concern from a programmatical point of view ?
Thank you
There was no Google API for My Business at the time when I posted my question, but meanwhile Google has released it and also provides samples for many languages :
Thanks to eton_ceb for the notification.

Google Places API - Submitting reviews

I am researching whether the following is possible and if so how I could go about achieving it.
We collect reviews for businesses from their customers and we’d like to post these reviews to Google places as part of the reviews they have on their.
I was wondering how I would go about getting our website to “push” this data to the Google places website, I’ve done lots of searching on the APIs but have found nothing that says it’s possible or not.
Currently the Google Places API does not have write capability. It only has read capability. Right now only ratings are available, but I suspect reviews might come someday too.
Although you can send check-in signals and fix Places through the API. Hopefully Google will add the ability to send reviews and receive them.
If you're looking to get your content added to Google, you may want to talk to their content partnerships teams
Since Google's local and maps initiatives are under the same people that would be the place to go.
I too looked into this as it would be of huge value to companies if possible.
My research led me to believe that it is not possible and could possibly violate Google's TOA with negative results for the company's Places page.
Instead, I built a workaround that makes it really easy for companies to collect feedback and get their own customers to submit the reviews:
Maybe we will see this in the future though.

How is adwords built?

I want to know how an advertising network like adwords is built. What kind of systems display the ads and what kind of systems search keywords in the content of the publisher's website.
Google has a spider which indexes the content of pages on its adsense network. The ads are pulled in with JavaScript. The actual algorithms which decide what ads to display on a page are closely guarded secrets. Google uses Python a lot, so odds are most of the backend uses that.
To make this question approachable you need to specify what level/type of detail you want/need. Are you looking for a broad understanding of the information architecture and flow? do you need search/parse algorithms pseudo code/code? what exactly do you need?

What algorithms do GMail/Facebook use to serve context relevant ads?

GMail serves some really good ads on the column on the right of the email text. Same goes for Facebook. The ads which I see on Facebook are often (very) relevant to what interests me. Obviously they preprocess the information available to them. GMail scans the text of my email, extracts keywords and then serves relevant ads. The same goes for Facebook. They have a lot of user specific information available to them. So I would imagine they preprocess all of it, before generating any ad recommendations.
Does anyone know of what specific algorithms do those systems use?
Facebook, at least, doesn't seem to do any context analysis. Instead, when you buy an ad, you select who will see it based on their location, age, pages... and Facebook will try to show your ad to all those people (ads for a given person are sorted based on how much the advertiser wishes to pay to display it, and only the first few ads are shown).
Try creating an ad, it's extremely interesting (and you can get pretty far before they ask you for your credit card number).

can Yahoo and Hotmail contacts api be used without leaving the site?

I might be missing something but I'm trying to implement a contacts retrieval mechanism akin to the one that is offered by Google for Yahoo and Hotmail. Both APIs seem to require the user to actually go to their sites to log in. The documentation is really convoluted for both. I was hoping someone has done this and can point me to a simple way (if there is one) to allow the user to log in directly in my app and then for me to go and fetch their contacts for them (preferably in XML, but JSON would also do nicely).
I currently have a Perl script that goes and gets the gmail stuff and works very nicely. I was (maybe wildly optimistically) hoping that Yahoo and Microsoft would have similarly useful mechanisms.
Check out Open Inviter: It has Yahoo, Hotmail, and many more :)
Seems domain is no more. There are few other providers available in market out of which I liked, give it a try.
