302 and 301 redirecting problem , while share the link in facebook in laravel - laravel

facebook debugger error
I have a problem with laravel project. I have added the og tags in my page, but while submitting my URL the facebook or some other social media, the URL is redirecting to some other location. I don't know why its happening, please help me. its argent, note: sorry I am not good at English.

When accessing the url http://wannahelp.com/whapi/swap/sw1820104201114-pulser-150-for-sale-bangalure-sw1820104201114 I get a 302 to http://wannahelp.com/whapi and then a 301 to http://wannahelp.com/whapi/. The last one also happens if I browse http://wannahelp.com/whapi, I get a 301 to http://wannahelp.com/whapi/
Check why the first url is returning a 302. Maybe the advert is not public/enabled?
Hope this helps


Joomla soft 404

I see documentation in https://docs.joomla.org/Creating_a_Custom_404_Error_Page
but the custom 404 error page doesn't make change the Google Search Console requirements, because Joomla normally redirects to 404 soft page and result code HTTP 200 OK, but it's necessarily return 404 code in protocol status code level.
How can I configure or change Joomla CMS to return 404 status code in HTTP?
A major issue in Joomla when it comes to SEO is that it doesn't return a 404 HTTP code on 404 pages, and this results in the "soft 404" errors in the Google Search Console. The right way to handle this problem is to return the 404 HTTP response in your error.php file as described here. This will ensure that your 404s are real 404s. The weird thing is that Joomla, by default, does know when there is a 404, but it returns a 200 OK instead.

Url is working but it's giving page not found error when i check that in websiteoptimization

while validating my application urls in websiteoptimization or facebook, some urls are giving 404 page not found error. But while trying that url in browsers it's working fine.
Url which is causing this problem url . Please let me know what could be the actual problem with this url.

Umbraco 7 URL rewriting

I am trying to add url rewrites
My current URL http://some_domain.co.uk/category/page_name/
I am trying to keep existing site urls functioning with below URL
Any help appreciated.
i would highly recommend keeping the current URL structure, it's cleaner, and maintainability will be easier.
If your worried about the SEO or the dead links after the new site goes live then how about doing 301 redirect instead?
Umbraco has a plugin that helps you do 301 redirect and keep track of all the 404 pages, and you can view the report and 301 redirect those 404 pages.
In the example above,
will get redirected to

CodeIgniter: 404 Page not found on first launch

Good Day, I have used codeIgniter a little but whenever we download codeIgniter framework from their website and after extraction to the server root folder. If we access the framework we usually se a Welcome page. But here is a different situation that I'm seeing a 404 page not found error page. I have tried a lot but unable to identify what the hack is behind showing a 404 Page instead of the beautiful Welcome Page.
Not sure if it helps, but check the .htaccess and routes. I just answered a similar question here passing variable to default controller in codeigniter

Magento : Allow URL as parameter

I am integrating Bazaarvoice in Magento for Ratings and Reviews.
My issue is Bazaarvoice is redirecting to My site with some additional parameter in URL and it turns in to 404 error. I have contacted Bazaaevoice and they told me that Magento may not allow url as a parameter.
IS there any solution that i can make the Magento to allow URL as a parameter.
I dont think the issue is the parameter because this work
I think the issue maybe because you dont have this controller in your magento site
Does this url work or do you get a 404?
