Joomla soft 404 - joomla

I see documentation in
but the custom 404 error page doesn't make change the Google Search Console requirements, because Joomla normally redirects to 404 soft page and result code HTTP 200 OK, but it's necessarily return 404 code in protocol status code level.
How can I configure or change Joomla CMS to return 404 status code in HTTP?

A major issue in Joomla when it comes to SEO is that it doesn't return a 404 HTTP code on 404 pages, and this results in the "soft 404" errors in the Google Search Console. The right way to handle this problem is to return the 404 HTTP response in your error.php file as described here. This will ensure that your 404s are real 404s. The weird thing is that Joomla, by default, does know when there is a 404, but it returns a 200 OK instead.


302 and 301 redirecting problem , while share the link in facebook in laravel

facebook debugger error
I have a problem with laravel project. I have added the og tags in my page, but while submitting my URL the facebook or some other social media, the URL is redirecting to some other location. I don't know why its happening, please help me. its argent, note: sorry I am not good at English.
When accessing the url I get a 302 to and then a 301 to The last one also happens if I browse, I get a 301 to
Check why the first url is returning a 302. Maybe the advert is not public/enabled?
Hope this helps

Custom 404 page in Magento

I know you can create and customize 404 pages directly within the Magento backend. However, I am wanting to completely use my own 404 customized page and was wondering how to do this.
I have created a 404.html file and added it in the root of my magento installation. However, I don't see in the .htaccess file how magento currently is redirecting the 404 to the CMS 404 page. How can I have it redirect to my custom 404 html file instead without causing some sort of never ending redirect loop?
404 page set from backend
System>Configuration>General>Web>Default Pages > YOU CAN FIND CMS No Route Page which will be default Magento CMS PAGE 404
for custom 404 page you have to create new cms page and you have to call your CUSTOM.phtml file in your new cms page after then go to the
System>Configuration>General>Web>Default Pages >CMS No Route Page > you can see your cms page and set your page as 404 page
I know it is quite an old question, but I've found the answer in this tutorial:
It explain very well how to make really custom 404 error page.

Magento: 404 pages showing 200 OK status

I am using Magento Enterprise Edition for my online shop.
When I am accessing a 404 url such as then it is showing 404 no-route page with HTTP STATUS as 200 OK. Whereas it should show it as 404 not found as HTTP STATUS. Not sure what is worng, because I did no changes in code and configs.
Can anyone please help and let me know how I can fix this issue.

404 redirect and keep extensionless URL?

I'm setting up custom 404 redirects (.htaccess is not an option as I'm on IIS6), is there a way to do this and still keep the 'fancy' url in the address bar?
There is not such thing as "404 redirects". 4xx range means error.
In any case -- you can use ISAPI_Rewrite 3 which will bring mod_rewrite support via .htaccess to your IIS6 server. It has Light version which is free.

Codeigniter 404 status header with no reason

Hello all
I have a controller which calls a model which returns after a db query an array to my view which prints some json which i can see in my browser.The problem is that this page has a 404 status header for no reason.
Any suggestions?
A page that shouldn't exist is often sends a 404 header in CodeIgniter.
You could do one of the following
Check if you the controller/method exists
Check if you have any routing that may be pointing you to another controller/method
Check if that location can be browsed via a browser
If nothing works, it would be better if you posted some of your code, routing, etc that may help.
