Url is working but it's giving page not found error when i check that in websiteoptimization - ruby

while validating my application urls in websiteoptimization or facebook, some urls are giving 404 page not found error. But while trying that url in browsers it's working fine.
Url which is causing this problem url . Please let me know what could be the actual problem with this url.


webcache behave differently then site

http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:www.domain.com - when I navigate by this URL , it render me 404 page on my site , but when I go directly on my site , it works properly and there isn't 404 page , all work fine , is webpache parse it differently , or what can be the problem , how can I find out the issue ?
I have found this issue https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router/issues/5801, but don't see any solution on this topic , I use readt-router
https://medium.com/#georgejustin22/why-google-web-cache-is-not-as-important-for-seo-as-you-think-ce4026c1eb6d found this article and understood that this isn't much important to see there data, it shows 404 because your site executed on another domain and it react-router doesn't work properly, it doesn't match your route and render last page on your routing , in my case for sure it was 404 page

Why I'm getting This page isn’t working currently unable to handle this request HTTP ERROR 500 in laravel dashboard?

This page isn’t working www.example.com is currently unable to handle this request
HTTP ERROR 500 in laravel site after login to dashboard. I tried with index.php and storage permission (644, 777) too but its not working till. Can anyone provide me best solution to resolve this issue. It was working well in previous server and other laravel sites migrated to same server aren't facing this issue.
Fixed this problem by adding the code below before line 325 of /public_html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php file
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
enter image description here

302 and 301 redirecting problem , while share the link in facebook in laravel

facebook debugger error
I have a problem with laravel project. I have added the og tags in my page, but while submitting my URL the facebook or some other social media, the URL is redirecting to some other location. I don't know why its happening, please help me. its argent, note: sorry I am not good at English.
When accessing the url http://wannahelp.com/whapi/swap/sw1820104201114-pulser-150-for-sale-bangalure-sw1820104201114 I get a 302 to http://wannahelp.com/whapi and then a 301 to http://wannahelp.com/whapi/. The last one also happens if I browse http://wannahelp.com/whapi, I get a 301 to http://wannahelp.com/whapi/
Check why the first url is returning a 302. Maybe the advert is not public/enabled?
Hope this helps

Unable to redirect to HTTPS for secondary pages.

Need help as unable to solve and hosting co is unable to help either.
My first page is fine. if I type www.example.com, it will redirect to https. But other pages like for example: www.example/latest-collection, if I type https://wwww.example.com/latest-collection, it work fine. However, if I just type wwww.example.com/latest-collection or https://wwww.example.com/latest-collection, it show a 500 or 404 error.

WSDL has the wrong URL in the soap:address location Magento

I am working on Magento Soap API version 2. but During login call I am getting site complete index page HTML instead of valid data.
After Debug using Soap UI I have found that soap:address location URL is incorrect.
URL Coming: http://SITENAME/index.php/?type=v2_soap
Correct URL: http://SITENAME/api/v2_soap/?wsdl=1
I have checked in wsdl xml as well. It have default values there.
Anyone face the same issue ? Please Help !!
If you didn't change anything in Magento's code you should use this URL:
if it will not work, try to use: https://yourmagentosite.com/index.php/api/v2_soap/
Also, keep in mind that some url may not work due to incorrect web server configuration, in this way you should look into web server config.
