Is possible use PhpSpreadsheet inside of Joomla CMS? - joomla

Im creating some new joomla components, all of them need to work exporting data into Excel, so I think PhpSpreadsheet is a good library for that requirement, but how can I install it inside of joomla? in that way all my components can use that library. Like its using Composer for installation I dont know how to manage it inside Joomla or my compoments.


How to create Quickstart Installation package for prestashop 1.7?

I want to create Prestashop theme quickstart package, But I did not found any way.
For more details..
I want to deliver to my client the template, that I have designed on my localhost.
And client can install theme's quickstart package same as prestashop 1.7 installation with theme's sample data like products, categories, banner, images all.
Small help will be highly appricaited.
Thank you.
You can create your own custom Prestashop distribution by following those guidelines.
This would allow to include custom modules and automatically enable them during install steps.
However I am not sure if there is a way to force also custom theme installation without tweaking the installer, so why not just packing the theme the standard way and include your theme modules as dependencies (with also a "import demo data tool" if needed ?). This is how almost all Prestashop third party themes are distributed.
Another option, if you'd like to provide your customers a ready to use environment with custom themes / already hooked modules, is providing him a ready-to-use ZIP package with already installed environment + SQL database dump.

Laravel or OctoberCMS Phoca Download Like Kind of Library

I need a Laravel or OctoberCMS files and folders view on website front-end. I can use Phoca Download in Joomla to allow users to navigate folders and download files in the folders. Which Laravel or OctoberCMS library I can use to achieve almost similar behavior?
In case of Laravel:
First of all Laravel is not a CMS, its actually a framework to develop web applications rapidly. You can get file manager packages for laravel, there are lots of packages/libraries and tools for Laravel but gain you have to manually install and manage those packages in your intended way.
Laravel File Management - Usefull Links:
1) laravel-filemanager
2) laravel-elfinder
3) laravel-medialibrary
You might like Laravel File Manager
There is huge difference between framework and CMSs. CMS does have easy to install modules/extensions for a particular problem and frameworks too. But most of the time you have to implement best library or package for your framework on your own and use available functionalities on your own.
Laravel has its own native file management system included with Laravel framework:
Laravel File System
Random Link: Use Laravel-filemanager without editor
You can develop your own plugins like Phoca on Laravel Framework or you can simply utilize one of the available library to update and configure file system as Phoca
We have build a Download Manager for October
you will find a demo here :
It could fit your needs

Laravel Download and Installation

I'm a webdeveloper and I'm starting a huge project requested by a company.
I'm trying to figure out if is best to use a PHP framework or not, and in case, which one.
I know Codeigniter, but I wanted to look around to see what's the best framework at the moment. I found out Laravel is trending at the top so I wanted to try it out.
Being used to Codeigniter I usually download the zip file with all the phps inside and start working. I'm trying to do the same with Laravel but I saw you are to download and use composer to install it.
I'm not really used to the Terminal and I wanted to ask if that's the only way of installing it or if there is a downloadable version as in Codeigniter, CakePHP, etc...
You can always download the ZIPped code directly from project's GitHub site. You can find the base application here: - you'll find a link at the bottom of the right column. This code is what composer downloads when you use that to setup the application.
If you want to use Laravel you will have to use Composer as this is what the application uses to manage its dependencies. It's not hard, as you'll only need to run a few commands.
You can learn more about how to install and use composer in the docs:

Disabling Joomla component com_content

Just trying to understand the working of com_content component in Joomla 3. Is it possible to disable or uninstall com_content component? Is it a core component that is essential for the functioning of the entire framework, so it cannot be removed?
You can't disable or uninstall any core components such as com_content. They are protected. I'm not sure of the exact things that require com_content, however completely removing it which would have to be done by deleting the folders and removing any reference to it in the database could possibly and most likely result your site malfunctioning. It's therefore protected for good reason ;)
I do know that in either Joomla 3.5 or 4.0, there will be an option to install core components with installing Joomla.
While there might be some benefits in making Joomla lighter, in the current configuration I would say that IS NOT RECOMMENDED to even try something.
Consider using ACL to hide it for the users that don't need it.

How to create basic administrator component in Joomla3.1?

I am tried to create a basic component in joomla 3.1. But I am facing several problem.I know
to create component in joomla 2.5.Please help.
You could give the Joomla Component Creator a try.
It allows you to build both Joomla 3.1 and 2.5 components. It is free to build simple components.
