Disabling Joomla component com_content - joomla

Just trying to understand the working of com_content component in Joomla 3. Is it possible to disable or uninstall com_content component? Is it a core component that is essential for the functioning of the entire framework, so it cannot be removed?

You can't disable or uninstall any core components such as com_content. They are protected. I'm not sure of the exact things that require com_content, however completely removing it which would have to be done by deleting the folders and removing any reference to it in the database could possibly and most likely result your site malfunctioning. It's therefore protected for good reason ;)
I do know that in either Joomla 3.5 or 4.0, there will be an option to install core components with installing Joomla.

While there might be some benefits in making Joomla lighter, in the current configuration I would say that IS NOT RECOMMENDED to even try something.
Consider using ACL to hide it for the users that don't need it.


sh404sef and update to Joomla 3.6.2

I'm working on a Joomla website that was handed over to me (I'm new with all Joomla things). My problem is that after updating to Joomla 3.6.2, the sh404sef extension is causing a lot of 404s (it worked fine in Joomla 3.5.1). I do not know if the same problem is also with 3.6, because I didn't do the update.
It looks like sh404sef has a problem with multilingual content. On pages where there is only one language the extension is working fine. Did anyone come across the same problem?
I know that the best solution is to use backup, but as I mentioned already the update was not made by me and there is not a backup file.
The issue caused by Joomla 3.6.2 is that the ordering of the language filter routing rules is not the same, on a small number of multilingual sites. As properly explained on support, you have to put the plugins in the right orders, using the Joomla drag and drop feature, on the Joomla plugins manager. This is enabled by clicking on the small icon in the header of the order column. If you don't enable the drag and drop mode, the new ordering indeed won't stick.
If you reordered the plugins in the database, and they also show in the correct order in the Joomla plugins manager, then this will fix the problem. It does for all the sites affected by this issue in the last few days.
If not, I would encourage you to go back to our support, we can probably do the re-ordering for you, if granted access.

Creating profile page for users in Joomla

I have been developing websites for some years. I know PHP. but I have never worked with a CMS before. I've been told to create a website with Joomla where there's a homepage and also new users may sign up and then they can have a profile page where they can upload their profile picture and write their résumé.
This is easy for me to implement this system if I start coding it by myself. but how can I do this in Joomla? is there a plug-in which I need? could someone please give me some resources?
No need to re-invent the wheel - there are tons of ready-built components at the Extensions Directory. Last I checked Community Builder and JomSocial were the most popular, but they might be overkill for your need, so it's worth having a look at the other choices there. If you're new to Joomla, you're probably interested in a Component, which is essentially a "sub-application" that installs under Joomla. They usually include Modules that can be displayed on the site, as well as Plugins that work with the core Joomla logic to perform specialized functions for the installed component.
There are many plugins, but the simple functionality of user profiles is implemented in Joomla. This question might help you.

Simple way to convert Joomla 1.5 template to joomla 3.x

I was using joomla 1.5 on PHP4 recently my hosting provider updated to PHP5 then my joomla 1.5 crashed.
I have installed joomla 3.x
Could anyone please tell me the simplest way to convert a joomla 1.5 template to 3.x ?
Thanks in advance.
It really all depends on how complex your template is. If you have a simple template without a lot of overrides what I would do is treat your template like a PSD and just make a fresh template based on Protostar's blank slate.
Put your jdocs where you want them and create the basic less file with the basic colors, fonts, styles that you need.
Add the template parameters if you need them in a new XML file since some of that has change.
If you have a lot of overrides again you probably want to start from scratch by copying the new core layouts and modifying them to match what you had.
Custom JS will be the biggest pain point, but if you are still running MooTools 1 you really are ready to update that.
I used this : SP Upgrade and everything works fine except some minor changes I had to make because the 1.5 version was extremely customized. The most important thing for us was the content and template which successfully migrated.

Mootools and Joomla 2.5 Custom Template

Im creating a custom template for joomla 2.5 and I want to know if is it safe to disable mootools for my template?
If its safe, how can I disable mootools?
You can find several extensions that disable MooTools in the Core Enhancements/Performance section of the Joomla! Extension Directory (JED)
As mentioned already it is safe to do it as MooTools is only really required for the Joomla! 2.5.x backend i.e. /administrator.
Having said that you should be aware that some aspects of Joomla! 2.5 front-end do require MooTools to be loaded and many extensions "expect" it to be there (although they are not particularly good ones).
Generally Mootools is loaded by a PHP call of the form JHTML::_('behavior.mootools'); or JHTML::_('behavior.framework')
Core elements that load MooTools in the front-end include:
Contacts (com_contact)
Content (com_content in the blog, category views)
Advanced Search (com_finder)
Newsfeeds (com_newsfeeds)
Weblinks (com_weblinks)
Popular third party components that use it in the front-end include:
1. RokGallery — infact a lot of their stuff prior to RokSprocket
2. Akeeba Subscriptions
3. Akeeba Release System
4. and many others...
The thing to remember is MooTools has been in the 'core' for a long time and developers expect it to be there, rightly or not, so, you will have to check any extensions and see if any core components are impacted adversely when you do remove it.
To add to cppl answer:
As far as I know, every library in Joomla is/should loaded only when it's required.
If MooTools loaded on your site, some extension/ core functionality is using it so if you just remove it, some things may break.
What you can do:
Inspect the code that's using MooTools
If it's inline code, probably you may overwrite it using template overwrites to use jQuery
If there's a library (like validate.js) you can provide alternative libraries (utilizing jQuery), put these in /templates/[your_template/js/system/ folder.
Removing MooTools and loading jQuery would make perfect sense than.
Judging by the number of extensions that do this, I'd say it's not only safe, but often desirable.

joomla 3 vs 2.5 extension development differences

I am joomla user and I have created some extensions's and templates for joomla 2.5, but now I upgraded to joomla 3 because of bootstrap framework and responsive templates. I need your help here:
How to update joomla 2.5 extension to work with joomla 3 and be responsive?
I googled for a wile and couldn't find any answer about "extensions".
It's a big question, but here are some baseline steps.
First, make sure that your 2.5 code is clean. That is if you are still using any classes that were deprecated in 2.5 first go ahead and update them in your 2.5 version or else do that first in your 3 version. If you aren't logging deprecated classes you should do so to make sure you don't miss any. In particular you want to get rid of JRequest and look for any methods you might have extended that themselves extended JObject and make sure you are not relying on those methods. Also, you need to make sure you have changed any extends JModel to extends JModelLegacy (and similar for JView and JController). Depending on the complexity of your outputs you can likely follow the core code as a model for your administrator layouts. For the front endin my experience you are mainly just changing layout files to use the newer classes and ids.
If you use the Component Creator to develop your component framework you can specify if you want to build Joomla 2.5 or Joomla 3.0 compatible code.
Since 2.5 is the current LTS version until 3.5; the majority of the core changes are deprecated versus being completely removed. Meaning you can still use them and there are overall not many things required to migrate a 2.5 component, for now. I would definitely read through the walk through provided by Soren, but here are the three "major" required changes to get a 2.5 component working on 3.1 and above Joomla... with caveats of course! :D
1) Make sure all your view classes extend JViewLegacy
2) Make sure your primary controller extends JControllerLegacy instead of JController
3) Make sure your primary component entry point (my_component_name.php file in component root) use JControllerLegacy::getInstance('my_component_name') instead of JController::getInstance('my_component_name')
