How to create Quickstart Installation package for prestashop 1.7? - installation

I want to create Prestashop theme quickstart package, But I did not found any way.
For more details..
I want to deliver to my client the template, that I have designed on my localhost.
And client can install theme's quickstart package same as prestashop 1.7 installation with theme's sample data like products, categories, banner, images all.
Small help will be highly appricaited.
Thank you.

You can create your own custom Prestashop distribution by following those guidelines.
This would allow to include custom modules and automatically enable them during install steps.
However I am not sure if there is a way to force also custom theme installation without tweaking the installer, so why not just packing the theme the standard way and include your theme modules as dependencies (with also a "import demo data tool" if needed ?). This is how almost all Prestashop third party themes are distributed.
Another option, if you'd like to provide your customers a ready to use environment with custom themes / already hooked modules, is providing him a ready-to-use ZIP package with already installed environment + SQL database dump.


Is Hybris installer used for demonstration purposes only?

I've spent a week trying to understand how Hybris installer works and I thought I could create any type of application with recipes. However my teammate said that those recipes are useless for dev or production setup. But why installer folder is a top folder in Hybris installation? Only for demo?
Your teammate correct, installer used for creating demo system.
In the Hybris WIKI are two sites that explain this one:
Installing Hybris Using Installer Recipes
Installing SAP Hybris Commerce
But you can also just have a look into the install recipes. There is no big magic behind it. Just browse to:
(for example) and have a look into it. First it sets some properties, than it defines which extensions should be used and at last it install addons on other extensions (normally on the storefront).

Do I need to create a new package in magento enterprise?

Is there any difference between creation new theme package in magento community and enterprise version? I see in /design/frontend new folder "enterprise" available now. I wonder where I have to create my own theme - in or out this folder?
Enterprise Edition comes with additional functionality not found in community. Because of this instead of creating a new blank package you must duplicate the enterprise package. Rename it to whatever you want and keep the default theme and files inside that package. This will overwrite the standard Magento files with the Enterprise version. You then create a theme variant in this folder so that the default folder copied from Enterprise can be used as a fallback.
It's a bit messy and apparently will be fixed in a future release but as of EEv1.8 this is the recommended method.
You can read more about it on the Magento Site under the FAQ 'What About default/default?', and then '2nd Exception to Rule 6' and also read more in the Magento Design Guide PDF at the very end of Chapter 3.
Actually No, Enterprise edition have one extra package called enterprise and have default and iphone theme.
I you check System->Configuration->GENERAL->Design you will found that package name is set to enterprise.
So you can create your own Package and Theme in the same way as in Magento Community. for reference you can use this link.

How to make a module installable in Magento?

I have successfully created a custom payment gateway module in Magento. Everything work fine as expected.
What I want to do is to make the module installable so that anyone who has the .zip file can install it rather than coping the files manually. I know this is possible with magento and I have seen such modules.
How to make the module installable in Magento which already has been developed ? Please explain the steps if possible.
Here is the step-by-step instruction on how to Package an Extension.
Let me know if you run in any trouble.
Firstly, go to your Admin > System > Magento Connect > Package Extensions
There you will be greeted with New Extension where you can fill all the details of your module.
If you don't understand any field there, just check it in the above article which gives explanation of all the fields required while packaging an extension.

All of my modules are not showing in administrator panel while migrated from 1.5.26 to joomla 2.5.8

I've upgrade my joomla version 1.5.26 to joomla version 2.5.4 and all the things has been upgraded successfully. So when i goes into my joomla module manager admin panel then it is not showing me any kinds of modules which was previously visible in my old version(1.5.26) but in my frontend panel it can be seen easily.Does anyone knows the solution how to fix it?
When you said you migrated, I assume you used an extension such as jUpgrade.
Migrating will update the core file and database tables and thus should show all the core Joomla modules in the Module Manager, however it does not upgrade your 3rd party extensions, therefore you will need to download the Joomla 2.5 compatible versions. This upgrade however, should be showing your core modules in the list.
I hope you took a backup of your 1.5 site. If you did, trying running the upgrade again and if you didn't use jUpgrade, I suggest you do so.
Hope this helps
make sure you're using the standard template for joomla. Go to module manager, choose Administrator in the first filter, and see if all modules are published in actual module positions (i.e. cpanel, status, footer, icon, login, menu, submenu, toolbar I guess that's it for administrator)

Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Core_Helper_Cookie' not found magento

I created a theme on my own magento website, and uploaded it to another magento website, but when i go to the frontend of that website i get this
Fatal error: Class \\’Mage_Core_Helper_Cookie\\’ not found in /home/winterwa/public_html/app/Mage.php on line 516
I searched for a solution and tried this one described in this topic:
(cookie.php in app/code/core/mage/core/helper) but it didn\\’t help a thing.
Any suggestions/solutions for this??
It sounds like the two different Magento installs are running different versions of Magento. The file in question is only added to Magento in version 1.7. I can only assume that you have taken a fresh install of 1.7 and based your theme off of the default / base theme for this. Therefore when the theme gets added to an older version of Magento it is trying to load Blocks / Templates that you haven't overloaded and that just don't exist in the base template.
Unfortunately this won't be the easiest thing to fix. You will need to go through the layout/template files, removing references that add blocks or use helpers that don't exist for the current version of magento. For the issue you mention, you should be able to find by searching for helper('cookie') in your template files.
