Is golang supported in Android Things? - go

Can we use golang in Android Things?
I would like to program in golang an IoT app, however I don't find support for golang in Android Things.

From the point of view of Android application developer Android Things is pretty much the same. So if you can write Android apps in Go, you can do the same for Android Things app development.

As far as I know the Android Things offers just a lightweight version of Android.
Go supports mobile platforms such as android and IOS:
It still uses java/objective-c bindings though
Also check if you need Android Things, because there is nice framework:
designed for iot.


Xamarin UI Test - different element selectors for Phone / Tablet

I am looking at Xamarin UI test as a POC for a native Android and iOS app. Not used Xamarin before or C, so I am bluffing my way through at the moment. I have managed to get it running on the Android Phone version of the app, but how do I make it clever enough to look for different elements between the Phone / Tablet implementation? Going further I will be trying to make the POC cross platform so will need to take into account the platform too.
I have seen references to platform and idiom but not sure how to use them in the Tests.cs file.

How to use SDK of SmartEyeglass in "Xamarin"?

I would like to use Xamarin software as developing "Smart eye glass" which is Sony products.
I am wonderring that "sony_smarteyeglass_sdk_v1.5" is allowed to use in "Xamarin"?
I know that "AndroidStudio" is compatible with Sony products(Smartglass).
The SmartEyeglass SDK is really just a set of java libraries for Android that give you the correct interface to the SmartEyeglass device. All of the code runs on the Android device and therefore you have access to any functionality that any other Android app has.

Porting an Android application to Xamarin?

I am seeking insight. I have a android application, and would like to create a ios port. Would it be easier to recreate the application in Xamarin, or would it be like starting over again? how alike are android, and Xamarin? thanks for any insight or advice. I am wondering if it might be easier to do this or to just do it sperately on ios
First you need to disassemble your Android app to see which parts are portable. That also gives you hints on how to move on for each parts.
Android UI
UI can be reused easily, as Xamarin.Android projects use the same XML format. So that you can create Xamarin.Android projects and then replace their UI with your existing Android UI.
Third Party
Third party SDK/components can be imported to Xamarin,
Or some vendors already have their Xamarin libraries/components.
General Java Code
For general Java code you want to port, you can try Sharpen,
Good luck.

Integrate Azure Mobile Services in Xamarin.Mac

By the time I'm writing this, I'm working on a Xamarin cross-platform app (iOS,Android and Windows Phone), using Azure Mobile Services. There is interest of also developing Mac OS X version of this app.
Is there a way to use the Azure for the OS X app, because I can't find anything on the web? Please, be descriptive as possible :)
There is not currently Xamarin.Mac support in Mobile Services. If you look here ( you will see there is a Xam.iOS, Android, and Forms project.
You can add a feature request for Xam.Mac, or make an open PR that adds in a Xam.Mac project. I'd assume the main PCL component will work and its just a matter of adding the Mac specific wrappers where needed. I'm not sure how much dev work that would actually entail though to say if its feasible or not.

OAuth2.0 Library Xamarin

I am searching for a library like Xamarin.Auth which is supporting not only android and iOS. I need support for all platforms like OsX, iOS, android and Windows Dekstop apps.
Is there something on the market?
This library is not complete but it is super super easy to extend. You basically just need to write the webview for Windows/OSX and you will be good to go. And I do accept pull requests!
