How to use SDK of SmartEyeglass in "Xamarin"? - xamarin

I would like to use Xamarin software as developing "Smart eye glass" which is Sony products.
I am wonderring that "sony_smarteyeglass_sdk_v1.5" is allowed to use in "Xamarin"?
I know that "AndroidStudio" is compatible with Sony products(Smartglass).

The SmartEyeglass SDK is really just a set of java libraries for Android that give you the correct interface to the SmartEyeglass device. All of the code runs on the Android device and therefore you have access to any functionality that any other Android app has.


Is it possible to use the ML Kit SDK on Wear OS?

I am wondering if anyone knows if it is possible to use the ML Kit SDK on Wear OS devices? I know Wear OS is based on Android, and I've seen references online to Firebase notifications working on Wear OS.
I have googled combinations of the terms "ML Kit", "Firebase ML Kit" and "Wear OS" but not found any definitive answers.
I don't have code on hand, but I am wondering would it even be possible to import/use the SDK on Wear OS apps in the first place.
Expected results would be being able to instantiate and use some of the machine learning models from the ML Kit API on a Wear OS watch.
Battery usage and efficiency are secondary at the moment, I'm just wondering if it is possible at all.
I have never tied it but I think it is possible. In the end, the Andorid Wear 2.0 (WearOS) is just another regular Android and it supplies direct internet access from the device.
I was able to succesfully use RenderScript on Wear devices but on the other hand I've faced an issue that Google Awareness API was not available on Wear. THis seem not to be the expected state.
Probably in the end you will need to do feasibility study on your own.
You can try to use some android MLKit sample and simply run it on Wear device.

Is golang supported in Android Things?

Can we use golang in Android Things?
I would like to program in golang an IoT app, however I don't find support for golang in Android Things.
From the point of view of Android application developer Android Things is pretty much the same. So if you can write Android apps in Go, you can do the same for Android Things app development.
As far as I know the Android Things offers just a lightweight version of Android.
Go supports mobile platforms such as android and IOS:
It still uses java/objective-c bindings though
Also check if you need Android Things, because there is nice framework:
designed for iot.

How to make third party SDK for Xamarin? (like Facebook SDK)

I'm making app with bluetooth device with using Xamarin.forms. (PCL Project)
It's great platform and many great developers participate it.
I love it.
I have a question, let's say, I have to do porting third party library(SDK) from each native SDK for Xamarin. (ex-facebook / Of course I know there is facebook SDK for Xamarin already. It's just for example.)
What documents should I look?
In my actual case, I have to make app that uses DFU OTA to nordic bluetooth mcu. Nordic company gave to their developer native code(iOS and Android) for that.
Now I have to convert or use it on Xamarin.forms.
I learned dependency services and it works great.
Should I use dependency services?

iBeacon app for android and IOS doubts

I'm trying to learn something about iBeacon and I have a question:
As far as I understood Apple provides API in order to develop iBeacons app since IOS7, but for android how does it work? The only thing I found is that It works only from version 4.3 (Is it correct?) But are there any sdk or library to use?
Yes, you can use the open source Android Beacon Library, which gives Android the same basic capabilities to detect and transmit as beacons as provided by CoreLocation on iOS devices. This library is designed to be vendor neutral, and works with a wide variety of beacons. There are also a number of proprietary Android SDKs offered by beacon manufacturers, some of which harness special features that only work with those beacons.
The main thing to understand on Android is that while 4.3+ devices can all detect Bluetooth LE transmissions, there is no native beacon framework, and working with beacons typically requires quite a bit of logic beyond reading the Bluetooth LE packets they send out. As a result, Android beacon apps typically bundle a small library like mentioned above with the app to provide beacon detection and/or transmission capability.
Full disclosure: I am the lead developer for the Android Beacon Library.
You can use as well Android SDK which handles Beacons with IBeacon profile. In the latest release some optimizations in terms of battery consumption were made. Additionally, it supports filtering and modes (Android Lollipop and upwards) according to which scan is performed (explanation in brief here).
To start, visit and follow the instructions.
There is a sample app demonstrating SDK functionalities here. I suggest observing the project as it is the first place where new changes are being introduced.
As #davidgyoung pointed, there is no native framework for IBeacons in Android at the moment.

Can I use Xamarin with NokiaX

Since Nokia X (and X+ and XL) is based on Android and Xamarin supports Android, can we use Xamarin to build applications for the new Nokia X phones?
Or is this a different breed of Android.
Nokia X (and X+ and XL) is built upon the Android Project V4.1.2 (Level 16). Yes, it's compatible with Xamarin.Android and you just have to select the proper API level.
It's also interesting to know that Nokia uses Xamarin and MVVM Cross for Nokia X's pre-installed apps.
One example of this is the Nokia MixRadio app, which started its life
as a Windows Phone and Windows Store application and using the power
of the Xamarin platform, is shipping as a pre-installed app on Nokia X
devices. To make the most of their existing applications, they
maximised the use of shared code with Portable Class Libraries and the
popular third party MVVM library MVVMCross whilst still taking
advantage of the Nokia X platform’s nuances and user interface.
Here the official post from Xamarin.
Nokia X service APIs (maps, payment and notification) have also been implemented as free Xamarin components.
Please also note that Xamarin.Android version 4.12.0 or higher is required!
