OAuth2.0 Library Xamarin - xamarin

I am searching for a library like Xamarin.Auth which is supporting not only android and iOS. I need support for all platforms like OsX, iOS, android and Windows Dekstop apps.
Is there something on the market?

This library is not complete but it is super super easy to extend. You basically just need to write the webview for Windows/OSX and you will be good to go. And I do accept pull requests! https://github.com/clancey/simpleauth


Is golang supported in Android Things?

Can we use golang in Android Things?
I would like to program in golang an IoT app, however I don't find support for golang in Android Things.
From the point of view of Android application developer Android Things is pretty much the same. So if you can write Android apps in Go, you can do the same for Android Things app development.
As far as I know the Android Things offers just a lightweight version of Android.
Go supports mobile platforms such as android and IOS:
It still uses java/objective-c bindings though
Also check if you need Android Things, because there is nice framework:
designed for iot.

How to include 'Zendesk' mobile chat support in xamarin forms application

I want to introduce 'Zendesk' chat support in my application. I have tried to search but not get the process of including. Please suggest any idea. Thanks in advance.
Zendesk documentation appears to only indicate native support for Android and iOS. Xamarin can link the SDKs individually for each build -- see Xamarin documentation for this (links included but not summarized due to length), but won't handle bridging the difference between the two. Windows will not be supported by this option. If you only want to target Android and iOS, you can use these options and create wrapper classes with a common interface.
Alternatively, if you badly need Windows support and are comfortable with web technologies, the web sdk offers a full api. Xamarin forms supports a webview in which you can load the web sdk, and either build a GUI in the webview or make api calls via the web sdk.
Links detailing including native libraries:
Note -- above link is specifically for native libraries, which I believe is correct for Zendesk's SDK. If not, there is also a guide for objective-c libraries on the Xamarin website.

How to make third party SDK for Xamarin? (like Facebook SDK)

I'm making app with bluetooth device with using Xamarin.forms. (PCL Project)
It's great platform and many great developers participate it.
I love it.
I have a question, let's say, I have to do porting third party library(SDK) from each native SDK for Xamarin. (ex-facebook / Of course I know there is facebook SDK for Xamarin already. It's just for example.)
What documents should I look?
In my actual case, I have to make app that uses DFU OTA to nordic bluetooth mcu. Nordic company gave to their developer native code(iOS and Android) for that.
Now I have to convert or use it on Xamarin.forms.
I learned dependency services and it works great.
Should I use dependency services?

Xamarin Forms with Touch ID Fingerprint Authentication

I am developing a multi-platform app with Xamarin Forms. I need to support Touch ID/fingerprint authentication for both the iOS and Android platforms. How can I do this? I am new to Xamarin.
I've developed a Plugin for this. It's available on NuGet, too. Feel free, to drop an issue, if you miss something, or found an error.
In general: There are alot of Plugins that abstract platform specific behavior. Before you write something on your own, just google for "<feature> xamarin plugin". It will safe much time.
You will need to use a Dependency Service for platform-specific behavior. Look to the linked guide as a starting point.

Integrate Azure Mobile Services in Xamarin.Mac

By the time I'm writing this, I'm working on a Xamarin cross-platform app (iOS,Android and Windows Phone), using Azure Mobile Services. There is interest of also developing Mac OS X version of this app.
Is there a way to use the Azure for the OS X app, because I can't find anything on the web? Please, be descriptive as possible :)
There is not currently Xamarin.Mac support in Mobile Services. If you look here (https://github.com/Azure/azure-mobile-apps-net-client/tree/master/sdk) you will see there is a Xam.iOS, Android, and Forms project.
You can add a feature request for Xam.Mac, or make an open PR that adds in a Xam.Mac project. I'd assume the main PCL component will work and its just a matter of adding the Mac specific wrappers where needed. I'm not sure how much dev work that would actually entail though to say if its feasible or not.
